Some of the good equipment past 50 would be the elemental staves, JSE, errant, and opo opo crown. I cant really think of anything other than that off the top of my head. There are some neat weapons and things like that, but those arent really important for a brd.
Get light first. Lullabying is paramount when you get links and it helps with requiem and finale as well as increasing your chr (just slightly) while making your cures and curagas a lot more potent. Earth staff is really only for elegy and its my "oh no!" macro in case things start hitting me.
Get light first. Lullabying is paramount when you get links and it helps with requiem and finale as well as increasing your chr (just slightly) while making your cures and curagas a lot more potent. Earth staff is really only for elegy and its my "oh no!" macro in case things start hitting me.