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Bard End game Equipment

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  • #16
    Re: Bard End game Equipment

    I too know I have seen a small difference in buff levels with skill vs non skill setups. I will have to go back and dig my skill items out of storage to really see. That being said, a lot of my other bard friends have begun to swear by skill items. I know for one that while using a pure skill setup on Fafnir it was vastly easier to land a debuff than with a pure charisma setup.

    Calyx, you reminded me of the one other set that all bard's should consider . . . -enmity. I have a pure -enmity armor setup for the longer stuff like Cop wyrm attempts (Vrtra likes to get hungry for mithra meat alot). I haven't used it in a while for other "lower" HNM's like Fafnir, but at one time when our LS was a lot younger I switched to it cause I would get eaten all the time.
    75BRD, 75NIN, 75SMN, 67RDM, 56WHM
    Rank 10 Windurst | Rank 10 Bastok | Rank 8 Sand'Oria
    Zilart COMPLETE | Promathia COMPLETE
    Smithing 78+1 Cooking 60 Fishing 21


    • #17
      Re: Bard End game Equipment

      Originally posted by Rones
      Extra +skill has close to no extra affect on minuet.

      From alla(so iffy, but fairly accurate) for minuet 4
      (Singing skill/10) +4


      Instrument w/ Minuet +2 = +5

      You can stack on +20skill and only get 1 more attack.
      Pretty sure this is because Minuet IV begins to eventually cap out on how much it can be increased by.

      Throughout the game I was only concerened with CHR = Skill > MP (mainly for leveling). End game however my focus has really shifted a good deal. On HNMs that you're expected to be able to land debuffs on I still swear by + Skill and a bit of CHR but really at 75 with the proper instruments +CHR seems so petty.

      My big surprise however is my desire for deffensive equipment. For end game PTs you may find yourself pulling a good deal for high chains. You'll also be taking quite a few hits in Dynamis, more than likely anyway. So for this I recomend if available that you try for the Tu'lia god's set. You can mix and match certain pieces to customize things a bit but I usually find myself doing the whole set minus the gloves (which i use JSE for) for exp and dynamis. With more defens and Vitality you're able to take that much more of a beating as you recast your horde lullaby.

      Other things like + Skill and - Enmity have been mentioned so no need to restate those, but they're very important as well. And for MP ring accessories and zenith are a huge aid for BRDs seeking MP.


      • #18
        Re: Bard End game Equipment

        the skill/chr debates aside, i think for a bard in end game situations, chr is practically useless, i don't even bother trying to debuff genbu or seiryu or whoever cause the once i land it a fight is time taken away from my other duties and fights are so short (genbu i remember we used to do in like 6 min) that its not worth the time. i use almost exclusively mp+ gear for gods to cure rngs i would usually be with, and i'd try and slip skill gear in there where i could, but mp is primary concern. hell, i could go in to those fights naked and be 99% as useful.

        Keyura [Remora] ★ WHM52/BLM26 ★ BRD75/WHM37 ★ BLM62/WHM31 ★ SMN33/WHM16 ★ RNG15/WAR7 ★ BST19/WHM9 ★ (Active in Red)
        Greenkingdom LS to chat, Akui LS for sky, and Higeki LS for dynamis.
        Saroku [Unicorn] ★ WHM5 ★ (Active in Red)

        Pingpong used his Masamune, but Keyura dodged! Pingpong's anger grows by 13.

