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Singing Skill Test Results

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  • Singing Skill Test Results

    Well it's been too long since I've made a post over here, so I figured I'd make it a good one! (I hope everyone's doing well!!)

    Here's the short of it. Using nothing except for +singing skill, I was able to significantly reduce Lullaby resist rates against a target mob. I realize this goes against the vast majority of common thinking on the subject, please read on for details.

    Through my own observations in both leveling and in HNM fights, I've always been pleased with the results I've gotten when adding a few pieces of +singing skill equipment into my build. It's taken me almost a year to finally do some unbiased testing, and even I was shocked at the results.

    Question answered: Singing skill *DOES* improve the chances of landing a debuff, such as lullaby.

    Questions unanswered: If +singing skill is equal, more effective, or less effective than +wind skill. If +singing skill has a direct relation to CHR and its effectiveness. If there is a breakpoint at a set skill level where this effectiveness kicks in, or if it is roughly linear. More tests will need to be done, but It was coming up on lights & darksday, so I called it a night.

    Target Mob: Aura Butler, Shine of Ru'Avutar. Test was done over the course of 4 non-light, non-dark days. 100 casts of Lullaby and the resist rate was observed.

    Jamison: Level 75 Bard, +7 wind merits, +1 singing merit that could not be removed for this test. My base stats for both tests were CHR 77 (70base, +7 used in both tests. This let me use AF1+1 hands for the 2nd part of the test without skewing the results). Wind skill for both tests was 239 (no +wind equipment, only merits). Singing skill was 227 for the first test, 250 for the 2nd.

    I did not use any staves, nor the chanters staff. All my stats were kept as low as was possible, and again I used +7 CHR in both tests. +skill equipment used was Demon Helm, Astute Cape, AF1+1 hands and Singing earring. Mary's Horn was the instrument of choice. I was naked in all other slots.

    I think I managed to make sure that THE ONLY VARIABLE tested was singing skill. I avoided Chanter's Staff in the unlikelyhood it had a hidden effect. Likewise an elemental staff was not used to keep it from skewing the results in any way.

    I'm sorry for keeping you waiting, here are the details.

    TEST #1: Singing skill 227 (Wind 239, CHR 77)
    - Full Resist: 19
    - Partial Resist: 27
    - No Resist: 54

    TEST #2: Singing skill 250 (Wind 239, CHR 77)
    - Full Resist: 2
    - Partial Resist: 10
    - No Resist: 88

    I have to admit I was blown away with the difference. Still, this only proves one thing, that singing skill *IS* part of the debuff calculation. Again it's too early to tell if singing is more or less effecitve than Wind, if the skill "facilitates" your CHR to be more effective, or if there's a breakpoint that the singing skill becomes more useful. SE loves breakpoints/tiers, and 250 very well may be it.

    I intend to do some follow-up testing, but realistically I may not have the time for a while. Still I'll let everyone know what I find out.

  • #2
    Re: Singing Skill Test Results

    The only real thing I would like to point out is that singing skill is used in both wind and string instrument based songs. I know it sounds stupid but I have gotten skill while playing both so they both must be in the calculation somewhere. If I could ask I favor tnt118 I would like you to also do some testing with Nursemaid Harp considering you have capped merits in wind it might have more clear cut results to go with a string instrument and go with all singing gear. I do have to say that your testing is very impressive on the standpoint that you did all you could to keep the only dependent being singing skill, I appreciate your effort to finally put an end to the mystery but as we all know it is never as simple as we hope it to be.

    I'll be looking forward to your next post on your further experimentation and I might conduct some of my own and come back with results to compare. Good day to you tnt118.
    The beginning to an artist is pain.

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    • #3
      Re: Singing Skill Test Results

      If I could ask I favor tnt118 I would like you to also do some testing with Nursemaid Harp considering you have capped merits in wind it might have more clear cut results to go with a string instrument and go with all singing gear.
      I'd like to see that as well, since I am highly skeptical about the whole String vs. Wind debate (I have never had some of the resist rates other people claim to using a Nursmaid's Harp or a Sorroful Harp). Overall though, this might convince me that singing is slightly more useful than I had thought it to be. The only downside is I may actually have to upgrade AF hands then... and then its deciding amongst three pairs of gloves which to wear... ._.; (Relic for +wind, AF+1 for +singing, or Sha'ir for -recast)

      75BRD | 75 WHM | 52 THF
      Magitek ~ SecretCowLevel

