I have BRD to 41 so far, and I am wondering if I really should lvl it to 75, does it get old at 75? or more exciting. I am planning on doing EG with this new character of mine, but I cant seem to decide on what I want to lvl next. I realize I will just be a buff bot, but is it worth it? =)
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To LVL BRD or not to LVL BRD
Re: To LVL BRD or not to LVL BRD
Once a bard, always a bard. If you're going to participate in endgame, don't be surprised if this is all you get asked to come as. I have a lot of bard friends who are just sick of the job and selling their bard gear to level another job up. > .>
But hey, if you love the job to begin with and wouldn't mind coming to events as it, go for it.
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Re: To LVL BRD or not to LVL BRD
It doesn't change. Bard just does the same shit over and over and over and over.... Now if you enjoy that, then go for it! If that kind of scares you, then stop now while you still can. LOL
Some people say "Oh I'm only leveling brd so that I can get some easy merits." and then their ls finds out they have a 75 brd and they kiss all their other jobs goodbye. LOLOriginally posted by FebaBut I mean I do not mind a good looking man so long as I do not have to view his penis.Originally posted by TaskmageGod I hate my periods. You think passing a clot through a vagina is bad? Try it with a penis.Originally posted by DakAttack...I'm shitting dicks out of my eyeballs in excitement for the next bestgreating game of all time ever.
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Re: To LVL BRD or not to LVL BRD
lol yeah so I've heard................ BAH damnit I have Shai'r Manteel, Apollo's, and Terra's for my BRD so far D: that just looks so PIMP! now I am reluctant to lvl it lol....... Idm coming as BRD to events but I'd love to come as other jobs too
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Re: To LVL BRD or not to LVL BRD
You could always give the Manteel to me. I've been trying to save for one for a while. Maybe even the Apollo for when I level WHM again. You can keep the Terra though.
Honestly, though, I only pull out my BRD when I want to just run around and do "me" stuff, which includes helping people. If I were to ever get into end-game, something tells me I would never let them know I had bard leveled.Kindadarii (Bahamut)
90PUP / 90SMN / 90BRD / 90WHM / 59DNC
70.3 + 2 Woodworking
52.2 Synergy
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Re: To LVL BRD or not to LVL BRD
Originally posted by KingOfZeal View PostYou could always give the Manteel to me. I've been trying to save for one for a while. Maybe even the Apollo for when I level WHM again. You can keep the Terra though.
Honestly, though, I only pull out my BRD when I want to just run around and do "me" stuff, which includes helping people. If I were to ever get into end-game, something tells me I would never let them know I had bard leveled.
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Re: To LVL BRD or not to LVL BRD
Originally posted by Saphiera View Postlol yeah so I've heard................ BAH damnit I have Shai'r Manteel, Apollo's, and Terra's for my BRD so far D: that just looks so PIMP! now I am reluctant to lvl it lol....... Idm coming as BRD to events but I'd love to come as other jobs too
Seeing as you have a Manteel, it would probably criminal for you not to level BRD. However if you change your mind you can always sell all that gear.
Just remember though - if you ever get a Gjallarhorn, unless you're solo, you will be a BRD every second of your waking existance.
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Re: To LVL BRD or not to LVL BRD
bard fo' life yo!
lol srsly its the easiest job to level in my experiences...and even though the AF looks like golf-wear its still hawt***************************************
| 90 SMN | 90 BRD | 90 BLM | 90 THF | 90 WAR |
5/5 BST +2
2/5 WAR +2
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Re: To LVL BRD or not to LVL BRD
I was seriously considering bard, until I hit endgame and now I won't be touching it with a barge pole.
Bard in endgame is repetative, you are barely reacting to the mob or anything, just doing your little haste and refresh cycle and throwing out the odd cure or status cure for those bards that actually use their /whm (I can count the bards I know one one hand that are this good).
I have a friend in a HNMLS who says that bard on HNM is fun but he's very good and gets enough respect from the people he's in a shell with that he gets to try things out.
