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Low level mana burn.

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  • Low level mana burn.

    Hey i recently started to lvl bard and its 19 so far. I was seeking in qufim for a long time with a couple other people that were all mages. After me and a smn tried to duo a few worms we all joined up to make a little low lvl mana burn pt. 2 SMN/2 BLM/BRD (me). I kept paeon I and II on, barstonra and protect on at all times. Also kept dia and requiem II on the mob. We were plowing through worms at 200+ xp every minute and a half (because they were IT). Anyway the point is I had a really good time doing it and its great xp if your in a spot where a mob is bound. Anyone ever done this at lower levels?

    I dont watch anime. Sorry.
    Check out my webpage and forums at
    *~^~*Bard for life*~^~*

  • #2
    Re: Low level mana burn.

    Worms are the original "mana burn" targets. People used to kill them in the Maze of Shakrami with groups of mages.

    After you leave worms behind, you probably won't see a mana burn party of any sort until at least level 54-55 (this is when Bards get Ballad II at 55, and BLMs get access to their AF gloves which give +15 elemental skill).



    • #3
      Re: Low level mana burn.

      For all those people who think Reflect should be implemented into the game, manaburning worms is a perfect example of why it isn't.
      Dryhus, Elvaan male | Bismarck | San d'Oria 6 | Windurst 5
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      • #4
        Re: Low level mana burn.

        Originally posted by Dryhus View Post
        For all those people who think Reflect should be implemented into the game, manaburning worms is a perfect example of why it isn't.
        If people have been asking for Reflect on mobs, we should also ask for Deflect as well (Melee and Ranged attacks returned to sender) Sounds fair, ne?


        • #5
          Re: Low level mana burn.

          Man that would be so awsome. Give 6 people reflect and go after a magic casting foe. DEAD MEAT SUCKER!!!

          Actually reflect is in the game, go try to cast a spell on a colibri.


          • #6
            Re: Low level mana burn.

            Yeah, my first job through the dunes was BLM. Afterwards, I was told that I could have nuked worms in Konschtat for a while to avoid the Dunes. Oh well, I'll have to remember that for when I level BLM again on another character (if I do).

            i Am ThE bLaCk MaGe.
            I cAsTs ThE sPeLlS tHaT mAkEs ThE pEoPlEs FaLl DoWn.


            • #7
              Re: Low level mana burn.

              Originally posted by Zamphire View Post
              Actually reflect is in the game, go try to cast a spell on a colibri.
              That looks more like Mimic to me, with Reflect the very same spell is sent back to the caster/party member without touching the target, but Colibri actually recieve the spell and then mimic-cast that last spell afterwards (and if you cast more than one spell at the same time only one of them gets mimiced).

              Also, Reflect has never worked on AoE spells that I remember (although I might be wrong) so I guess only the tank would actually require it and not the whole party.

              It would be fun to try though, how about a BC that had mobs using Reflect where mages would have to cast on themselves or others (although targetting yourself/party member would have to be allowed for this) and if Reflect failed you'd nuke your friends.
              "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
              Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.



              • #8
                Re: Low level mana burn.

                Originally posted by Raydeus View Post
                Also, Reflect has never worked on AoE spells that I remember (although I might be wrong) so I guess only the tank would actually require it and not the whole party.
                I was just playing FF6 a while back... if two PT members were reflected and two not, the two not would still get hit. I can only seem to remember making spells AoE, like Fire2 and hitting R to make it AoE. I don't know about Meteor.

                Having the spell Reflect in this game would be seriously overpowering. You could just stand in the middle of a bunch of worms (out of melee range) and let them cast on you. You could rack up EXP really fast. Hell you could get EXP chain #1 to #6 in a matter of 15 seconds.

                i Am ThE bLaCk MaGe.
                I cAsTs ThE sPeLlS tHaT mAkEs ThE pEoPlEs FaLl DoWn.


                • #9
                  Re: Low level mana burn.

