ya pld is yur main job..my point exactly...
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Why do all the brds hate their job?
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I am level 61 and I still love my job as a BRD And yes it's my current main.
I went all the way to 53 with RDM but decided I couldn't go on much longer. I don't mind the Refresh much but I was frustrated that I couldn't contribute directly to party members. Sure I can haste and heal, but that's not really awesome support. I decided I like to be support all the way, that's why I made the switch to bard and I don't regret it one bit.
I don't regret having RDM53 either since I can actually do some stuff solo with that job. I still plan to return to RDM some day (probably when I hit 70 with bard and beat Maat). Bard is my partying job and RDM is my soloing job. It's amazing how much a RDM can do solo. With this combo I can do quite a lot of things.
The thing is, you really really need to like enhancing other members if you want to enjoy being a bard. Everything we do, we do it through our party members. We contribute very little directly to the battle aside from Elegy and Threnody. Your satisfaction come from seeing your party member say, "holy crap I have 500 attack!" or something like that. Sometimes I just delay madrigal a little and then I see them wiff, oh and when madrigal landed they started hitting. It's quite satisfying for me
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i always felt like theres something missing to bard.
the job desperately need something like a divine seal/warcry/meditate style ability.
overall the viabilityof brds isnt in doubt, its just theres nothing to have fun with...no soul eater or elemental seal, shield bash and so on and so on...
MB requiem on lvl 3 renkei is about as exciting as it getsWandering Minstrel~
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Bard need A skill with Sword and Dagger and also get access to Dancing Edge and Vorpal Blade from the BRD job as a main and some stronger weapons.
But another problem BRD has is the horrible pattern of how S-E made a mage job, that doesn't use any MP for his magic and how this affect their subjob compatibility. Since our melee skill suck, a melee subjob is worthless. But because we have no MP, our Main job can't support the subjob and we must waste every single slots of our equipment into MP gear to be efficient with our sub. We end up gimping stats because of this and mostly the stats that would help us melee.BRD 75 / NIN 66 / WHM 37 / WAR 30 / RDM 23 / BST 20
San d'Oria Rank 10
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as far as I can see theres bad parts to every job and bards dont really complain much more than any other jobs
Its repetitive and we have no soloing ability seems to be the main complaints, but every other job has similar themes.
some rdms dont like beign refresh whores
whms hate getting treated badly in regards to raising random people and being expected to keep everyone alive all the time.
drks complain about missing too much (at certain levels) and not getting parties
drgs complain about..... well..... being rubbish :D
sams complain about getting nerfed all the time
nins complain about having to be blink tanks (little flexibility in most peoples eyes)
smns complain about being expected to always play the cure tank
the list goes on and on...
plds dont seem to complain too much about their job though :confused:
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I enjoy Bard because I love knowing the difference I make to everyone in the party. Having White Mage and Warrior high up allows me to understand the difference first hand instead of just seeing it. I also take great satisfaction in the little things I do that I've never seen another Bard do (consistently) before, such as Bewitching Etude on myself before every debuff and giving the Black Mage Sage Etude before every renkei. For me it's a great job with great rewards if you know how to look beyond "materialistic" stuff.【MNK 75 - WAR 75 - NIN 75 - BRD 75 - WHM 75】
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Being a good bard is about adjusting to your party to help them kill as quickly as possible.
It could mean playing double mambo on your haubergon wearing maniac ninja, double minuet on your rangers with absurd +acc gear, or threnodies for your mages so they can land silence/slow/paralyze, etc..
I think the only downside to the class is how weak solo we are, but at least we're pretty much impossible to kill unless a HNM or IT+++ is hunting you down. Even though our farming speed is slow, with paeon there's pretty much no downtime even subbing /thf...and even if you link 6 quadavs while fighting a NM you're never eally in danger :D
A decent sword/dagger weapon skill would be ideal, but it's a trade-off: Being the best supporting class and the weakest individual one.
And I'd still like to see another ability, something like "Power Ballad" where you start belting out Journey songs, and gain access to the 13 hit weapon skill "Raging Mullet", but I won't hold my breath...
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Originally posted by Russta
I enjoy Bard because I love knowing the difference I make to everyone in the party. Having White Mage and Warrior high up allows me to understand the difference first hand instead of just seeing it. I also take great satisfaction in the little things I do that I've never seen another Bard do (consistently) before, such as Bewitching Etude on myself before every debuff and giving the Black Mage Sage Etude before every renkei. For me it's a great job with great rewards if you know how to look beyond "materialistic" stuff.
Same reason I enjoy the job. I like being appreciated and I love seeing the difference between PT without bard and PT with me. Sure, fast invites play into it. And adjusting to different parties. As WHM, you basically only adjust your job a little depending on PLD or NIN tank. As bard, you adjust your job depending on the whole party setup, so technically, every new party is a new challenge.
I'm not tired of it yet... 67 and going strong. Planning on getting Errant Set at the very least.
Oh and regarding odd parties - I find BLM PTs to be a nice exception from the norm (4 BLM 1 BRD 1 SMN). While the only spells you cast are elegy, threnody and ballad, the kill speed is just amazing.BRD75/WHM75/BLM75/RDM75/SMN70/NIN67/MNK33/WAR33/THF15/etc
Race: Elvaan. I just like to play with race changer. :3
Zilart, CoP completed
Vrtra downed.
San d'Oria Rank 10 & Windurst Rank 10
FFXI journal
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no one doubts the positive effects it gives to your party, but its not satisfying to most people that the only satisfaction you get from playing it comes from appreciation from other players. You spend all your time pleasing other people, I guess some could say bard is the biggest ass kiss job in the game.http://ffxi.allakhazam.com/profile.xml?45061
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i think (hope) we'll see a few new things in the expansion, so i'm not really concerned until we find out.
maybe 'desperately' was a bit strong=) thining about it just upgrade dagger to A and access to dancing edge would make me happy.Wandering Minstrel~
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Originally posted by Stolin
no one doubts the positive effects it gives to your party, but its not satisfying to most people that the only satisfaction you get from playing it comes from appreciation from other players. You spend all your time pleasing other people, I guess some could say bard is the biggest ass kiss job in the game.
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You have a free pass to 75, how can u beat that? you wana struggle try being a melee for a week lol. atm im a 62 drk and a ps2 launch player, if i was a bard id be 75 weeks ago.
Dont like your job? dont play it. your a support so stfu and sing that prelude.
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I tried Bard on another server but i hated lvling it to 10 but i loved how bards are never in 1 place when there in a pt when i play as a white mage i at times fall asleep at times cause of it being repetive is rather boring but when your a bard you get to run around and sings songs, yes i understand that you may play the same songs and its repetitive, but really what job isnt as many other ppl said before me and have listed and maybe cause ppl have lvl 75 classes and complain about there job might be that they went to far with the job so why not just put up with it and continue on,but thats just my theory.People look at the world and think why, i look at the world and think why not.
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its not boring to play a job the boring thingisto do the same thing for 75 lv for example brd thats what people call ......boring job and not all jobs like that
Originally posted by poppipo
-drk is pretty fun....but still repetitive
drk repetitive... are you kidding?
every few lvls our playing style change
and we can sub war-thf-sam-nin and no other melee than drk can do that
plus we have magic and no other melee can use magic
and yes SJ nin work im not a noob lv 56>60 for rampge and can use it lv 75 at exp pts for decimation and start light renkei
and you say brd not boring? how many SJ brd can use?what the brd doin in the pt for the 75 lv he get not the same thing always?
Main : Sephiro
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