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BST guide to lvl 30

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  • #31
    As you get higher easy mobs start taking longer to kill and you only get 12-36 exp. A tough mob doesnt take much more time and you get 120-140 exp.

    With toughs i usually have to melee along with the pet some, and cast debuffs etc so i cant /heal but if i med to full and find the mob i can do an even on even with some debuffs, another even on even with me /heal'in at the beginning and then an even to a tough. Then rinse and repeat. If you do it fast enough you get chain bonus also, thats 320-340 exp before the chain bonus. The only problem is finding mobs...PT's always screwin stuff up.

    Later, with ample mobs, better pets and release (from what ive read) its not uncommon to do 5 chains...even with all even mobs thats 500 exp + the bonus which prob brings it to 600 something.

    This, combined with the fact that you dont have downtime out of your control (like the whm needing to run the door, the pally needing to eat dinner, LFG in general etc), is what allows a solo BST to level at the same speed as a PT

    Also whenever i med to full i grab an easy con pet and let it fight another easy mob...dont get much exp out of it, but its still some for (almost) no effort.

    Point being at higher level its better to go for bigger (even+) mobs than easy's.


    • #32
      how do you guys fight along side with your beast? when ever i try doing that the monster almost always attacks me.

      how does that work since you want your monster to die so u dont get the 30% exp pen. wont if u fight along side with your beast, wont it almost gaurantee that your monster will kill the target?

      1st you heel your monster when its target is near dead, but once u heel your monster comes to you, which makes u keep on attacking the target, and most likely killing it, while your beast is still alive with a small amount of hp left.

      how how do you guys do all you attack along side with your beast?


      • #33
        correction on last paragraph

        how do you guys attack along side with your beast with out it aggroing on you? and how do you keep it from aggroing on you/ or you killing it when you heel?****


        • #34
          How to fight alongside your pet?

          First off dont start atacking Right when the fight begins, let your pet get some hits in, THEN go help it. Maybe toss some de-buffs to give your pet the edge (paralyze, dia). Once you move in to fight, dont fight with AUTO LOCK on, take it off with the * button. Like this you can look away whenever the mob turns to you to atack you, and your pet will take the hate back (looking away is beter then disengaging, cause you dont waste time puting your weapon away)

          Thats it, thats all you do. Also dont cure 2 yourself while fighting, you will automatically get hate. Instead, disengage , run for alil bit, and heal yourself, then come back.
          Leatha Crafta Masta
          Leathercraft 100+3
          Smithing 60
          Clothcraft 60
          [img][/i mg]


          • #35
            hehe, COULD cure2 in battle; just watch when your pet gets a NICE critical hit in or a strong special that will give more hate to your pet. then you can cast it, although its still not wise, a regen is more useful ;P


            • #36
              about how many hits into the fight should i start attacking? at this point i think i still do a little more dmage than my beast.

              EDIT:: Yea i just tried doing that thing letting my beast hit the target a bit b4 i started attacking, but yea when ever i hit the beast it always aims for me, it always liek swithces target on to me. im not using any buffs or anything. whys it doing this?


              • #37
                let the pet actually hit 3 times on the craeture, then move in. i noticed at low lvs 1-20(21) when i started to attack, i would out dmg my pet and the hate would shift to me ><!! i still out damage my pet from time to time, depends on what i fight, but now the pet keeps the hate...hehe ~~;


                • #38
                  ahh ok maybe thats y..... but like yea i let my monster hit teh target till tis like at half HP, and whn i hit the target once the hate shifts to me stll... y is that?


                  • #39
                    Maybe because the dmg output of your pet isn't that high, and when you swing once and hit, it's the equivalent of about 3-4 hits of your pet. Or maybe you've cast dia which is dmg-over-time, and that can shift the balance also.

                    I found just the same at lower lvls. This whole thing is the art of charming and fighting which every BST has to learn. In a way it's good that we don't get release at 10 or something. It makes us learn the hard way.

                    Anyway, I think I'd only start attacking once the mob was down to 1/3rd left. Though mostly, I'd actually just use paralyze and dia on the mob, and let my pet do *all* the work. I never used to help much at all, for the same reasons as you.


