Which would you think would be better for merit, I am having some problems sticking lullaby. A quick run down of my gear is: Light Staff, Buggard +1 Nursemaids Harp (I know I need to get Mary's Horn still working on it) Opo-Opo Crown, Wind Torque, Melody Earrings x2, Minstrel's Coat, Sha'ir Gages, Moon ring x2 (I just came back to the game so will be buying Trumpet Rings) Jester's Cape +1, Gleeman's Belt, Choral Cannions, Sha'ir Crackows.
my wind is capped at 231. Please put in suggestions for where I can improve. I have Sky access but no LS, I dont have a dynamis LS and I cant get into Tav Safehold.
my wind is capped at 231. Please put in suggestions for where I can improve. I have Sky access but no LS, I dont have a dynamis LS and I cant get into Tav Safehold.