I have done a search on all the topics but cant find any that pertain this question particularly 
With the limited 6 lines(i believe) for a macro set..i am having trouble swapping in Earth staff and playing Elegy and then swapping back to Light Staff...here's my macro so far:
/equip main "Earth Staff" <me>
/wait 1
/equip range "horn +1" <me>
/song "Carnage Elegy" <t>
/wait 7
/equip main "Light Staff" <me>
Problem is sometimes for some unknown reason the song starts but my staff or horn may not equip.
I want to put a WAIT statement between the equip range instrument and the song "Carnage Elegy"...but dont have enough lines...
I tried combining 2 lines to one:
/equip main "Earth Staff" <me>: /equip range "Horn +1" <me>
but that also causes either one of the staff or horn to not equip properly.
can anyone help me out?
Thank you :spin:

With the limited 6 lines(i believe) for a macro set..i am having trouble swapping in Earth staff and playing Elegy and then swapping back to Light Staff...here's my macro so far:
/equip main "Earth Staff" <me>
/wait 1
/equip range "horn +1" <me>
/song "Carnage Elegy" <t>
/wait 7
/equip main "Light Staff" <me>
Problem is sometimes for some unknown reason the song starts but my staff or horn may not equip.
I want to put a WAIT statement between the equip range instrument and the song "Carnage Elegy"...but dont have enough lines...

I tried combining 2 lines to one:
/equip main "Earth Staff" <me>: /equip range "Horn +1" <me>
but that also causes either one of the staff or horn to not equip properly.

can anyone help me out?
Thank you :spin: