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/thf build

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  • /thf build

    Im gonna start FFXI with Thief and thereon Bard(using thf as a subjob for endgame). So would anyone help me how to do the build, such as what to do. Were to lvl Thf etc...

    Me and a couple of friends will be creating a static and they're fine with me having a Thf and using it as sub thereafter.

  • #2
    Re: /thf build

    I am curious as to what benefits you believe you'll have as a brd/thf?


    • #3
      Re: /thf build

      While it's true that very few players are going to complain too much over any bard due to the sheer rarity of the job, I'm puzzled by the idea of using BRD/THF at end-game.

      Why do you think this would be a useful combination? /THF gives Sneak Attack, Trick Attack, some Evasion and some INT and DEX along with Treasure Hunter (level 1) at level 75/37, none of which are useful to an end-game bard.

      Bear in mind that Bards are NOT good in combat. No A-rank weapon skills, and even in the weapons where they are B-rank, they don't get any of the really good skills.

      If you insist on trying this, all I can say is make sure to keep your weapon skills levelled as best you can, and be prepared to watch helplessly as your entire party dies around you since you have weak offense and no useful defensive abilities aside from Lullaby, which isn't terribly reliable under the best of circumstances on XP-worthy enemies, much less end-game foes (and since you aren't using a mage subjob, you have no defensive magic to protect yourself once the monsters wake up).



      • #4
        Re: /thf build

        Ok speaking as a bard /thf is not so good, even soloing i sub whm....however Icemage, lullaby is very reliable and i dont have great gear but in against xp mobs i have only missed sleeping a non-DOT'd mob a handful of times (which i then weakend to dark and the rdm or blm slept). You are correct no A rank skills of any kind (yes if you look our instrument and singing skills are only C rank) so it is difficult but not impossible. I solo easy gobs all the time (record so far is 5 easy gobs at once cause horde lullaby rocks), i even solo'd decent samurai Yagudo in Castle O....freaking took forever, esspecially when they linked with the bard yagudo ><. I have only ever solod 1 tough, that took about 30 minutes and was just miserable so i wont do that that i am way off back to the topic at hand, if you want to do thf /cheer go for it but thf/brd not good really, and brd/thf not any better. Go with whm and rdm as subs for brd (rdm only if you have another whm in the party to handle status ailments, but i like /rdm late game for fast cast which is very nice solo and in other certian situations).

        RNG67 BRD66 THF55 NIN35 WHM31 RDM35 WAR24 PLD30


        • #5
          Re: /thf build

          I have a hunch that SE originally intended BRD to sub THF, just like they intended NIN to be a puller job. Of course, players have a habit of finding better uses for the things that SE implements into the game.

          But can go ahead and try to sub THF all the way into the endgame. Dunno how well it'll work for you, but there you have it.
          All Nations: Rank 10
          Rise of the Zilart: Complete
          Chains of Promathia: Complete
          75 BRD/75 WHM/75 BLM/75 MNK/75 RDM/57 DRK/40 THF/39 WAR/37 NIN & SMN/All the rest < 37

          What to level next? (DRK!)


          • #6
            Re: /thf build

            now that is interesting, why do you think brd was ment to /thf?

            RNG67 BRD66 THF55 NIN35 WHM31 RDM35 WAR24 PLD30


            • #7
              Re: /thf build

              Originally posted by qaitakalnin
              Ok speaking as a bard /thf is not so good, even soloing i sub whm....however Icemage, lullaby is very reliable and i dont have great gear but in against xp mobs i have only missed sleeping a non-DOT'd mob a handful of times
              Landing Lullaby with good gear isn't the problem. It's keeping it slept long enough to kill whatever you're fighting without dying (remember, no Blink or Stoneskin because he's using /THF!) that is the problem.

              I missed quite a few Lullaby attempts in my road from 75 bard. It happens somewhat often against incredibly tough enemies unless they're weak to light magic. If you're only fighting Very Tough or lower enemies, sure Lullaby with decent gear is pretty reliable, but making it stick for more than a few seconds on an IT++ enemy is all but impossible until level 51+ with elemental staves, and even then you're going to get an awful lot of partial resists where it'll wake up early.


