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Why do all the brds hate their job?

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  • #61
    coming from someone how just attacks and spells something you obviously no nothing about support classes so dont tell ppl that they know thing about something when its obvious you know nothing about being a bard, leave this topic to ppl that actually take a liking to the job rather then put the class down and take the enjoyment outta what ppl actually like to do
    People look at the world and think why, i look at the world and think why not.


    • #62
      Originally posted by Peanut_Midgard
      I see my party members as my minions that get xp for me. The better I make them, the faster the xp comes in for me
      Exactly :D lol

      The only time i dislike playing bard is when i get really tired and i have trouble remembering the song order I know i'm in trouble with someone has to ask for Prelude, it's usually the 1st to slip my mind since i don't play that one every single pt.

      Lu Shang's - Obtained: 10/05/04


      • #63
        Originally posted by Akiro
        coming from someone how just attacks and spells something you obviously no nothing about support classes so dont tell ppl that they know thing about something when its obvious you know nothing about being a bard, leave this topic to ppl that actually take a liking to the job rather then put the class down and take the enjoyment outta what ppl actually like to do
        i have some mages jobs lv 30~ and i pted with alot of mages
        skilled players dont need to play the job to know how it work noob im not lv 11 whm like you or lv 12 like the starter of the topic

        and most people think brd is boring and that a fact but some people LOVE brd job and they enjoy the job
        i know some people say drk is boring and thats there opinion and it true to some people but you cant say drk is repetitive cuz its NOT and that a fact

        people who play brd there is 4 types
        #1 playing the job cuz they can lv up anytime and fast or there playing time is limited
        #2 someone who lv up another job to lv 75 and find out his job is useless at endgame so he start lving up brd +easy lving + can get into any HNMLS easy
        #3 people who dont care about the invites or whatever they are playing the job cuz there enjoy it
        #4 play the job cuz they thought its enjoyable job but they found out how boring its

        ask yourself if you think brd is boring why you play it what type are you?

        Main : Sephiro
        Mules : Sephira Eviljin Sephon
        COP missions = Complated


        • #64
          Bard is a uniqure class because it only appeals to a small group of people.

          People who play bard because it is "fast exp" or "easy" to level won't get very far. Even if they get to level 75, they will have very little enthusiasm about the class, and will quite frankly suck. Eventually people will realize this and they will be kicked out of any decent linkshell and then be forced to level up another job, move servers, or quit the game.

          Bard is no different from any other class. In an EXP party it gets boring and repetitive....all jobs do. Bards role in HNM situation is also very limited, we are typically used just for ballad, prelude, and elegy.

          The only reason bard is so rare is because it is not a very rewarding job to play. You never get to accomplish anything of major significance besides BCNM40, and you very rarely are an MVP player for anything. They also get severely gimped in terms of end-game equipment (although the new JSE might change this). Virtually all good end-game equipment bard can use are given to other jobs first. Joyeuse? PLD and RDM need it more than you. Dalmatica? SMN, RDM, BLM get more use out of it than you do. Kirin's Osode? It's more effective on any other melee job than it is on a BRD. The list goes on.

          This doesn't change how fun playing bard is to me though. Bard really is a social class, and the most important thing is to make friends in FFXI and enjoy their company. Bards need to be willing to give a lot and get very little in return.

          I think that people who are unhappy with Bard, would be equally unhappy with any other job. They are most likely unhappy with their linkshell, or other reasons not directly related to the Bard job.


          • #65
            Originally posted by poppipo
            yu know what? most jobs like their jobs, my rng friend loves his, my pld freind loves his, even my war friend liks his, and seeing all the bards who say its boring etc shouldnt play it then, im totally having fun playing job cus..

