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  • Question

    I just started lvling BRD, and I love it and may have it be my FULL-TIME job!! Its so much fun. Anyways here is my question.

    I am using Swords right now, and heard everything that Daggers are better, and you can get the Final WS. Should I start using Daggers, I don't mind I should. I would change any second, but I want your guyz opinions. Also, I plan on getting Monster Signa, when I am lvl 16, or 18... Forget wat lvl.. hehe. So wat should I do, I think I may go with Daggers, also cuz the BRD AF Weapon is Paper Knife, which is a Dagger.
    Ok you guys tell me everything, please answer my question?
    (/.\) (_.\);

  • #2
    well, I dont know what the best thing is to do, but I know up until around 85 skill level (thats probably somewhere around the 25 level mark right? heh) I managed to keep both dagger and sword levelled easily. After that it seemed to be harder and harder just to keep my dagger levelled. I'm ;v50 and my swords still stuck somewhere in the 80s, and I think my dagger is about 128, so i'm a few levels behind (not sure how many exactly). I have signa and my staff skill is about.... 45? I dont know really.

    I'd probably reccomend levelling dagger regardless of whether you decide to level sword or not, but thats just my opinion.

    Thats me anyway.


    • #3
      Well once you hit about 30 your damage is going to be pretty much useless compaired to the rest of the pt with any weapon you use. Dagger however is the BRD AF1 weapon so having that leveled up would be good.. Before whatever level Apir Dagger is (I think 12) sword is your best bet because you will probably melee with the pt some and be able to do ok damage. Once you hit 12 I would recommend switching to your higher level job and killing Ivy the Iron Breaker (I think thats his name) he is one of 2 NM Yag's down in the caves of Giddeus. The dagger will occasionally steal some MP from the Mob and can come in handy for low level BRDs.

      Jobs: BLM60, BRD45, WHM38, BST31, SMN18, MNK17, THF16, RDM18, NIN11, WAR14

      Murphy's FFXI job roles

      The Tank keeps the Healer alive. The Healer keeps the Tank alive. The BLM warps, THF flees when things look bad.


      • #4
        "occasionally" being once a week!


        • #5
          Sword is probably the best thing to level - you can squeeze the most damage out of it. I think BRDs have higher dagger skill, but you won't be meleeing by the time your higher skill in daggers really starts to stick out, and swords just flat out outdamage daggers in every way.

          As for party situations, you'll actually find yourself using staves or clubs by level ~51. You'll feel incomplete without your light staff, but if you can't afford it, shellbuster is a perfectly suitable replacement.

          But you probably don't wanna solo with clubs or staves. For soloing purposes, I'd say keep sword levelled. Daggers, staves and clubs just don't kill things fast enough ><;
          Finally got Rank 5! *Sings the "I love my Airship Pass" song*


          • #6

            I am planning on staves at 51, I always carry my crimson sword because that puts me into raise MP range, I also have a Shellbuster for debuffs. I keep sword levelled by soloing RDM and I'm sure it'll be the weapon I use vs Maat. I've heard that the battery operated weapons go off on every hit so I think I'm gonna use one of those against him. Regardless, even as an Elvaan BRD I never melee, it just hampers my mobility and with so many songs to sing, who has time to swing in battle anyway?
            We all have
            reasons for moving.
            I move
            to keep things whole

            -Mark Strand, Keeping Things Whole


            • #7
              I dont know anything about sword WS i'm afraid, but i've found cyclone helps alot with my farming


              • #8
                read the Maat post.

                Sword is the way to go.


                • #9
                  All the weapons bards can use have obvious benefits over one another.

                  Spirits Within (ignores def and arguably the best WS for brds)
                  Relatively high dmg/delay ratio
                  Low skill rating

                  Crappy WS overall, none are high dmg, cept evisceration.
                  Most proficient bard weapon (you'll hit more).

                  Highest dmg rating of all bard weapons!
                  OK skill rating
                  Spirit Taker WS (changes dmg to MP)
                  Strong WS (full swing)
                  Bard can equip few melee staves, only weak +mp +hp ones like signa.
                  /ja "poop pants" me

                  My Character!

                  Tu'Lia is COOL!


                  • #10
                    Does anyone know if a Bard using a Joyeuse with capped skill will outdamage another Bard using a Daylight Dagger or Misericorde, also with capped skill?

                    Anyone tested?
                    BRD 75 / NIN 66 / WHM 37 / WAR 30 / RDM 23 / BST 20

                    San d'Oria Rank 10
                    Zilart Mission 14
                    CoP Chapter 4-2


                    • #11
                      My guess would be that Joyeuse would win if the enemies were sufficiently weak for you to hit them equally reliably with either weapon, and that the daggers would have an increasing advantage the higher the level the enemy is (so the Joyeuse would miss relatively more due to 220 skill vs. 240).

                      In a strict sense of damage over time assuming you have a 100% hit rate, I'm pretty sure Joyeuse blows the others out of the water. Not only for being a sword but for all the double-attacking.
                      Averter of the Apocalypse~
                      Unique quests complete: 330-something, keep losing count.
                      Mission plot lines complete: Windurst, Bastok, San d'Oria, Zilart, Promathia.
                      Maps not yet obtained: Promyvion-Dem, Promyvion-Mea, Promyvion-Holla, Promyvion-Vahzl, Sacrarium.


                      • #12
                        Im thinking about T-VT-IT monsters here. Not Easy Prey or Too weak.
                        BRD 75 / NIN 66 / WHM 37 / WAR 30 / RDM 23 / BST 20

                        San d'Oria Rank 10
                        Zilart Mission 14
                        CoP Chapter 4-2

