Originally posted by Rones
Really strange your macro doesn't work without a wait. I use one to switch in 6 pieces of +mnd gear for enfeebles and another with 6 lines to switch back to my +mp gear. No wait line and short of mispelling the equipment names I've never had it not switch out all the equip (even while i was on 56k for a week). One occasion I was able to interrupt the swap once halfway by hitting another macro immidiatly (nearly same time) after the equip swap macro, but not something that could happen unless I was trying to cause it to mess up.
Really strange your macro doesn't work without a wait. I use one to switch in 6 pieces of +mnd gear for enfeebles and another with 6 lines to switch back to my +mp gear. No wait line and short of mispelling the equipment names I've never had it not switch out all the equip (even while i was on 56k for a week). One occasion I was able to interrupt the swap once halfway by hitting another macro immidiatly (nearly same time) after the equip swap macro, but not something that could happen unless I was trying to cause it to mess up.
