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Why do all the brds hate their job?

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  • Why do all the brds hate their job?

    I just got the bard job today and got to level 9 i then went to dunes and got an invite. Singing away like a merry bard...ahhh i loved it....but why do all the other brds hate it? I dont even find bard boring just repetitive......

  • #2
    umm, i dont hate it. :spin:
    Is that the scent of love in the air, or merely formaldehyde?


    • #3
      Why i dont like brd... its repetative... and its just not fun... i think the only reason its not fun though is b/c ive been fighting the same mobs for a while... I dunno.. i also dont like the fact thats i have a hard time killing an easy prey at this lvl.. i dunno this is from a lvl 54 brd i started getting bored with the job at about lvl 40 but.. i keep lvling.. i think eventually ill have fun again... but not till we are finished killing Spiders/Crabs...


      • #4
        Originally posted by Halamafx
        Why i dont like brd... its repetative... and its just not fun... i think the only reason its not fun though is b/c ive been fighting the same mobs for a while... I dunno.. i also dont like the fact thats i have a hard time killing an easy prey at this lvl.. i dunno this is from a lvl 54 brd i started getting bored with the job at about lvl 40 but.. i keep lvling.. i think eventually ill have fun again... but not till we are finished killing Spiders/Crabs...
        Every single job is repetative lol. If you get bored by repeating the actions of bard, you'll most likely get bored with many other jobs as well. Leveling really isn't the -fun- part of the game anyway.

        Anyways i love bard really. So much going on and i view it all. Not like when i'm melee and i only focus on hate and damage, i monitour HP/MP status effects, songs, additional links, renkeis, all sorts of stuff.


        • #5
          ya i know all jobs are repetative.. There is no way around it.. anyhow.. if u wanna lvl like any job up to high lvl's u may need to play an alt char or lvl a craft when u get bored


          • #6
            But i dont even see how its repetitive either, let me put it this way

            -warior vokes and can basically leave the room for 5 mins and no one notices, the occasional weapon skill.

            -pld vokes, flashes, cures, sentinel, cover, etc, also a repetitive pattern

            -theif-TA and SA and weaponskills, thats all they have

            -blm, nuke, MB, nuke, MB etc boring...

            -rdm-NOW this is an exception, i think rdm is the most fun in the game...its just i dont like playing it for some reason

            -whm cure cure cure cure cure, "Gather around for protectra" cure cure cure hahaha

            -monk booost, boost, dodge, weaponskill, leave the room and no one notices

            -drk is pretty fun....but still repetitive

            -summoner/whm cure cure cure cure cure "blood pact" cure cure cure..hee hee and eveyone knows it...

            -ninja provoke, utsumi ni, provoke, utsumi ni, weaponskill, provoke...and the occasional enfeeble ninjistsu, rinse and repeat.

            -beastmast OMFG THIS JOB IS LIKE NO OTHER, this job takes timing,knowing yur mobs, knowing where to solo, what to do what at what times VERY fun and not repetitive, but i dont like soloing(cus i die too much)

            drg-probably the most boring job in the game, auto attack, jump, weaponskill for 75 levels.

            samerai-well hard to say if this job is repetitive cus u always have to do different weaponskills but still very repetitive since all u do is auto attack

            ranger-press the ranged macro for and barrage macro with weaponskills for 75 levels

            -BARD U HAVE 75 FREAKING SONGS TO CHOOSE FROM how is this in any way repetitive?


            • #7
              BARD U HAVE 75 FREAKING SONGS TO CHOOSE FROM how is this in any way repetitive?
              because you play the same 8-or-so songs over and over again and barely use the others?

              I dont find it that boring anyway, as soon as I start to get bored I stop levelling for a while (a few weeks) and then when I come back to it its fun again.


              • #8
                75 songs to choose from.. actually 74... there is no lvl 52? or was it 53 song... what does everyone want at higher lvl's... Atk+Accuracy for melee during fight Ballads for Mages During fights... Healing/Ballad for everyone between fights... woot.. what happens when u do a different song? the grp notices the mob isnt killed as fast you could lose chain (depends on where your at in the chain) + look at some of the song stats... alot of them are worthless... Resistance to poison... bind... the only songs ive used all the way up to this point are Requiem Minuet Ballad Paeon Madrigal Threnody's Lullaby Elegy.. You know what.. Macro 1 can run Minuet+Madrigal Macro 2 can do Ballad+Ballad Macro 3 Ballad+Paeon Macro 4 Elegy+Requiem Macro 5 has Lullaby... Then do the threnody's manually... woot what fun...


                • #9
                  besides, it's not like you have 75 DIFFERENT songs. A lot of them are just more powerful versions of the same thing. Just like blm nukes and whm spells. No matter how you slice it, brd is just as repetitive as any other job, mage or otherwise.
                  My Signature. Now with 50% more processed ham product than those other leading signatures.

                  Which FF Character Are You?
                  Originally posted by Balfree
                  Why does every discussion have to be a little festivity of sorts, with purple doom rain and lunatic frogs singing the yodelay on top of mushrooms and little babies being eaten by crazy flying cows and green gas explosions on the horizon and screaming goats?


                  • #10
                    yes but unlike mages, bard can stack their songs like mages ballad3 +mages ballad2 they can use theirr older songs, most mages wont


                    • #11
                      yes but unlike mages, bard can stack their songs like mages ballad3 +mages ballad2 they can use theirr older songs, most mages wont


                      • #12
                        yes but unlike mages, bard can stack their songs like mages ballad3 +mages ballad2 they can use theirr older songs, most mages wont
                        Didnt know Ballad3 existed... Must be great... Dude u obviously dont know much about brd.. So please read other threads or Come back after u have gotten a few lvl's... k thx


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by poppipo
                          ranger-press the ranged macro for and barrage macro with weaponskills for 75 levels

                          -BARD U HAVE 75 FREAKING SONGS TO CHOOSE FROM how is this in any way repetitive?
                          Geez, just simply the RNGs work :dead:

                          I know I do more then just Barrage and WS. Anyways, as far as BRD seems the main reason people don't like it is just that even though they 75 different songs the ones asked for are usually the same 5-8 sets.

                          Anyway, BRDs are actually quite fun to me as well. It and RNG are probably the only two that I had a blast with getting to lv. 30. Haven't raised BRD higher then that, still got to get my other jobs that I actual sub with RNG up since they are starting to fall behind :sweat:

                          Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


                          • #14
                            haha ya i am a noob bard i really did think there was ballad3....anyway im dont care that lots of people dont like bard....bards are indibvidual cus u dont see may of them, some havent even partied with one which makes me feel great, anyway ill continue my way being a merry bard ^^


                            • #15
                              The only time I have fun in combat with Bard is when I have to cast Lullaby on multiple monsters and hold them asleep.

                              This game was based around combat and killing monsters. Bard dont get to do any of that stuff, so its pretty boring. Its the same as watching another PT next to you kill monsters. You dont participate in the fight, you just boost your party members. Casting the 4 same songs for 2-3 hours in a row while moving forward and backward ain't my idea of fun.
                              BRD 75 / NIN 66 / WHM 37 / WAR 30 / RDM 23 / BST 20

                              San d'Oria Rank 10
                              Zilart Mission 14
                              CoP Chapter 4-2

