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Why do all the brds hate their job?

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  • #31
    yu guys made me quit

    No offense, but from your other posts it sounds like you were already looking for excuses to leave the job anyway.
    Averter of the Apocalypse~
    Unique quests complete: 330-something, keep losing count.
    Mission plot lines complete: Windurst, Bastok, San d'Oria, Zilart, Promathia.
    Maps not yet obtained: Promyvion-Dem, Promyvion-Mea, Promyvion-Holla, Promyvion-Vahzl, Sacrarium.


    • #32
      ^_^ hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee
      hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee
      hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee
      hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee
      hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee :p :mad: :confused: :angel: :angel: :spin: :sweat: :dead:

      :angel: :angel: :angel: :mad: :mad: :mad: :p :p :p


      • #33
        Originally posted by Halamafx
        Didnt know Ballad3 existed... Must be great... Dude u obviously dont know much about brd.. So please read other threads or Come back after u have gotten a few lvl's... k thx
        /recast "BalladIII"

        Try it in game ~,o


        • #34
          Originally posted by {Pug}
          I think almost all Bards need a melee break at one point or another to avoid insanity.
          Well said. I'm still enjoying Bard and am able to play for extended periods of time, because I've played a lot of melee.

          I agree with Nodachi's point of view: when playing Bard you really get a total overview of your party. Inbetween buff songs, I try to give the other supporters competition with Magic Finale (Dispel song), status cures like Poisona, Paralyna & Silence, Protect if it runs out during a round. And on certain mobs I can still melee.. it's all in the macros I guess.
          Beckx of Bastok - Rank 9
          41 Chef / 35 Fisherman


          • #35
            IMHO we all need more people to play BRDs. I've never played BRD myself, but judging from what you all have said, it seems to be a pretty dull and repetative job to play, but still, it is none-the-less useful. BRD is probably one of the most helpful jobs in the game, even if it is just for their 8 basic songs. You guys dwell too much on their bad sides and dismiss their good ones. Maybe it takes an outsiders view (one who has only encountered BRDs as other players, and not as one themself)? I can join a PT for XP one day, look at the roster, see a decent setup without a BRD, and think "Meh, this could be good", but the instant I notice the PT is packing a BRD, I know it's going to be awsome (give or take the oddball case). Maybe my view comes from playing mostly as melee. My point is this: We need more BRDs because they have so many good uses, so don't think "my job is dull and lame", but just imagine how much better you're making it for the rest of us. You'll always have friends as a BRD...well, unless you're a douche bag :p
            Kailo(Elvaan):[75DRK], [37THF], 37WAR, 37SAM, 37RDM, 37NIN
            Current Mission
            â—‹San d'Oria [M8-2] - Lightbringer
            â—‹Zilart [ZM14] - Ark Angels
            â—‹Promathia [PM4-2] - The Savage
            "Better to be pissed off than to be pissed on!" (°~°; )


            • #36
              Originally posted by Malachite

              2) This isn't one of my reasons but something that may apply to many bards, especially those who have bard as their first main job. You get so far(normally quite fast) as bard and then by the time you start feeling the urge to do something else, you realize that you really really don't want to do the grind all over again. From what has happened to me and what others have said, this normally happens around 50-60. Most people don't want to just drop all of their work thusfar and start over. The only people that really do this are dragoons. Everyone else quits FFXI.

              used to be:
              Rank 9.5
              72 BRD, 36 WHM, 13 BLM, 5 SUM, etc.
              Full RSE Set <--sold
              Complete AF set. <-- what a pain


              • #37
                You guys dwell too much on their bad sides and dismiss their good ones.
                those of us that are Lv 60+ and still going don't "dismiss their good ones", we just tend not to talk about it.

                most people who like to "ooh and ahh" at their own jobs generally aren't cut out to be BRDs.
                Sendoh - Bahamut
                AIM: Layoneil


                • #38
                  Originally posted by Dark^Impact
                  IMHO we all need more people to play BRDs. I've never played BRD myself, but judging from what you all have said, it seems to be a pretty dull and repetative job to play, but still, it is none-the-less useful. BRD is probably one of the most helpful jobs in the game, even if it is just for their 8 basic songs. You guys dwell too much on their bad sides and dismiss their good ones. Maybe it takes an outsiders view (one who has only encountered BRDs as other players, and not as one themself)? I can join a PT for XP one day, look at the roster, see a decent setup without a BRD, and think "Meh, this could be good", but the instant I notice the PT is packing a BRD, I know it's going to be awsome (give or take the oddball case). Maybe my view comes from playing mostly as melee. My point is this: We need more BRDs because they have so many good uses, so don't think "my job is dull and lame", but just imagine how much better you're making it for the rest of us. You'll always have friends as a BRD...well, unless you're a douche bag :p
                  I think nobody is dismissing the BRD's usefullness or the popularity in parties. They are merely discussing the topic at hand, which is why do SOME brds hate their job? (I changed the topic a little because the original topic is a little misleading)

                  Hence, it is logical to assume that people will bring up the bad points about playing BRD.
                  San d'Oria Rank 6
                  PLD57 WAR37 THF15 DRK34 RDM55 WHM38 BLM37 BRD52 BST13 NIN18
                  Disclaimer: reading my post may cause severe loss in intelligence and increased suicidal tendency. Signs may include aggravation or sleep disorder. If symptoms arise visit your doctor for futher medical attention. By comprehending it, you've agreed to release any responsibility on my part. Contact with me further to claim retribution is prohibited.


