Originally posted by lufia22
1.) Is it hard to camp mary's horn? I'm debating on plopping all my money down on it or not...I really hate camping NMs but if it's an easy drop then I might just take my THF/BST combo out there and hunt it. God knows Monster Signa is a really rare drop.
2.) I have a question about charisma and its effect on how long a song stays. Does it determine how long a songs stays by the CHR you have when you cast that song? Or, lets say I start out casting a song and then raise my CHR after the song is cast, will that effect how long the song I just played before raising my CHR will last? In other words, does CHR only take place as you play a song or is it always present?
3.) What are the standard melee songs? I just got Valor Minuet II and on easier enemies I tend to cast Valor Minuet I and II rather than the accuracy song because on easy enemies they already have decent accuracy. However, I'm wondering about harder enemies. Is the accuracy song a pretty standard song all the way up until 75 or does it become one of those songs you only use if your PT is missing? The reason I ask is because the song that makes my PT attack faster is just around the corner, and I'm debating on whether or not that should replace my accuracy song or not. So what are typically the standard melee songs?
1.) Is it hard to camp mary's horn? I'm debating on plopping all my money down on it or not...I really hate camping NMs but if it's an easy drop then I might just take my THF/BST combo out there and hunt it. God knows Monster Signa is a really rare drop.
2.) I have a question about charisma and its effect on how long a song stays. Does it determine how long a songs stays by the CHR you have when you cast that song? Or, lets say I start out casting a song and then raise my CHR after the song is cast, will that effect how long the song I just played before raising my CHR will last? In other words, does CHR only take place as you play a song or is it always present?
3.) What are the standard melee songs? I just got Valor Minuet II and on easier enemies I tend to cast Valor Minuet I and II rather than the accuracy song because on easy enemies they already have decent accuracy. However, I'm wondering about harder enemies. Is the accuracy song a pretty standard song all the way up until 75 or does it become one of those songs you only use if your PT is missing? The reason I ask is because the song that makes my PT attack faster is just around the corner, and I'm debating on whether or not that should replace my accuracy song or not. So what are typically the standard melee songs?
2. CHR only matters at the moment the song lands (or perhaps doesn't land), which is around 80% casting time as you will notice. And it doesn't affect max duration at all. An unresisted debuff song will last just as long with +0 CHR or +80 CHR. It's just that with +80 CHR, you're a lot more likely to have it be unresisted ... and if it's resisted, it'll last a shorter time (and have a weaker effect), or perhaps not even land at all. CHR doesn't affect your song's potential, but it does affect your chances of getting that full potential. Get it?
3. It's ultimately more about whether the extra average damage per hit from a second Minuet, results in more or less damage than the extra damage from a hit you wouldn't have landed except from Madrigal. If your melees have very good accuracy (or at low levels DEX) equipment to the point where they can hit quite reliably, Madrigal may be unnecessary. Also keep in mind that doing more damage per hit is not going to affect TP (for skillchains) in the slightest, but hitting more reliably is going to matter.
But this is really quite rare, at least for exp purposes (where you're fighting something high enough level above you, to give good exp, anyway ... now if it's wimpier and doesn't give good exp, that's another matter). In fact, for a hefty portion of the 50's and low 60's, my standard melee songs were actually double Madrigals, because the melees had such a hard time hitting. Most of the rest of my bardic life has been good old Madrigal + Minuet.
I tried March in my 30's, but it's unfortunately a very weak haste effect even with the March+2 instrument. The second March is not significantly better either, unfortunately. March has its uses, but exp really isn't one of them. It's good for high level blink tanks, tanking dangerous things, since haste effects (including March) reduce spell recast (not ability recast, mind you), which is important when it comes to recasting utsusemi.
It's good for putting on that WHM who has to Raise III an entire alliance, to reduce the recast on Raise III. It's arguably good for parties for skilling up weapons, especially weapons with big delay (i.e. 2-handed weapons). Though generally in skillups I play madrigal (since you get no skillup chance if you miss) and ballad 2 (to keep people alive).