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MP Usage For Bard.

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  • #31
    Re: MP Usage For Bard.

    if i had a whiney mnk tellin me what to do i would just tell him to mind his own job and let me do mine
    But of course if someone else in the party isn't playing to their full ability you retain the right to make suggestive changes to how they play. That is a terrible attitude to party with. You have plenty of time between songs to easily burn all your mp every fight if you wanted. Letting ballad tick away while at full mp is a slap to the party's main healer who is trying to keep up his mp to reduce downtime.
    Whm 75 Blm 37 Brd 75 | Bastok Rank 10 | Whm > Rdm


    • #32
      Re: MP Usage For Bard.

      yes when back up healing is needed of course you should use your MP , But as a brd/whm my first job is to be a brd just like a whm/blms first job is to be a whm. As a brd between songs i do heal and debuff like i said but only when i have finished enhancing everyone , doesnt sound like she was just standing there waitin for her songs to run out , Brds job is very hectic , i dont get much time to to do much else but run between the groups and sing throwing out cures and debuffs , my point being that complaining that your brd always has mp is lame if they are doing their job , as a hume at lvl 46 i only have 143 mp ^^ not good for much but i use it as the situation warrents, and personnaly making a suggestion and complainin/whining are two different things. I think allot people can relate to being frustrated at being told how to do their job by someone who has never played it, I have a great attitude in party's , often askin melle if they have a preference on what songs they want seeing as i dont play melee often, i like to get opinions from my pt on what works best for them, but if someone started complainin instead of makin a "suggestion" i would tell them to mind thier own job , i dont take orders form anyone but the pt leader and then only if they ask nicely and i believe neither should anyone else.


      • #33
        Re: MP Usage For Bard.

        The operative point, though, is that the original post indicates he is level 70+, and these are things a bard should long since have figured out for themselves (by level 60 at the latest, 5 levels of having Mage's Ballad II ought to clue you in how to best use the MP that you're going to get whether you like it or not).



        • #34
          Re: MP Usage For Bard.

          I will definitly give you that point and agree whole heartedly