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by Nodachi

                    I'm not attacking your post just responding to those situations as i view them -
                    Actually the three points you said I pretty much agree with, as I was exaggerating my original points just to vent frustration. Its nice that we can have equipment that actually looks good(only other people that claim this are war/drk/bst will full hauberk set or people in full cursed). My problem is that the statistical upgrades on that equipment is somewhat lackluster.

                    Most jobs on HNM do tend to get boring, i'm just again venting from a bard's perspective as it actually is more than just spamming ballad. With all of my MP gear i'm actually quite a healing force for keeping our tanks alive. It's not as boring as I make it out but it is kind of sad when I enjoy the Faust battle more than some of the celestials. Kirin I will vehemently refuse to do unless it is with a linkshell that can kill him in under an hour(which my current can, luckily).

                    Dynamis is a bit more exciting. Melee are constantly calling out and defeating targets as we keep them under control. Granted, with 5 black mages, 5 red mages and 5 bards all with their respective area sleeps, it doesn't really matter if you're using lullaby or not. Though if everyone had this mentality, we wouldn't get far. That is why I don't give up.

                    Spirits Within is arguably one of our most useful WS, as it does wonders for our contribution to HNM Fights. It's just quite a disappointment that we don't have much better outside of HNM battles to compete with it. This WS is the entire reason that I raised my sword skill, as I was mainly a dagger user beforehand.

                    I actually quite enjoy bard in smaller situations like fighting even match or weaker things with a friend or two. Then we have quite a balance of using various different songs, crowd control, healing and melee attacks to do. Much more enjoyable than most exp pts. Even though I'm teamed with a drk doing 1500 cross reapers constantly or monks shooting out 1000 chi blasts followed by a 1000 asuran and do more damage with their normal hits than I do with a WS, I still find it to be quite enjoyable. Note, I'm not expecting to even come close to competing, it's just the power that they hold can sometimes be almost a complete embarrasment when compared with what we have. Most games I play(getting sick of the sidenotes, but yes, i know this isn't the "other games") bards are normally quite potent fighters.

                    For exp pts, one of my favorites is still a lv75 PT in Ro'maeve with War, War, Pld, Rng, Drk, Brd. The paladin and I were the healers while the warriors tanked(paladin still fought while healing). We mowed through stuff and the amount of things I could do went up tenfold. We actually had a whitemage in the group before the ranger, but she left in embarrasment as the paladin and I completely outshined her.


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by Malachite
                      For exp pts, one of my favorites is still a lv75 PT in Ro'maeve with War, War, Pld, Rng, Drk, Brd. The paladin and I were the healers while the warriors tanked(paladin still fought while healing). We mowed through stuff and the amount of things I could do went up tenfold. We actually had a whitemage in the group before the ranger, but she left in embarrasment as the paladin and I completely outshined her.
                      Lol, i love how end game PTs can get away with crazy setups. Like the crazy 4 BLM, 1PLD, 1BRD setup. Or even the 5 SMN, 1BRD setups XD Were you nearvous knowing you were a main healer in that PT? lol cause that's kind of a crazy setup.


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by Nodachi
                        Lol, i love how end game PTs can get away with crazy setups. Like the crazy 4 BLM, 1PLD, 1BRD setup. Or even the 5 SMN, 1BRD setups XD Were you nearvous knowing you were a main healer in that PT? lol cause that's kind of a crazy setup.
                        I did the 5 smn 1 brd thing a little while ago, it was fun. 7k/hr isnt bad at all. I got to use hymnus for the first time in that party too. We had a link, and i died, shortly following, everyone else died.
                        /ja "poop pants" me

                        My Character!

                        Tu'Lia is COOL!


                        • #42
                          i just wanna say bard in garrison is awesome ^^

                          my ls did it 4 times in 1 night and only didnt complete 1 time ( we ran out of time)

                          and have to say sleeping everything like that was a blast ^^

                          36 whm
                          17 blm
                          21 bard

                          36 whm
                          17 blm
                          60 bard
                          8 bst
                          10 thf


                          • #43
                            Personally I love Bard. Makes an excellent change of pace for me when I'm not lvling my Paladin.
                            Current Equipment

                            PLD~51, WAR~25, BRD~21, RDM~34

                            Be a nonconformist, Like everyone else


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by Sindinista
                              /recast "BalladIII"

                              Try it in game ~,o

                              XD Anyways...I just started BRD because I went on the quest with a girl in my LS...I'm quite glad i went to...I'm really enjoying it :D


                              • #45
                                ya pld is yur main point exactly...

