This was a sort of test run, I went with a bunch of first timers and well we lost, the set up was:
BRD/WHM - Me(Elvaan), CHR+24, Mary's Horn, Fish Kabob, First time with BRD, I've gone about 30 times with RDM.
WHM/BLM - Elvaan, ok MP, First time.
BLM/SMN - Hume, Refused to sub WHM because it was under leveled.
DRK/WAR - Great gear, food, first time but followed instructions well.
PLD/WAR - Good gear, no food, says he's gone a few times before.
RNG/NIN - Great gear, JP but spoke good english, seemed like it was his first time, but I don't know.
Started out, we entered. After buffs my PC restarted, I know its cuz of my power supply and I plan to fix that soon. So I sing Ballad and MinneII and the PLD vokes and flashes the black mandy. I sleep the them all but miss 1 white. I sleep him individually and stand in my circle of whites. By this time the PLD was very low on HP and the WHM was struggling to cure him and myself. After a while I was able to get all the mandies on the same sleep track. By the time the black and the 1st white mandy were dead the WHM was completely out of MP. My hp drops to about 100 and I start to cure myself, but all the mandies wake up. I scramble to target a mandy but my macro messes up and I die, the rest follow. Any suggestions on how to avoid this? I was thinking of locking target on my sleeping mandy. Thanks for your suggestions.
BRD/WHM - Me(Elvaan), CHR+24, Mary's Horn, Fish Kabob, First time with BRD, I've gone about 30 times with RDM.
WHM/BLM - Elvaan, ok MP, First time.
BLM/SMN - Hume, Refused to sub WHM because it was under leveled.
DRK/WAR - Great gear, food, first time but followed instructions well.
PLD/WAR - Good gear, no food, says he's gone a few times before.
RNG/NIN - Great gear, JP but spoke good english, seemed like it was his first time, but I don't know.
Started out, we entered. After buffs my PC restarted, I know its cuz of my power supply and I plan to fix that soon. So I sing Ballad and MinneII and the PLD vokes and flashes the black mandy. I sleep the them all but miss 1 white. I sleep him individually and stand in my circle of whites. By this time the PLD was very low on HP and the WHM was struggling to cure him and myself. After a while I was able to get all the mandies on the same sleep track. By the time the black and the 1st white mandy were dead the WHM was completely out of MP. My hp drops to about 100 and I start to cure myself, but all the mandies wake up. I scramble to target a mandy but my macro messes up and I die, the rest follow. Any suggestions on how to avoid this? I was thinking of locking target on my sleeping mandy. Thanks for your suggestions.