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Threnody, Carol, and Song Requests

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  • Threnody, Carol, and Song Requests

    I'm almost to 40 and have just farmed up enough gil to get chanter's staff, mary's horn, and all new armor. During my break from lvling I started reading up a lot more on bard forums and I wanted to pose a few questions:

    Firstly, I lvl'd rather quickly so I didn't take to many breaks to buy all my songs; I basically just skipped threnodies and + resistence songs. I was wondering how important these songs are... I generally use light threnody before requiem, and if I sleep a mob I'll threnody it so as to improve next sleep land, but I haven't run into a situation where I thought any other threnody was nessisary, at least not for xping.

    Secondly, I've made it into the coral lvls and am wondering if I'll ever really need those for xping.

    And lastly, I've come to learn more about what jobs like certain songs. For instance, I just learned that RNGs don't like prelude but would rather have minuetx2 or str etude if it has to be a single target song. I'd like to know from peoples experience, outside of bard, what songs they like with certain jobs. From my own experience, outside of bard, I of corse like lots of ballad with WHM, and with BLM ballads, but if it's a fast kill party or if I'm doing real good on MP management I like Learned Etudes in there, too.

    I strive to be the best at whatever job I'm playing and would like to know how I can best enhance my parties without them having to tell me what to do, thereby making me feel unknowing. I look forward to your replies.

    (I'm on Garuda, GMT +9 btw ^-^)

  • #2
    Re: Threnody, Carol, and Song Requests

    Originally posted by Salvidor View Post
    I'm almost to 40 and have just farmed up enough gil to get chanter's staff, mary's horn, and all new armor. During my break from lvling I started reading up a lot more on bard forums and I wanted to pose a few questions:

    Firstly, I lvl'd rather quickly so I didn't take to many breaks to buy all my songs; I basically just skipped threnodies and + resistence songs. I was wondering how important these songs are... I generally use light threnody before requiem, and if I sleep a mob I'll threnody it so as to improve next sleep land, but I haven't run into a situation where I thought any other threnody was nessisary, at least not for xping.
    First off, its not really that hard to stay current on all BRD songs, with the exception of Minuet II and Carnage Elegy, you should be current since most most of the pre-50 songs are bought off NPC. Yes, many of these songs are only situationally useful, but that is no reason not to get them.

    Threnodies do mean something to BLMs and you will see manaburn invites on occasion, lowering elemental resistances can be valueble in those situations.

    Likewise, there are situations where raising elemental resistance is also useful, particularly when combined with Bar-element spells. It doens't come up often, but that's no reason to not be prepared for when it does. But all your carols.

    And lastly, I've come to learn more about what jobs like certain songs. For instance, I just learned that RNGs don't like prelude but would rather have minuetx2 or str etude if it has to be a single target song. I'd like to know from peoples experience, outside of bard, what songs they like with certain jobs. From my own experience, outside of bard, I of corse like lots of ballad with WHM, and with BLM ballads, but if it's a fast kill party or if I'm doing real good on MP management I like Learned Etudes in there, too.
    It would be best to go visit FFXIclopedia.

    If you look over what abilities other jobs gain and what traits they possess, you'll learn to buff based on their needs much better. RNGs don't want Prelude because they get four Accuracy Bonus traits over the course of their careers. Accuracy isn't as much of an issue for them as gaining Attack and STR is.

    MND Etudes can be nice for MNK at times. DRGs and DRKs will appreciate March Songs since they have high-delay weapons. Its also important to keep in mind sometimes accuracy foods aren't an option for melee in ToA zones when fighting Colibri mobs, so that's when you'd sometimes want to favor Madrigal, but if you have DRG and RNG present, perhaps not so much for them.

    Etudes for mages will pretty much die off when you get Ballad II. Sad to say it, but BRD is pretty limited in regards to mage support, so its appreciated that you make use of Threnodies when and where you can since Ballads are all you have for them otherwise.


    • #3
      Re: Threnody, Carol, and Song Requests

      Originally posted by Salvidor View Post
      Firstly, I lvl'd rather quickly so I didn't take to many breaks to buy all my songs; I basically just skipped threnodies and + resistence songs. I was wondering how important these songs are... I generally use light threnody before requiem, and if I sleep a mob I'll threnody it so as to improve next sleep land, but I haven't run into a situation where I thought any other threnody was nessisary, at least not for xping.
      You aren't going to be using the resistance songs very much unless you're doing something like a mission, quest or some kind of endgame activity, and even then they are used sparingly. I've personally used Gold Capriccio (Barpetra) consistently when I do Dynamis-Bastok because it's REALLY good combined with Barstonra, but that's about it.

