How exactly does skill level work for a weapon your job can't normally use?
From playing drg, I have a polearm skill of around ~160, so I was thinking about picking up a rune spear for farming if I could still penta. I don't know where the skill cap is on these, and I'm kind of hesistant to blow a couple hundred K on something that doesn't sell very often.
Anyone ever try these out?
Ah, think I found something that explained it. Even though you can equip it bard has 0 spear skill, so skill level will be 0 unless your sub can use that weapon. So if I go brd/(drg/war/sam/pld) I would get whatever skill level they had at lvl 35.
But if this is the way it works, why would anyone buy it?
Can someone else confirm this?
From playing drg, I have a polearm skill of around ~160, so I was thinking about picking up a rune spear for farming if I could still penta. I don't know where the skill cap is on these, and I'm kind of hesistant to blow a couple hundred K on something that doesn't sell very often.
Anyone ever try these out?
Ah, think I found something that explained it. Even though you can equip it bard has 0 spear skill, so skill level will be 0 unless your sub can use that weapon. So if I go brd/(drg/war/sam/pld) I would get whatever skill level they had at lvl 35.
But if this is the way it works, why would anyone buy it?
Can someone else confirm this?