Im currently sporting a full baron set on my brd and i was wondering what everyone else used in the mid 20's to 30's
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mid 20-30's brd gear
Re: mid 20-30's brd gear
Originally posted by PanicNow View PostIm currently sporting a full baron set on my brd and i was wondering what everyone else used in the mid 20's to 30's
Head: Baron's Chapeau (+2 INT, Enmity+2) is actually worse than wearing nothing for Bards. More enmity is the absolute last thing you want, and INT doesn't do anything for your songs or anything else you might be doing.
If money is no object, then a Trump Crown is your best bet at level 20. For those that are merely mortal and aren't into paying 1 million++ for this piece of gear, then a Silver Hairpin works pretty well (HP-6, MP+15). There's also the Entrancing Ribbon (+2 CHR) which drops from Sharp-Eyed Ropipi in East Sarutabaruta - which is the ultimate in money savings since it's free and easy to kill.
Body: Doesn't really matter what you wear in this slot, there's nothing earthshaking at this level range. Garrison Tunica (+1 DEX, +1 CHR) is probably the best gear at level 20 for Bards, but it's pretty marginal and very expensive.
Hands: Baron's Mitts are OK, though there are cheaper and better alternatives (Battle Gloves and Scentless Armlets come to mind). At 27 you'll have access to your Race-Specific hand armor, which is typically better than anything else you might wear at that level, or you can use Devotee's Mitts.
Legs: Again, doesn't matter much what you wear here. Baron's Slops are OK if you are casting magic and rest a lot. Otherwise one of the gears with +Evasion might be worth looking into (Martial Slacks, Kingdom Trousers, etc.).
Feet: Baron's Pigaches suck. Get a pair of Light Soleas, then upgrade to Race-Specific gear at 29 would probably be a good way to go. Not much else in this level range that makes much impact.
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Re: mid 20-30's brd gear
Originally posted by PanicNow View PostIm currently sporting a full baron set on my brd and i was wondering what everyone else used in the mid 20's to 30's
The most important stat to a Bard is CHR, because it enhances the effects your songs have against mobs. Some of the gear may be a bit pricey (depending on your server), but here's a list of some decent CHR+ gear that will last you for a good long time:
- Noble's Ribbon (Lv 14 Head): CHR+3, All Elemental Def +3
- Garrison Tunica (Lv 18 Body): Def:15, DEX+1 CHR+1
- Monster Signa (Lv 17 Staff): Dmg:12, Dly:366, HP+5, MP+5, VIT-5, CHR+8
- Hope/Loyalty Ring (Lv 14/36 Ring): CHR+2/+3, Light Def+5/+7
If you're going as BRD/WHM, you'll probably want to use some MP gear to fill in the blanks. Stuff like Astral Ring and Energy Earrings works well. Once you get high enough, you can also fill in spots with RSE gear.
Once you get up to level 35-42, there's some more options to check out. This is also the point when you get Elegy, which is probably the most important song a Bard uses during fights making CHR gear even more important. Chanter's Staff is a good alternate to Monster Signa (If you want to melee, go with BRD's Paper Knife and an Elegant Shield for songs, and bring a Cent. Sword or Flame Sword for damage). Windy Doublet is an inexpensive version of Garrison Tunica. Switch your Astral for an Ether. And if you have the gil, you can get Morion Earrings, Singer Earrings or a Lucent Cape.
And lastly, don't forget instruments! The bonuses they provide are useful, especially for March, Madrigal and Minuet.Last edited by Olorin401; 03-26-2007, 09:40 AM.Host of #FF14 - TheAfterLife XI & XIV LS
Olorin (Ramuh): BLM75 BRD78 WHM75 RDM75
Olorin Branwen (Melmond): Lv12 LNC9 CON7 THM6 MNR6 ALC4
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Re: mid 20-30's brd gear
I'm level 25, and I've basically got a Nobel's Ribbon, Garrison Tunica, Monster Signa and Hope rings as far as my CHR goes. The rest is stuff that gives +MP, like Energy Earrings.
Other than that, I just keep up to date with HQ instruments, and have a Siren's Flute (got very cheap from a bazaar).
"... and so I close, realizing that perhaps the ending has not yet been written."
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