                    • #40
                      I (new here) only have bst at 14 but i like 2 tank 4 my pet... i let it go in 1st and i cast foe requim and army's paeon, then i attack. some1 in my l.s. is a drk/bst and he likes leting his pet even match die 1st and then finishing off the T mob with 1 attack... i was abol after 3 hits (wich he gloted after waching) but i cant stand finding a new pet evry fight


                      • #41
                        hehe, Schoichet...ur just like that BST/WAR on these boards that think it will be somewhat efficient. Let your pet take the hits, if you can't stand searching for a new pet, dont be BST ~~; or by lv 23 just buy a crap load of jugs.


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by Keftenk
                          hehe, Schoichet...ur just like that BST/WAR on these boards that think it will be somewhat efficient. Let your pet take the hits, if you can't stand searching for a new pet, dont be BST ~~; or by lv 23 just buy a crap load of jugs.

                          when did i say that i enjoy tanking for my pet?.. i would like you to quote me on that please...

                          the only thing i said that remotely comes close to that is (in an emergency situation) i've provoked from my pet to keep him alive longer (so i can still get that extra damage potential from having a pet). basically this means that for some reason, my pet is getting all the hate and i don't feel it has done enough damage to the mob for me to safely solo it after my pet dies. so i'll take the hate with a Provoke and suffer the 30% xp penelty. but even then, i said that this isn't really a good idea in most cases. so when i say i do this "rarely", i mean "rarely"...

                          contrary to your uninformed comments, i always try and let my pet do the "lion's share" of the damage. i simply melee alongside my pet for "damage control". if my "even" is fighting a "tough", i'll step in with a quick Scythe strike in order to keep the fight going at an even pace. if i get aggroed, i'll use the method mentioned earlier in this thread in terms of letting my pet regain aggro. i usually hover outside the range of potential AoE attacks and i only run in and attack when i see the "tough" starting to pull ahead in the fight. eventually the "tough" kills my "even" and i'll finish it off....

                          by doing things this way, i rarely take any substancial damage and i'm free to look for the next kill. typically, i can safely kill 3+ toughs consecutively by using this method before i may need to stop and do a full heal (this is pretty easy while drinking Selbina Milks), but i just tend to mix it up by having two "evens" fight (while i rest for a few) and then i'll look for the next "tough". by mixing it up, i can continually fight as long as there are sufficient pets and mobs to kill. that's pretty "efficient" if you ask me...

                          what in the hell are you talking about?....
                          66 BST/NIN
                          LS: Mischarm


                          • #43
                            rofl, its funny to see you get mad ^^

                            you will very rarely provoke eh? once your 35 you will NEVER do this...i guarentee you that cause you will just simply run out for a new pet and decharm your old one.

                   not quick, use it only as a back up weapon -- main with 1hand axe, much much quicker, and deadlier for BST at higher lvs -- mainly once you get Rampage at 55. Even around 50ish when you get Vorpal Scythe, Spinning Axe will do about 20-40 more damage. (If Rampage gets all its hits off you will have 35% TP)

                            i cant wait til you hit 30 and go out into Altepa; the spiders will resist, hit you for like 40-60 dmg, 80-90 criticals...Selbinas Milk wont help you then...well much By the time your charm is refreshed you would have been hit 2-3 times. It just gets much worse from that point on; especially in the Crawlers Nest which nearly everythign argos you. Also, if you go up against almost any lv 30+ mage type monster with a pet, and it happens to break away and casts a spell on you; ouch.

                            Selbinas Milk is nice, but Regen + Auto Regen is way way better. Lol...I know your trying to do something that not every BST does, but honestly...BST/WAR WILL not work effectively to the point where you will enjoy it by lv 30-35+


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by Keftenk
                              rofl, its funny to see you get mad ^^
                              well i'm glad to have brightened you day...

                              you will very rarely provoke eh? once your 35 you will NEVER do this...i guarentee you that cause you will just simply run out for a new pet and decharm your old one.
                              i agree 100%...

                     not quick, use it only as a back up weapon -- main with 1hand axe, much much quicker, and deadlier for BST at higher lvs -- mainly once you get Rampage at 55. Even around 50ish when you get Vorpal Scythe, Spinning Axe will do about 20-40 more damage. (If Rampage gets all its hits off you will have 35% TP)
                              it's slow speed (but higher single hit damage) is why i use it. slower attack speed usually ends up in me taking less hate when i run in to help my pet. i hit one time for a nice chunk of damage (which usually puts my pet back at the advantage), i may get aggroed for a sec, my pet quickly regains aggro, and i can quickly get back to a safe distance...

