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Why do all the brds hate their job?

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  • #16
    meh just have fun playing the game =) as long as u have some sort of fun... keep going


    • #17
      I know, you want one...


      • #18
        yu know what? most jobs like their jobs, my rng friend loves his, my pld freind loves his, even my war friend liks his, and seeing all the bards who say its boring etc shouldnt play it then, im totally having fun playing job cus..

        1-i feel rare and exotic

        2-partys will do anything to have me

        3-i feel so ^^ as a bard but only -_- with other jobs lol

        4-the feeling of helping people just makes me feel good...

        5-i like being able to make macros that have like song combos know what i mean? like a melee brawl mage resting or stacking the same

        6-people always say "wow iv never partied with a bard this is so cool"

        7-i like playing my instrument by a npc who is playing a intrument also people always laugh

        8-for some reason people always ask me things i dunno...mabye cus they know bards are always nice and merry ^^



        • #19
          Um, a few of us are saying it's boring, but a lot more of us, if you just count the posts, are saying we love the job. Please stop putting words into our collective mouth.

          In every job you will find some people who love it and some people who are bored by it. And sometimes people in one group are in the other group if you ask them a different day. :D Bard is no exception.

          So please stop with the blanket statements about bards as a whole. I personally love the job (and occasionally really hate it, but it's rare). I wouldn't have played it to level 70 and counting, if I didn't love it.
          Averter of the Apocalypse~
          Unique quests complete: 330-something, keep losing count.
          Mission plot lines complete: Windurst, Bastok, San d'Oria, Zilart, Promathia.
          Maps not yet obtained: Promyvion-Dem, Promyvion-Mea, Promyvion-Holla, Promyvion-Vahzl, Sacrarium.


          • #20
            well you either like your job or you dont if you dont why play it? it's a waste of your time doing something you dont like at your own will, plus about how basic all the jobs are (including me auto-attacking and doing jumps ws and done) is just bullshit, you name me one job I can make it look good or bad, all depends on my attitude and what I add/leave out
            [Blm 75] [Mnk 72] [Drg 64] [Brd 41] [War 37] [Whm 37] [Rdm 37] [Sam 28] [Smn 26] [Thf 25] [Blu 12] [Nin 10] [Pld 9] [Bst 8] [Rng 8] [Pup 3] [Cor 1] [Drk 1] Rank 10 San D'oria


            • #21
              Well, at least it's more exciting than something like monk...hit autoattack, weaponskill once in a while...yawn.

              But yeah, you will pretty much fall into a pattern for every fight. Minuet, madrigal, ballads, elegy, threnody, etc. Repetitive, certainly...but it's not like we have it worse than any other job. Exping is a grind, gonna get boring whatever you play.

              So, I'm not complaining. You melees can have your uber damage, I'm just gonna keep on singing.

              69 BRD/38 WHM/32 MNK/33 BLM/16 BST/16 THF/19 WAR/10 RDM/10 SAM/8 NIN
              My gear.


              • #22
                Its boring, I'll be honest.

                I thought it was the greatest job in the world until I hit the lvl 50s, now I dread the very thought of leveling Bard to the point of taking a loooong vacation from the game. You can't help but feel jealous when a BLM does a burst for 1,000+ dmg and the melee are doing renkei. I think almost all Bards need a melee break at one point or another to avoid insanity.

                But Rogan does make a good point in that every job gets boring after so long, so blah.
                R.I.P. King Jeordie *retired*


                • #23
                  My main complaint about bard is your constantly running back and forth, never having a chance to do anything but keep buff songs up. After many levels this gets tedious and annoying. Anyone ever try to skill up as a bard? You dont get much chance cause the group is making you spend half your time doing songs. Its annoying.

                  SE could do some simple fixes and make the job alot more enjoyable by simply increasing the duration of songs or decreasing the cast time some.
                  Rank 6 San D'orian
                  My Journal

                  69 Bard / 35 White Mage / 37 Black Mage
                  46 Thief / 23 Ninja / 40 Warrior / 21 Beast Master / 19 Samurai / 22 Ranger

                  Genkai: 4/5
                  Bard AF: 6/6
                  RSE: 4/4
                  BCNM40 -> 23-2
                  BCNM60 -> 4-1


                  • #24
                    It is boring because before yur character spawns in your mog house you already have 4 "Looking for Parties?" and well without any set plan as soon as you log in you accept one of them and exp for 3 hours, used to happen to me all the time. Exp'ing all the time is boring as hell, probaly one of the reasons I quit.
                    used to be:
                    Rank 9.5
                    72 BRD, 36 WHM, 13 BLM, 5 SUM, etc.
                    Full RSE Set <--sold
                    Complete AF set. <-- what a pain


                    • #25
                      Being loved doesn't make it less boring...
                      Not being able to solo never bothered me. I could still solo decent challenges up to 70 but it wouuld take 30 minutes ugh..
                      Its just that all bards do is sing sing insg can't do anything else at all when it blows right down to it. Even leveling whm is mroe fun, at least you can cast barspells and magic burst some of the time. My advice to all bards take a break from leveling theres other things you can do.

                      My god all other jobs get more and more abilities and can use multiple weapons but bard gets nothing but songs its sad.


                      • #26
                        i love my bard ^^

                        just got level 20 last night, and its awesome!