                  What about making it so the reflect spell worked like blink and would only function for 1-2 spells then gone. You wouldn't be able to cast fast enough to keep reflect up on the whole party. Add in another element where the number of reflects are random and it would be even tougher.


                  • #10
                    Re: Low level mana burn.

                    Originally posted by Raydeus View Post
                    That looks more like Mimic to me, with Reflect the very same spell is sent back to the caster/party member without touching the target, but Colibri actually recieve the spell and then mimic-cast that last spell afterwards (and if you cast more than one spell at the same time only one of them gets mimiced).
                    I'll take your word for it since I've never actually fought them, just remember my wife complaining about them. She as a red mage completely stopped enfeebling them because they just kept bouncing back at her. She called it reflect and she's played other FFs so I figured she was right.

                    As far as it not reflecting AOEs. I remember in 7 I could cast reflect on all three party members, then take Fire IV and make it attack all my party members (I think it was like L1 to change from single target to all target) and each member would have a separte magic attack reflected back at the monster. So in effect you had 3 fires for the cost of one. (Yea for some reason when you casted on yourself it was reflected to the monster and not a party member)


                    • #11
                      Re: Low level mana burn.

                      Well it kinda went off topic, but I didnt know that this was pretty common, i was asked to come in to a couple low lvl mana burn pt's today actually.

                      I dont watch anime. Sorry.
                      Check out my webpage and forums at
                      *~^~*Bard for life*~^~*


                      • #12
                        Re: Low level mana burn.

                        Colibris mimic, they don't actually Reflect spells. Jailer of Fortitude also mimics spells cast on him while he has pets alive.

                        In both cases, they still suffer the full effect of the spell, they just get to cast it for free in retribution. This is handy if you need to heal yourself, though - cast a cure for 0 and it'll be happy to oblige you by casting it back at you.

                        Note that this also applies to any song, ninjutsu or blue magic you use - anything that can be activated offensively using the /magic command can be mimicked.

                        The only way to stop this behavior is to take away their ability to cast magic by landing Silence successfully (and to be prepared for a Silence coming back at you if you fail).



                        • #13
                          Re: Low level mana burn.

                          Originally posted by Icemage View Post
                          Colibris mimic, they don't actually Reflect spells. Jailer of Fortitude also mimics spells cast on him while he has pets alive.
                          In both cases, they still suffer the full effect of the spell, they just get to cast it for free in retribution. This is handy if you need to heal yourself, though - cast a cure for 0 and it'll be happy to oblige you by casting it back at you.
                          Note that this also applies to any song, ninjutsu or blue magic you use - anything that can be activated offensively using the /magic command can be mimicked.
                          The only way to stop this behavior is to take away their ability to cast magic by landing Silence successfully (and to be prepared for a Silence coming back at you if you fail).
                          Can you say "Pain in the butt?"

                          i Am ThE bLaCk MaGe.
                          I cAsTs ThE sPeLlS tHaT mAkEs ThE pEoPlEs FaLl DoWn.


                          • #14
                            Re: Low level mana burn.

                            Originally posted by Icemage View Post
                            Colibris mimic, they don't actually Reflect spells. Jailer of Fortitude also mimics spells cast on him while he has pets alive.

                            In both cases, they still suffer the full effect of the spell, they just get to cast it for free in retribution. This is handy if you need to heal yourself, though - cast a cure for 0 and it'll be happy to oblige you by casting it back at you.

                            Note that this also applies to any song, ninjutsu or blue magic you use - anything that can be activated offensively using the /magic command can be mimicked.

                            The only way to stop this behavior is to take away their ability to cast magic by landing Silence successfully (and to be prepared for a Silence coming back at you if you fail).

                            On colirbris I know for a fact physical BLU spells and BRD Songs are "mimiced."


                            • #15
                              Re: Low level mana burn.

                              In the early 30s, I had a "semi" manburn PT. 3BLM, BRD, WHM, NIN. NIN pulled non-stop and would take the mobs down about 10-20% while BLM rested if they had to. Then they'd nuke the hell out of the mob, rinse/repeat. For level 30ish, the experience was rather good.