      Threnodies are the complete opposite. They're great if you have a BLM in your party. They're useful if you're having trouble landing Paralyze, Slow or Silence. They even add a little bit to elemental weapon skills and skillchain damage.
      And lastly, I've come to learn more about what jobs like certain songs. For instance, I just learned that RNGs don't like prelude but would rather have minuetx2 or str etude if it has to be a single target song.
      I get that a lot from RNG too.. they usually have tons of R.Acc gear on anyways, so Prelude tends to be overkill. Usually if I have a RNG in the party I'll do March/Minuet and then give 'em Herculean Etude to overwrite the March. This also works great when you have a SAM/RNG in your group.
      Host of #FF14 - TheAfterLife XI & XIV LS
      Olorin (Ramuh): BLM75 BRD78 WHM75 RDM75
      Olorin Branwen (Melmond): Lv12 LNC9 CON7 THM6 MNR6 ALC4


      • #4
        Re: Threnody, Carol, and Song Requests

        You definitely want Dark and Light Carol at the very least, as BRD is the only job that has a party buff that gives resistance against those 2 elements.

        Threnodies really don't get used enough by many BRDs. The resistance down effect is very large, and this lowered resistance affects more than just nukes. Lowering Wind resistance on a mob that is being kited will go a long way to help your RDM stick Gravity, the same for Ice and Bind, or Earth for helping your NIN land Hojo. When keeping mobs asleep, I like to hit them with Light Threnody as well, to lessen the chances of any Lullaby resists while I hold them there.
        Callysto of RamuhCaithsith - 75 RDM / BRD / COR / PLD / WAR / SCH / DRK

        Formerly Callisto of Ramuh. | Retired 5.28.10

        Callisto Broadwurst of Palamecia


        • #5
          Re: Threnody, Carol, and Song Requests

          Originally posted by Callisto View Post
          You definitely want Dark and Light Carol at the very least, as BRD is the only job that has a party buff that gives resistance against those 2 elements.
          Threnodies really don't get used enough by many BRDs. The resistance down effect is very large, and this lowered resistance affects more than just nukes. Lowering Wind resistance on a mob that is being kited will go a long way to help your RDM stick Gravity, the same for Ice and Bind, or Earth for helping your NIN land Hojo. When keeping mobs asleep, I like to hit them with Light Threnody as well, to lessen the chances of any Lullaby resists while I hold them there.
          The only sad part is it'll only let you stick one threnody at a time..
          Host of #FF14 - TheAfterLife XI & XIV LS
          Olorin (Ramuh): BLM75 BRD78 WHM75 RDM75
          Olorin Branwen (Melmond): Lv12 LNC9 CON7 THM6 MNR6 ALC4


          • #6
            Re: Threnody, Carol, and Song Requests

            Yeah, it'd be nice if you could at least stack a few at a time like Elemental Debuffs. One thing that I don't think gets looked at often: BRD/NIN using -ton spells! I'm pretty sure these spells do the same -30 resistance even if the damage from them is fully resisted, like Dia/ you could weaken a mob to 2 elements if you carried some extra tools around.
            Callysto of RamuhCaithsith - 75 RDM / BRD / COR / PLD / WAR / SCH / DRK

            Formerly Callisto of Ramuh. | Retired 5.28.10

            Callisto Broadwurst of Palamecia


            • #7
              Re: Threnody, Carol, and Song Requests

              BRD shouldn't be using Threnody to ensure lowering their own resist rates unless there is no one else to consider. Even with no BLM present in a PT, you still often have a NIN and since Hojo stacks with Elegy, I'd prioritize helping Slow spells land with Earth Threnody instead of making sure something seldom resisted like Lullaby would.

              Using buffs and debuffs to your own personal ends is the most backward way you can possibly play BRD. Or COR, for that matter. CHR, Mary's Horn and Light/Apollo's Staff is how a BRD ensures they land lullaby.
              Last edited by Omgwtfbbqkitten; 10-03-2007, 04:23 PM.


              • #8
                Re: Threnody, Carol, and Song Requests

                BBQ more or less hit the nail on the head on the 1st post.

                While they're rather niche songs, they are nice to have. Carol's will mostly be used for things like the avatar battles where you really want all the resistance you can get for Astral Flow.

                Also, any RNG who wants an Etude (other than possibly Herculean) is on crack. When post people ask me for an Etude I usually tell them it's a waste as you're only getting a 2-5 point boost (based on skill and instrument) and there's almost always a better song that can be used instead.

                "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                • #9
                  Re: Threnody, Carol, and Song Requests

                  Thank you everyone. Very helpful stuff ^-^


                  • #10
                    Re: Threnody, Carol, and Song Requests

                    When playing as a SMN, magic bursting with an Avatar, I always appreciate an appropriate elemental debuff. Not only will the burst be rather impressive, but, at times, the Avatar will gain hate because of that spike, and that is less damage the tank needs healed (or more time to recast shadows, etc.).
                    Wii Code: 0043 9068 2668 6005