                        the only prob i have is the 2 hour, maybe i just dont know how to use it right...maybe its cuz im thinking like whm still...i always try to cast it, then paeon 2, but then i die :''(

                        sure maybe 1 person lives long enuf to zone

                        i havent had a prob skilling up so far, since i dont have mage songs yet i use harp or cornette, alternating when 1 is capped, sure that will change when i do get songs for the mages, but im having a ton of fun for now ^^

                        plus bards less resposibility then whm i think, im not under the pressure to keep everyone alive, just go in, minuet, madrigal, reqquiem, threnody, cure, peaon heheh

                        plus whm is extreamly repetative, is a nice break ^^

                        36 whm
                        17 blm
                        60 bard
                        8 bst
                        10 thf


                        • #27
                          I don't really hate bard(even though this post will make it seem like I do), but it does get pretty damn annoying sometimes.

                          1) This applies to many jobs, but menial, boring, tasks in exp pts. We don't react to anything. Links happen maybe once a week. If I didn't have a laptop to screw around on, I would've switched jobs long ago.

                          2) This isn't one of my reasons but something that may apply to many bards, especially those who have bard as their first main job. You get so far(normally quite fast) as bard and then by the time you start feeling the urge to do something else, you realize that you really really don't want to do the grind all over again. From what has happened to me and what others have said, this normally happens around 50-60. Most people don't want to just drop all of their work thusfar and start over. The only people that really do this are dragoons. Everyone else quits FFXI.

                          3) Equipment. Bards have some of the most boring equipment upgrades in the game. I never ever looked forward to some piece of new equipment(aside from cursed/relic) simply because it's so damn dull. The only other job that could probably compete for crappy equipment award is white mage.

                          4) Complete dependance on other jobs gets so very tiring. Seeing non-BST jobs solo stuff that would make you shit your pants if it even looked at you gets frustrating as it happens over and over. I love when you struggle with something 20 levels below you(without using the snail pace lullaby/healing method) while others are chewing through easy prey/decent challenge stuff solo.

                          5) HNM fun. Ballad ballad ballad ballad ballad ballad ballad ballad ballad ballad ballad ballad ballad ballad ballad. Oh hey ballad! The only reason I haven't found a bot to autofollow a whitemage and spam ballad is so that I can stay awake to lot on items. Dynamis is the exact same.

                          6) The only time bard is ever exciting is when theres a pretty big crowd that needs being taken care of. I loved being able to duo the high level Sandorina, windurstian, bastokan, mission BC with a monk. Sadly, that kind of situation won't happen often.

                          7) Ballista. I never do lv75 ballista anymore. People take it so seriously and make it a pain in the ass for bard. Bards excel at crowd control in ballista. Everyone uses poison potions almost the entire match in the lv75 fights AND slaughters bards first. Shooting fish in a barrel since our only real defense is lullaby. The only fights I do anymore are lv30 & 40 battles. Even then, I only play as bard one out of every four matches.

                          8) Boring WS. Was anyone ever excited to receive a WS? So many times I held out hope for something that would be good only to be disappointed. When the game first came out I read a bunch of incorrect info stating things like you could use dancing edge if you subbed thf. Wasn't a big deal, bard isn't a damage dealer anyways(not that we'd hold a candle to a thf using the same WS anyways). Evisceration was a huge disappointment. We can't get savage blade. The rest of the WS we can get are purely support to regain MP or just plain suck. Not to mention that we get the short end of the stick on weapon selection(I was pleasantly surprised when they allowed bard to use a pole, as I practically refused to give up my trial pole until then).

                          The only real "wow" WS we have is Full swing. At 300% TP(as a bard? yeah right) it can do around 1000damage. If it hits, this WS has some of the worst accuracy i've ever seen(I have +30 accuracy through my equipment, add in madrigal when i'm fighting EASY PREY things and I still miss half of the time). Retribution looks cool and is probably the best WS we have at 100% tp, but still pretty dull unless you're fighting things that other jobs would slaughter even without a WS.

                          9) Spell progression. Aside from some very situational songs that you may use only once in the entire game(Dynamis lord entertained me since i got to use hymnus), we're pretty much the same thing at lv75 that we are at 25. Oh hey..minuet 2, now 3, oh and 4! Black mages & white mages have similar problems but at least theres a huge jump in power with these spells. Mazurka was the only song I looked forward to. Everything else just came along whenever.

                          At times it feels like I enjoy my character more than I enjoy my character's job. But at least I'm not a summoner.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Malachite
                            I don't really hate bard(even though this post will make it seem like I do), but it does get pretty damn annoying sometimes.
                            Responding to 3) I love the equips really, end game bards look so clean cause their tip top gear actually matches and flows. Where as say my sam or other jobs like thief get uber melee quips but look like they got dressed by a blind person with so many random colors and types of armor.

                            Responding to 5) Yeah i do hear you on this though trying to land debuffs is fun, and you do cure usually. Which is actually more than most of your melees. . . who just sit and wait and watch and hope to see their TP percentage change as they swing. . . then eventually do a ws.

                            Responding to 8) I was pretty happy when i got spirits within cause it's effective on HNM and other things, and at level 62 i was able to cap it up tp 502 damage. . . more than some melees can hope to land on a HNM.

                            I'm not attacking your post just responding to those situations as i view them -


                            • #29
                              thats it, yu guys made me quit, i just became a pld and im luvign it ^^

                              thank yu for yur honesty


                              • #30
                                sure blms do MB for 1000+ easily, but that number drops real fast if nobody weakend the mob and stripped its shell.

                                i started brd because i thought the music animation looked cute, 53 levels later i still think it looks cute. :p

                                being always wanted is nice, but thats not what makes it fun.
                                apart from having pretty effects and being able to notice the big difference you make to pts i have noidea why i like it, but i do.

                                muffin hat.
                                Is that the scent of love in the air, or merely formaldehyde?