                              by using an axe, i'd have to hit the mob more times (i.e. potentially more hate) in order to equal the damage of that one Scythe strike and i'd have to be in close range of the mob for a longer period of time to get those multiple hits (which means more potential for me to take damage whether it be direct or AoE)...

                              with the Scythe, it's a simple matter of getting in one hit to change the tide of the fight and then getting out of the danger zone...

                              plus i still have the option to /equip a axe and shield for the solo fight after my pet dies...

                              for me, the axe is the "back up weapon"..

                              i cant wait til you hit 30 and go out into Altepa; the spiders will resist, hit you for like 40-60 dmg, 80-90 criticals...Selbinas Milk wont help you then...well much By the time your charm is refreshed you would have been hit 2-3 times. It just gets much worse from that point on; especially in the Crawlers Nest which nearly everythign argos you. Also, if you go up against almost any lv 30+ mage type monster with a pet, and it happens to break away and casts a spell on you; ouch.
                              well, that's a road i'll have to cross when the time comes. i have confidence that i'll be able to adapt to the coming challenges....

                              besides, with Pearl rings (CHR+ 4), Corrsete (CHR+ 5 or 6), a Bird Whistle (CHR +3), and maybe a Moster Signa (CHR +8) i don't think i'll have much trouble with my Charms...

                              and that doesn't even count Tame (which will erase all my hate on a failed Charm and make the mob easier to Charm on the next attempt)...

                              Selbinas Milk is nice, but Regen + Auto Regen is way way better. Lol...I know your trying to do something that not every BST does, but honestly...BST/WAR WILL not work effectively to the point where you will enjoy it by lv 30-35+
                              Selbina Milk + Higher DEF + Higher HP is just fine for my needs...

                              anyway, the more and more i hear from you it becomes painfully obvious that you don't realize that a BST/WAR and BST/WHM have to be played quite differently. it takes a different style of play in order to get the best out of this combo. this effects everything from the primary weapon to item/equipment choices...

                              for example, you're telling me that i'll be taking 40-90 pts of damage from spiders but you're basing this off of BST/WHM experience. considering the idea that you probably had 0 DEF for your head slot (you more than likely had a hairpin for MP+) and plus you probably didn't care to use DEF+ foods (which can give 10-20%+ boosts to DEF for 30+ mins at a time), then i may just be taking quite a bit less damage per hit with my BST/WAR than you did with you BST/WHM....

                              but anyway, i'll take your word for it. you've been there and i haven't....

                              but regardless, i tend to think i'll be ok with my BST/WAR from here on out....
                              66 BST/NIN
                              LS: Mischarm


                              • #45
                                go get the quote yourself..if there is even one ;P

                                Thing about Axe, it attacks fast, but for low dmg compared to the Scythe, the only time I ever gain hate from the pet is if my pet has a freak accident and misses 3-5 times >< or if I get freakishly lucky and get 3-4 criticals in a row for 70-100 dmg ;P

                                about the charming resistaning and what not; spiders dont have a great charm resistance, but they do have a bitchy one. Corsette+1, Bird Whistle, and Monster Signa worked about 85% of the time. Yet, I ask you this. If you are so PRO on Warrior, why do you have all of that CHR stuff? Unless, do you use /equip macros? I would think as a BST/WAR you would get def+ rings or dex+ or something.

                                Seblina Milk + Higher HP + Higher Def isnt...that great; first you don't have much more HP and not much more Def then a BST/WHM. The only big def plus you get is the head, which protect nearly nullifies. But, near the point where im ditching my hairpin for my BST AF4.

                                Also, I noticed BST/nearly anything can work if you have a crap load of gil for loads and loads of food. Waaaay later in the game I plan on doing BST/RDM and bringing Rolanberry Pies (+50MP) and Yagudo Drinks (120MP regen over 3minutes) and go solo hard ass shit with Phalanx and what not ;P Of course, this wont happen til I have a crap load of gil. Yag drink is 2k on my server and Rolanberry Pie is 1.8k i believe.

                                I know Selbina Milk isnt that much; but wont you think you will upgrade to better items with more and more hp -- I.E: Boiled Crabs and what not? If you have a shit load of gil, then I should apologize for all of this; but if not ~~:

