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Sky HNM drops for Bard.

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  • Sky HNM drops for Bard.

    Hi hi ^^ Right now I have all the Sha'ir set except body I use the Errant or the Vermillion Cloak. Just wonder... for Bard what rare/ex drops or abjurations should I try to getting from: Genbu, Suzaku, Seiryu, and Byakko? Or is it the equips I have now is better?

    Tyty for your reply! _(..)_

    75Brd . 37Whm . 22Smn

    "Seeing or hearing things the same way isn't important... Sharing the same moments in your life is." - Romilda, Port Bastok.

  • #2
    I always thought Suzaku's Sune-ate would be nice for some Magic-Def, and looks.


    • #3
      not much :p

      Zenith Legs(Suzaku) maybe?
      Wandering Minstrel~


      • #4
        *shurg* there are several ways you could choose to go with god items, but realistically none are the "ideal" bard equipment and just about everything has a far better use on a more appropriate jobs.

        Zenith abjurbation is one posibility, if you are looking to go all-out on MP. It'll be at the sacrifice of CHR though, and I don't think most bards are willing to give that up.

        Genbu's Shield has some use if you are soloing (using dagger or sword).

        Kirin's Oscode is a very useful item, although there will probably be a lot of competition within your LS for this item, since so many jobs get good use out of it.

        So far I've taken no god items, and the only thing I'm looking to get out of my HNM LS is some Cashmere =).


        • #5
          Genbu Shield
          Byako Haidate (+5% Haste is huge)
          Zenith Pants
          Zenith Feet
          Kirin's Osode

          Thats about it for sky gear.


          • #6
            Genbu Shield
            Byako Haidate (+5% Haste is huge)
            Zenith Pants
            Zenith Feet
            Kirin's Osode
            Zenith feet only drop from Fafnir and Nidhogg.. on my wishlist nonetheless.

            I use Genbu's Shield when soloing or skilllng up dagger and sword.
            Zenith pants.. 50 mp and 4 chr.. can't pass that up.
            Zenith crown, if you love mp like me. Once I waste the 50 mp it gives, I toss on Vermillion cloak.
            Suzaku Sune-ate are okay, haven't gotten much use out of them yet.
            Byakko Haidate and Kirin Osode are still on my wish list.
            Bloodqueen ~ 75 White Mage | 75 Bard ~ Leviathan


            • #7
              Zenith feet is Fafnir and King Behemoth, not Nidhogg.
              Zilart Finished | Windurst Rank10 | CoP M8-3
              Red Mage | Ranger | Black Mage


              • #8
                Mystery Tour fails me, thank you for pointing that out Sekaran
                Bloodqueen ~ 75 White Mage | 75 Bard ~ Leviathan


                • #9
                  Oh, and I use the Suzaku Sune-Ate for fighting Tiamat. Gogo Fire resist!



                  • #10
                    Haidate is amazing, it takes off 2 seconds off ballad recast. I would suggest getting every piece just for farming purposes =) Might be able to beat warriors in def.


                    • #11
                      lol imo the only real peice of equips from gods that i REALLY want, is Kirin's Osode, but i think it would go to other ppl b4 it would even look to be going in my direction, but meh ^^

                      Sha'ir equips is where its at