So it's boring in endgame generally and to cap it off forget any other job you might have, for the rest of time. A lot of the bards I talk to who actually enjoy it seem to enjoy being needed and the sucking up a lot more than they enjoy the actual job experience. "Everyone loves a bard" seems to be the general response if you ask them why they like it.sigpic
Signature courtesy of Selphiie the Enchantress
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Re: To LVL BRD or not to LVL BRD
Bard is very easy end-game--It's almost mindless. As has been said, you will frequently get asked to come Bard and for the most part will just be singing a single pair of songs from this list:
2x March (Standard Melee DD party)
March + Ballad II & Ballad I + Ballad II (Tank Party)
2x Minuet, 2x March, or 2x Madrigal (Zerg Party, usually requires Nightingale/Troubadour).
and of course, Carnage Elegy gets thrown in.
There is no end-game fun as a BRD--pulling in a meripo is probably the most exciting thing we get to do.
There exists and escape from the "Forever Bard" trap. Just level something like BLM, WHM, PLD, or COR. Then when you ask your alliance leader to select your job, his/her head will explode because you can't be two "must-have" jobs at the same time. Red Mage can also get out occasionally since BRD and RDM are both refresher/hasters, but RDM has better debuffing capabilities (exception: Slow)--but you get the same party role either way.
One thing is for certain though, you will almost never DD or be able to come as an eclectic job like PUP, DNC, BST, SCH or SMN unless there is some very specific task in that list that only you can do and no other DDs can be changed to the desired job.
I can't answer the poll question. I levelled BRD because I liked it from 1-37 and decided it would be fun. I do like it, but sometimes I feel like it gets a little monotonous and sort of like.... MNK in a way. Now, I will say I find Dynamis to be one of the more interesting things to do as BRD and I'm sure the same is true for Einherjar because when you get into a Crowd Control situation, Bard gets much more interesting. Buff-only is one of those semi-AFK jobs like DDing on a MNK--you can watch TV, surf the net, do whatever while Barding. If you do enough Dynamis, though, you'll end up with a Gjallarhorn which will make you 24/7 Bard--no exceptions.Last edited by Sabaron; 08-15-2008, 10:40 AM.
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Re: To LVL BRD or not to LVL BRD
The trick is to find a nice LS that doesn't make anyone tied to one job only.
BRD is one of the most sought after jobs in endgame, so you should definitely get used to using it often. But no nice LS will make you come as BRD 100%, especially if you have other usable (= almost every job, I'm not counting on using my DNC over BRD in endgame just yet tho xD) jobs geared and ready to go.
Play whatever job you like. But remember to respect the people you play with, too. SOme strategies might just absolutely need you as a BRD, but you can probably try out different things in other situations.
Now if you think you'll get so tired of BRD you wouldn't want to use it ever again in endgame... Then you might want to reconsider leveling it. ^^ BRD is an incredible asset in so many things.
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Re: To LVL BRD or not to LVL BRD
Like Sabaron, I went all the way to 75 on bard because I actually found it enjoyable through 37. Originally, I was going to use it as a sub for my PUP.
However, when I started getting invited to meritpo after meritpo even at 73-74, it wasn't enjoyable anymore. It became very repetitive, killing the same thing quite literally day in and day out. The... horror... that is Caedarva also became very apparent to me on bard, and I refuse to go there on any job now, unless there's a very specific (not xp) reason to go there. I actually stopped leveling bard half way through 74, but I wanted Chocobo Mazurka so bad I went to campaign and got my 75 there. The only other time I've been on Bard is, as I said before, running around for me or helping others.
"Bard for life" is quite literally what you become when you get to the 70s of that job. Thankfully, I wasn't there long enough or with enough people to have many people know I have it, so I can actually level other jobs. Those that do know I have it don't bother me with it unless it's for like a NM hunt.
And as far as the offer for the Terra, you can keep it. The only reason I'd care to have it is for the additional damage reduction, my elegy's do normally land. However, the Manteel will complete my JSE (4/5), and that Apollo...Kindadarii (Bahamut)
90PUP / 90SMN / 90BRD / 90WHM / 59DNC
70.3 + 2 Woodworking
52.2 Synergy
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