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Rune weapon question

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  • Rune weapon question

    How exactly does skill level work for a weapon your job can't normally use?

    From playing drg, I have a polearm skill of around ~160, so I was thinking about picking up a rune spear for farming if I could still penta. I don't know where the skill cap is on these, and I'm kind of hesistant to blow a couple hundred K on something that doesn't sell very often.

    Anyone ever try these out?



    Ah, think I found something that explained it. Even though you can equip it bard has 0 spear skill, so skill level will be 0 unless your sub can use that weapon. So if I go brd/(drg/war/sam/pld) I would get whatever skill level they had at lvl 35.

    But if this is the way it works, why would anyone buy it?

    Can someone else confirm this?

  • #2
    That's exactly the way it works. SE slaps job tags on some items that is rather bizzare. No one really knows why Look at Minstrel Coat, DRG can use it :D

    Also, you probably know already but just in case. The latent effect on the rune weapons is MP drain of 4 MP per tick. So if your job combo/equip don't have MP the latent effect won't kick in.


    • #3
      I just know I'd look pretty badass hitting stuff with a great axe, even if I whiff every time. That is all.

      69 BRD/38 WHM/32 MNK/33 BLM/16 BST/16 THF/19 WAR/10 RDM/10 SAM/8 NIN
      My gear.

