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*lifts hand

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  • *lifts hand

    how much money would a bard need for all songs andgear food etc up to 75, all i need is a rough estimate.. nothing too fancy, but you can if ya want


  • #2
    Re: *lifts hand

    Hard to say. That's like asking "How much money will I need my entire life". What I can say is that bard is probably one of the cheapest professions you can go into.


    • #3
      Re: *lifts hand

      Also take into account that the money it took to get to 75 on bard a year ago isn't the same rate as today.. For inflation reasons, for transportation costs. Not that the value is any different really, it's just no one can really give it a number for you specifically.

      Corwynn's Journal

      Red Mage for life.

      What's worse than finding a worm in your apple?


      • #4
        Re: *lifts hand

        Originally posted by arcadia9
        Hard to say. That's like asking "How much money will I need my entire life". What I can say is that bard is probably one of the cheapest professions you can go into.
        XD there is another kind of "life" outside of FFXI you know :p.. FFXI is only a few gigabytes. Just saying that an estimate for this is a bit easier to say then irl..

        War75 Thf75 Pld75 Sam75 Mnk75 Rdm75 Nin75 Bard 75


        • #5
          Re: *lifts hand

          Bard used to be a relatively cheap job to play, but as its been said, because of inflation, the prices have gotten worse.

          You have to take into account the price of your equipment, +CHR items, food, instruments, etc. so it's really not something you can estimate.

          I know that Monster Signa is around 6 million or so in Jeuno on my server. Certain songs have gotten expensive. I remember seeing certain songs like Mage's Ballad and HQ instruments being pretty pricey now of days.


          • #6
            Re: *lifts hand

            Well, they did jack prices for BRD songs, but Mage's Ballad and Mage's Ballad are the hardest hit. Mage's Ballad shot up from 5k to 500k and Mage's Ballad II went from 50k to 500k, but prices may have changed as I have not looked back at them.

            FYI I quested my Ballad.
            Almost four years experience playing FFXI. I am a Raccoon, not a Hyena--despite my name states I am one.

            Get creative and pretend these happened.
            Flaremoogles! Maester Hare HNM Fight! Charmander HNM!



            • #7
              Re: *lifts hand

              Umm it's been about a year since I played, but if I remember correctly pretty well all of the songs are available from vendor NPCs scattered around.

              Jobs: BLM60, BRD45, WHM38, BST31, SMN18, MNK17, THF16, RDM18, NIN11, WAR14

              Murphy's FFXI job roles

              The Tank keeps the Healer alive. The Healer keeps the Tank alive. The BLM warps, THF flees when things look bad.


              • #8
                Re: *lifts hand

                for ballad 1 just quest it... and then worry about ballad 2 sometime in the distant future :D


                • #9
                  Re: *lifts hand

                  Originally posted by Sweetkitty
                  XD there is another kind of "life" outside of FFXI you know :p.. FFXI is only a few gigabytes. Just saying that an estimate for this is a bit easier to say then irl..
                  Actually the trials of real life can influence the estimates of price it would cost in the game. Even though the game is only a few gigabytes it's virtual progress is controlled by it's enviroments or real life.

                  Example in the past people could easily say that if you were a RNG trying to obtain build up for E-Bow and the other good end game weapons that it would cost you over 100 mil easy (with the E-Bow taking out a 20 mil chunk). Before that it was like over 50 mil (With the E-Bow only taking out 1 - 2 mil chunk, the price an E-Bow was back in 2003).

                  So making such a guess isn't as easy as you are thinking. With every update and actions that the games community makes it effects prices.

                  Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


                  • #10
                    Re: *lifts hand

                    Could anyone give me a rough estimate such as ( ex: 10million)



                    • #11
                      Re: *lifts hand

                      Originally posted by Sacrosankt
                      Could anyone give me a rough estimate such as ( ex: 10million)

                      No. Did you not read what everyone's saying? With current inflation, it's almost impossible to give you an estimate of how much it costs to get to the highest level of bard.
                      Last edited by Mog; 01-13-2006, 03:02 PM.
                      ~~~BLM SAM RNG NIN PLD~~~


                      • #12
                        Re: *lifts hand

                        not really, but i think 10mil would be a bit excessive (at least until end game the shiaree stuff can be pricey, but is ssssoooo cool), my bard is lvl61, i never went with a monster signa and i would say i have spent may be a mil or 2 for all 61 lvls (but then again i am a bare bones player), the lvl14 +1 rings i bought, current gear is: Mana circlet 2 melody earrings, earth dark and light elemental staffs, 2 lvl54 chr rings, rse boots, af shorts hands body, gleeman's belt, jester's cape, all instruments except my piccolo (cause it's signed) are +1, but i dont have all the instruments either, some i just dont think are worth it (sorry not really that worried if requime doesnt land the first or even second time). I do have an elegant shield (from bcnm drop) which was very nice at 40 but then again like i said got from bcnm. I do have a seprate set of gear for solo work and even the xp gear i have isnt that great but i dont ever have any complaints even from vertern bards i have ptd with (they were lvling other jobs obviously). Always try to get your songs from npc or drops or quest (ballad). Hope that helps a little bit, stay current on your songs, i personally use a sword when i solo, but i also have dagger cap, sometimes when soloing the engergy steal is really nice, plus hornet needle and march is nice.

                        RNG67 BRD66 THF55 NIN35 WHM31 RDM35 WAR24 PLD30


                        • #13
                          Re: *lifts hand

                          If your infos correct you dont play yet, so worrying about how much gil its gonna cost you to get a job to X level isnt really important, you dont even really have an idea as to how much X gil really is. I told one of my noob RL friends in game id lend him 20k for something and it blew his mind that i had that much money.

                          Also alot of your questions ive been noticing can be answerd simpy through the search button >_< - lots of subjob questions and even questions about end game equipment. Your not gonna need to know how to get a relic bow for a long time ( you asked how to get that >_+)

                          Double Post Edited:
                          Last edited by eriatarka; 01-13-2006, 05:02 PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost
                          Originally posted by Blood Red Poet
                          InuTrunks is just mad, because I ate his baby.