            1-i feel rare and exotic

            2-partys will do anything to have me

            3-i feel so ^^ as a bard but only -_- with other jobs lol

            4-the feeling of helping people just makes me feel good...
            hehe, agreed. That makes me remember why I tried my ass off sticking it out in Kazham for lvl 30....only to have my mom kill my account when I was like...1.5k tnl at 29. XD

            I see bards as cheerleaders. I want a job that people will appreciate. As a THF, I was only really appreciated once. When we had 2 THFs in the same group and playing Sneak Attack ping-pong with the gobbies and when I SAed the hell out of my first SA-victim and the only thing the >15 onlookers said was "Woah." XD When I partied with a BRD, me and the rest of the party were praising him like a god. We could never have done chain 6 without him, maybe not even chain 3. If there was a small FMV of an exp party with a BRD and voice-overs, I could imagine the BRD singing songs, etc. and spamming /cheer. It's much more rewarding to play a job where you feel needed and not worried about your grp saying "You suck, /kick <name>." or "We need to find someone better than this <job>" :sweat:

            Kibo (Asura): RDM 6 ::cwy::


            • #66
              Bit of fluff is needed imo.
              Seperate tunes for each song type wouldn't be asking too much, and our own version of yaddayadda-seal to increase the potency of the next song would help the otherwise empty job ability menu.

              I like playing bards because it's still somewhat rare at higher levels, even though it's a stupidly powerful job.

              Never having to sit in jeuno and watch the paint dry is a big plus of course. You always have more fun riding the rollercoaster instead of standing in line waiting for your turn.
              75 Brd/Whm
              Aurora - Bismarck


              • #67
                For me, bard was only about XPing. Even in my set PT, it was like pulling teeth to try to get them to help me with AF because we generally don't need any thing. If I got an invite, 99% of the time it was someone asking me to XP. This sort of got boring.

                - Regarding falling asleep. I've done this quite a few times as a bard and I can tell you it's way more dangerous to fall asleep as a bard than any other jobclass. I'm constantly moving around and when I fell asleep it's usually when I had left my finger on a direction so I would be running away from the PT, sometimes into some agros >.<

                - it's also hard to have any sense of accomplishment as a bard. Most of the stuff I end up getting, was handed to me by people cause I sure as hell couldn't get anything on my own. Even a WHM solo's better than a BRD. Although I did feel sort of proud when I beat the dragoon quest dragon as my level 55 bard solo, in RSE gear :D


                • #68
                  Originally posted by kaply
                  For me, bard was only about XPing. Even in my set PT, it was like pulling teeth to try to get them to help me with AF because we generally don't need any thing. If I got an invite, 99% of the time it was someone asking me to XP. This sort of got boring.

                  - Regarding falling asleep. I've done this quite a few times as a bard and I can tell you it's way more dangerous to fall asleep as a bard than any other jobclass. I'm constantly moving around and when I fell asleep it's usually when I had left my finger on a direction so I would be running away from the PT, sometimes into some agros >.<

                  - it's also hard to have any sense of accomplishment as a bard. Most of the stuff I end up getting, was handed to me by people cause I sure as hell couldn't get anything on my own. Even a WHM solo's better than a BRD. Although I did feel sort of proud when I beat the dragoon quest dragon as my level 55 bard solo, in RSE gear :D
                  Wow, i don't feel similiar on any of that lol. Yeah maybe WHM can solo better than some BRDs during 50-60 period but i romp things with my current setup now. I really don't think a WHM could hang with me at my current level and setup as far as farming goes.


                  • #69
                    While I can't say I've gotten into a lot of the high level stuff as a Bard as of yet (still working on my first AF quest ATM), there hasn't been much that has kept me from farming well - heck, as a Bard I've had better luck against EP monsters than I ever did as a WHM. Maybe at later levels, or with Hexa Strike, WHM might have an easier time, but at the moment I can take on pretty much anything up to EP- without any big worries.

                    As for being rewarding... probably the part that is hardest for me is actually STOPPING play - people usually beg me so pitifully to stay for just a little bit longer. ^_^;

                    And while Bard might not be able to do a ton of things on their own, I do think that is true of many classes. My LS is certainly a BIG help for a lot of things, and I'm always greatful for their assistance - and try to reciprocate as much as possible.
                    ~~~Rune Grey~~~
                    Bard 67/WHM33 Bastok Rank 8
                    All AF [x]

                    Genkai 1 - 4 = Complete!
                    Current Zilart Mission=14
                    Sky Pass=Obtained!


