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Bard Skills

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  • Bard Skills

    I couldn't fit my chart into any of the posts so I decided to list the skills for each job seperately for all to see. This info was obtained from the Japanese site I used to always wonder about this info and I've seen many others ask as well. Hope it helps.

    Bard Skills

    Grapple: --
    Dagger: B-
    1-h Sword: C
    2-h Sword: --
    1-h Axe: --
    2-h Axe: --
    Scythe: --
    Spear: --
    1-h Katana: --
    2-h Katana: --
    1-h Staff: D
    2-h Staff: --
    Bow: --
    Gun: --
    Throwing: E

    Guard: --
    Evade: D
    Shield: --
    Parry: E

    Holy Magic: --
    Recovery Magic: --
    Strengthen Magic: --
    Weaken Magic: --
    Elemental Magic: --
    Dark Magic: --

    Singing: C
    String Instrument: C
    Wind Instrument: C
    Patience: --
    Summon: --

  • #2
    so kosh are you still being a bard
    Player Name:Sebastian the Bard
    Main Job/Sub Job:Bard/White mage
    Clan:Alexandrian Knights


    • #3
      So bards are best with daggers over instruments? Weird i still think when i try bard i'll use a flute or something like that.
      Do not fear death but don't forget it either. It remains by your side at all times. But once forgotten it jumps out to remind you of it's presence.


      • #4
        LOL... I'm touched that you remember my comments from when I first came to this board haha Wow, that seems like such a long time ago...

        Unfortunately my dreams of a RDM/BRD died once I discovered that BRD is a terrible sub job...

        I still want to be a RDM though, I'm planning on RDM/BLM

        Thanks for asking.

        You don't really attack with instruments. They increase your song skill. So it's not really fair to compare the dagger to the instrument skillls. Use the dagger to attack and use the instruments to buff.


        • #5
          LOL...i remeber when nameless wanted to be a dark knight/warrior and he turned to a red mage too!! Oh yeah did you hear any rumors about new instruments coming up in the next expansion?
          Player Name:Sebastian the Bard
          Main Job/Sub Job:Bard/White mage
          Clan:Alexandrian Knights


          • #6
            No, I haven't heard anything about new instruments. Which I believe is a good thing. The more instruments there are means the more skills you would have to raise and the more gil you have to spend to buy the uber of each instrument (or the more you would die on quests trying to get the uber of each instrument).

            Yeah, RDM will just work out better for me than a BRD. BRD still seems cool but I would like to start a SUM once I max out my RDM and a SUM/RDM seems like it will work out a lot better than a SUM/BRD (according to all the importers).


            • #7
              oh ok....
              Player Name:Sebastian the Bard
              Main Job/Sub Job:Bard/White mage
              Clan:Alexandrian Knights

