I just started Bard and having an extremely easy time soloing thus far to level 8. However, I'm wondering about instruments. I swear I remember readon a LONG time ago that different types of instruments were made for certain types of songs. Is this true? If not, is there any use for an instrument without a +??? on it or is it there just so a low level without money could level up their skill?
I'm also finding it a bit hard to find some songs in the AH. Do the three starting towns sell the same songs in the music shops? I might have to take an airship trip soon cuz I don't think I can find everything I need in Bastok on Unicorn currently.
I'm also finding it a bit hard to find some songs in the AH. Do the three starting towns sell the same songs in the music shops? I might have to take an airship trip soon cuz I don't think I can find everything I need in Bastok on Unicorn currently.