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Military Harp

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  • Military Harp

    A few of these have sold now, and the price is an astounding 200k. The highest paid instrument behind the Shofar on Fairy iirc.

    Has there been any confirmation that this does remove 2 buffs from a mob? I don't fancy paying that amount of money on a whim
    This chocobo has finished.

  • #2
    Been confirmed that it removes an astounding....One buff. Mostly a matter of the fact that it increases your chance of debuffing them. I"d really like one...bu tI think 200k is over priced. Then again, everything on our server (Fairy) is over priced right now. 400k for a sniper ring.
    Fairy Server, part of SuiGeneris. Bard 70/Sam 56/Rdm 41/Drg 40/Whm 37/War 36/
    Rank 10


    • #3
      Thanks for the confirmation. I will definately not be buying it now for that amount, I don't even recall having a Finale resist yet.
      This chocobo has finished.


      • #4
        Maybe SE decided to change (narf) the success rate of Finale now that this Harp has been released? :confused:

        I really wouldn't put it pass them to do something like that...
        PLD 75 | BRD 74 | NIN 66 | WAR 38 | WHM 37 | BLM 40 | THF 30 | MNK 15 | SAM 10 | SMN 12 | BST 13 | RDM 5 | RNG 5 | DRK 4 | DRG 2

        San - Rank: 10 | Fishing: 43 | Cooking: 32 | Gold: 52+1 | Bone: 10

        My Journal


        • #5
          Originally posted by EFigaro
          Been confirmed that it removes an astounding....One buff. Mostly a matter of the fact that it increases your chance of debuffing them. I"d really like one...bu tI think 200k is over priced. Then again, everything on our server (Fairy) is over priced right now. 400k for a sniper ring.
          I have no idea what the deal is on sniper rings >< I think square wanked the drop rate on archers causing snipers to go up but yeah ours are steady at 450 k and nearing 500 =\


          • #6
            Originally posted by EFigaro
            Been confirmed that it removes an astounding....One buff. Mostly a matter of the fact that it increases your chance of debuffing them. I"d really like one...bu tI think 200k is over priced. Then again, everything on our server (Fairy) is over priced right now. 400k for a sniper ring.
            *cough* most elemental staffs are below 200k now. Lost so much money on that ; ;..
            Black Mage 73


            • #7
              I've been using my Light Staff in my Finale macro anyway, maybe that has helped those rare resists to be that much rarer.

              Is there any official word on +1 instruments?

              Mad/Min/Minne/Mambo/Ballad/Mambo etc all increase song duration right?

              Finale decreases resist rate?

              What does Mazurka do? It lasts 2 mins without a +1 instrument.

              Better yet, what does Hymnuss do.

              There are many points about Bard that are unconfirmed, and just word of mouth
              This chocobo has finished.


              • #8
                Your still playing Kweh? I gave it up at 72. Selling all my stuff atm. Taking a nice long break before WoW.

                Anyhow been nice playing with you and also chatting with people on this board. Good luck to all of you!
                used to be:
                Rank 9.5
                72 BRD, 36 WHM, 13 BLM, 5 SUM, etc.
                Full RSE Set <--sold
                Complete AF set. <-- what a pain