                    • #70
                      I've never found the job boring, maybe it's just because it's my highest job so far. I've noticed that while partying no one ever complains about being bored. We're too busy trying not to die. I've also noticed that I'll get invites into partys even when I'm leader of another.
                      Courage isn't the absence of fear. It is the presence of fear, yet the will to go on.

                      -John Wayne


                      • #71
                        Sorry about the double post, but I was wondering just how many bards are on the new Remora server. I'm getting invites out the wazoo and was wondering whether I was alone as a bard or just lucky?
                        Courage isn't the absence of fear. It is the presence of fear, yet the will to go on.

                        -John Wayne


                        • #72
                          No other job has had such a grip on me. I love being able to help PTs be more successful. I love that I get to run around. I especially love that people love me. XD It always put a smile on my face..

                          Skilling up in newbie areas, I get "OMG, a BRD!" or "I wanna be like you when I can get advanced job!" I'm like /blush.

                          Having PT members (like RNG XD) praise me. I feel like I'm not doing anything (but singing and leeching XP while I feel like they're doing all the 'real' work!), but they praise me and I get all warm and fuzzy. XD

                          Cranking out a flute in Lower Jeuno, and having people /clap /dance with me. XD Even better when other BRD come and play along. I notice that BRD like to show off in public, even though they deny it.

                          The only negative:

                          Having PTs cry when I have to leave after a few hours of XPing. ; ; Sometimes PT disband when healer leaves, sure. But when I leave.. they're like, we can continue with a replacement, but we WANT YOU. ; ;

                          People who dont understand the job and ask me for ridiculous requests in PT. A RDM kept asking me for Quick Etude, for example. OMG. X_X;; He was lvl 45. *stabs* Trust me to know what to siiiing. I am open to advice, but not silly advice.
                          Rinlocke || 68BRD || Odin - Retired


                          • #73
                            I don't hate playing bard, but I can't take but so much of it at a time. After a while I just can't handle the songs, and I just have to stop and go do something else. I think I can manage to play BRD for about 2 hours and then I can't touch it for another week! lol
                            PS2 Beta tester - Cactaur - Rank 4
                            RDM32 - BLM17 - DRK11 - RNG11 - BRD9 - BST7 - WAR6 - MNK4

                            Lakshmi: Windurst Rank 10 - Zilart, CoP, ToAU COMPLETE - WotG
                            SAM90 - DRK90 - MNK90 - WAR90 - RNG90 - BST90 - RDM83 - NIN50 - THF46 - DRG42 - BLM40 - PUP23 - WHM20 - PLD13 - BRD13 - BLU10 - SCH10 - DNC7 - COR5 - SMN1


                            • #74
                              I like BRD. It was fun and everyone liked me ^^

                              Then in the end before i changed server then wnet back oit was a pain to lv it... i think it was my PT though and not the job... But it sure hell was boring that hours.. Anyway yes i love BRD! XD


                              • #75
                                i love bard, mostly because I get so many compliments.

                                One because I play the job decent, and because Bard is almost like cheating sometimes, you chew through mobs so fast with no DT usually.

                                I just like hearing "You really do a great job!" or "Your the best Bard, i've ever pt'ed with, you run back and forth so much, always have my song"

                                as a WHM, Ninja, Blm, i don't recall ever getting a compliment, not that i'm not appreciated, just taken for granted, i suppose with the other jobs.

                                Just about every PT that last over 1 hour, atleast 1 person bursts out with a "Bard's Rule" or some other nice thing to say.
                                Rank 5 Windurst
                                Fenrir Server - Fateless Dreamers LS
                                50 Bard, 34 White Mage, 24 Ninja, 19 Black Mage, 10 Warrior, 11 Thief, 7 Red Mage, 7 Beastmaster, 7 Ranger, 3 Summoner
                                AF1 - Paper Knife Complete
                                Owner of Monster Signa
                                52 +23 Chr

