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Republic Aketon in a leveling party?

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  • Republic Aketon in a leveling party?

    Hey guys, I'm not a bard yet, but I can't wait to start. I plan to unlock Bard as soon as I hit level 30, and make it my main job from then on. I love playing Bard and I really want people to think of me as a good Bard, so I have a question to ask you all.

    I've heard that the equipment Bards wear makes almost no difference, at least at low levels. So I was wondering if it would be a good idea to wear a Republic Aketon (if I can get one) as my body armor to start with. I figure, since I really shouldn't ever get hit anyway, that the party would rather have crystal drop rate up than for me to have 5 more defense or something.

    So my question is, do you guys think it's a good idea to wear the aketon in leveling parties? Would it make me less effective? And if it is a good idea, how long should I wear it? Should I switch it out at 15 for a Republic Harness or Kingdom Tunic for a bit of MP? Or at 18 for a Garrison Tunica to get +1 Chr? Maybe wait for my RSE or AF? When do you think my lack of defense will start hurting the party?

    Anyway, sorry for all the questions =) I just don't want to be a bad bard. And, as far as I can tell, crystal drop rate up is way better than most armor until my RSE (hume) or something like that. Since I don't need defense much, and there are very few Chr+ armors until high levels. I don't think +6 MP would be all that great either.

    Thanks for any replies. (P.S. if anyone is a rank 10 Bastokan on the Fenrir server, and wants to give/trade/sell me a republic aketon, let me know =P I don't have much to give though..)

  • #2
    If you're observing yourself never getting hit, go ahead - you don't get good CHR or MP options in the body slot for a LONG time. (Well, some races do for their RSE.)

    If you're getting hit occasionally ... don't. Wear something reasonably defensive.
    Averter of the Apocalypse~
    Unique quests complete: 330-something, keep losing count.
    Mission plot lines complete: Windurst, Bastok, San d'Oria, Zilart, Promathia.
    Maps not yet obtained: Promyvion-Dem, Promyvion-Mea, Promyvion-Holla, Promyvion-Vahzl, Sacrarium.


    • #3
      Thanks for the reply =) I'll try to get one soon. I'll just make sure to keep a good defensive armor with me while I level, and change to it if I start drawing agro. Maybe make an emergency macro to put the defensive armor on.

      Anyway, thanks again =)


      • #4
        It's true we don't get much hate, but in parties with mediocre tanks, the first melee buff and the first mob debuff will take the mob's attention off the puller, and you will get hit if the tank doesn't Provoke fast enough. It's a pissoff, I know, but it happens. It's best you inconvenience the WHM as little as possible with non-tank-directed cures.


        • #5
          I'll try to make sure to never take a hit without a good body armor on. I'll just wear the good armor for the first few monsters to see how well the tank can hold enmity, and then decide which one to wear.

          Do you know when I have to be wearing the aketon to get credit for crystal drop rate up? I'm guessing I just have to be wearing it when the monster dies. If that's the case, I could even wear good armor at the start of every fight, and then macro in my aketon after the tank has secured enmity. (If I find that I draw agro near the start)

