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Finale from /BRD works, right?

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  • Finale from /BRD works, right?

    Found this in a discussion about support jobs for White Mage:
    Originally posted by Icemage View Post
    Bard subjob is useful after level 50 for access to Mage's Ballad, as well as a few other handy support songs such as Madrigal, March, and Finale.
    I assume this means even with half level singing skill on WHM/BRD, Magic Finale will land on exp level monsters? Has anyone personally tried it?

    Trying to figure out how important it is to level my BRD30 to at least 34, if not 37 (or 40 for Steamed Sprouts)...
    Bamboo shadows sweep the stars,
    yet not a mote of dust is stirred;
    Moonlight pierces the depths of the pond,
    leaving no trace in the water.

    - Mugaku

  • #2
    Re: Finale from /BRD works, right?

    Probably 37 if you want to use Mazurka. This spell seems to be a big thing for tanks right now.

    I had used 75Rdm/Brd for some assaults. Mainly the Lamia 13. Finale landed fine while the NM had over 75%HP. After than it will start to get resisted like crazy.
    There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
    but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
    transform a yellow spot into the sun.

    - Pablo Picasso


    • #3
      Re: Finale from /BRD works, right?

      Does mazurka still add a useful amount of hate after the ner- err adjustment?

      I've never tried it, but Finale is one of those super accurate spells like its cousin Dispel. I bet it would still work from a subjob.
      lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


      • #4
        Re: Finale from /BRD works, right?

        Finale is heavily resisted under /BRD sub against IT and VT, less so when it starts getting T or lower. /RDM's Dispel is just as seldom resisted as RDM main from what I've experienced. Dunno why, just is.

        Were there any reason to sub BRD, I wouldn't consider Finale amoung them.

        Originally posted by Taskmage View Post
        Does mazurka still add a useful amount of hate after the ner- err adjustment?
        It was used to steal claim and MPK, it was a nerf and a proper nerf at that.
        Last edited by Omgwtfbbqkitten; 04-03-2007, 05:17 PM.


        • #5
          Re: Finale from /BRD works, right?

          Meh, I'm just messing around since people tend to react strongly to the word nerf. Question still stands though. Does it provide enough enmity to still be used for legitimate purposes?
          lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


          • #6
            Re: Finale from /BRD works, right?

            oh so they nerf mazurka hate already? I guess that's good news.
            There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
            but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
            transform a yellow spot into the sun.

            - Pablo Picasso


            • #7
              Re: Finale from /BRD works, right?

              I'm going to take the resounding silence from KI and Alla BRD forums as a "Yes, they nerfed Mazurka good." They've been quiet on the subject since the day of that update.


              • #8
                Re: Finale from /BRD works, right?

                BRD friend said it was heavily nerfed. Can't remember the exact circumstance, may have been when he was pl'ing us on lower jobs, but he said that he would have used mazurka to grab hate, but it didint work anymore. I'm guessing some hate is still garnered when using it, like all other spells, but its probably nil compared to what it previously did.
                I RNG 75 I WAR 37 I NIN 38 I SAM 50 I Woodworking 92+2

                PSN: Caspian


                • #9
                  Re: Finale from /BRD works, right?

                  Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
                  Finale is heavily resisted under /BRD sub against IT and VT, less so when it starts getting T or lower. /RDM's Dispel is just as seldom resisted as RDM main from what I've experienced. Dunno why, just is.

                  Were there any reason to sub BRD, I wouldn't consider Finale amoung them.
                  The reason why Dispel works so well as /RDM is that Dispel is enfeebling magic, which all mages have. Finale sucks as /BRD because its a singing skill, which only BRD has. Dispel power is coming from main job skill while Finale power is coming from just the sub.

                  Look at it this way:

                  Job - Enfeebling Skill
                  RDM75/WHM37 - 276
                  WHM75/RDM37 - 225

                  Job - Singing Skill
                  BRD75/WHM37 - 225
                  WHM75/BRD37 - 105

                  You can probably now see that singing skill is half powered when subbed, but Enfeebling isn't, as long as the main job has enfeebling skill.

                  Try going melee/RDM and see how Dispel works then (not DRK/RDM, DRK has enfeebling). I imagine it will suck.

                  I hope this makes it easier.

                  i Am ThE bLaCk MaGe.
                  I cAsTs ThE sPeLlS tHaT mAkEs ThE pEoPlEs FaLl DoWn.


                  • #10
                    Re: Finale from /BRD works, right?

                    Originally posted by Haggai View Post
                    Try going melee/RDM and see how Dispel works then (not DRK/RDM, DRK has enfeebling). I imagine it will suck.
                    But see, that's the thing - as BRD/RDM I can land Dispel unresisted rather consistantly, yet when I do the opposite with Finale as RDM/BRD, Finale sees a lot of resists.


                    • #11
                      Re: Finale from /BRD works, right?

                      Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
                      But see, that's the thing - as BRD/RDM I can land Dispel unresisted rather consistantly, yet when I do the opposite with Finale as RDM/BRD, Finale sees a lot of resists.
                      Well... I don't have an answer for that one. All I can say is:

                      "Taco Salad"

                      i Am ThE bLaCk MaGe.
                      I cAsTs ThE sPeLlS tHaT mAkEs ThE pEoPlEs FaLl DoWn.


                      • #12
                        Re: Finale from /BRD works, right?

                        Originally posted by Jei View Post
                        I had used 75Rdm/Brd for some assaults. Mainly the Lamia 13. Finale landed fine while the NM had over 75%HP. After than it will start to get resisted like crazy.
                        This tells me that /BRD for Finale works...

                        Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
                        when I do the opposite with Finale as RDM/BRD, Finale sees a lot of resists.
                        This tells me it does not...


                        You guys aren't making this easy on me...
                        Bamboo shadows sweep the stars,
                        yet not a mote of dust is stirred;
                        Moonlight pierces the depths of the pond,
                        leaving no trace in the water.

                        - Mugaku


                        • #13
                          Re: Finale from /BRD works, right?

                          Jei was using a light based spell on an undead...

                          Kitten was using a light based spell on somehting unknown...

                          Based on Melee/rdm and ???/brd, RDM have higher enfebling magic then brd do skills so... melee/rdm "Might" have a better landing rate depending on mob trying to be dispelled.


                          • #14
                            Re: Finale from /BRD works, right?

                            Wow this is an oooold thread.

                            /BRD Finale works against enemies that are weak to Light magic (undead, Weapons). I've never had it fail against the spellcaster Weapons in Ro'Maeve or Ve'Lugannon Palace, and it has never failed for me against any of the undead spellcasters in King Ranperre's Tomb either.

                            Against normal targets, the success rate is very low, however.



                            • #15
                              Re: Finale from /BRD works, right?

                              Originally posted by Icemage View Post
                              Wow this is an oooold thread.

                              /BRD Finale works against enemies that are weak to Light magic (undead, Weapons). I've never had it fail against the spellcaster Weapons in Ro'Maeve or Ve'Lugannon Palace, and it has never failed for me against any of the undead spellcasters in King Ranperre's Tomb either.

                              Against normal targets, the success rate is very low, however.


                              anything that is weak to light magic will have a bette success rate then something that isnt Light based for lullaby and vice versa for Dispel.

