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Weapon of Choice

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  • Weapon of Choice

    What weapon do you suggest a Tarutaru BRD/WHM use for the majority of the game? I'kk have BRD unlocked in a week or so, and I don't want to waste time with a weapon that's not going to better me further down the road.

    My sig.

  • #2
    A knife would prolly be best for a Brd, that or a one handed staff, but I see all the good Brd's use knifes.

    Or do wut I do and get yourself a Great Sword so yur taru can swing it around and get Uber big muscles, then u can show it off to all the local mithras homez.


    • #3
      Signa till 52 then you have an option of switching to Light Staff (a lot of bards seem to be lately after the big Signa vs. Light Staff debate).
      R.I.P. King Jeordie *retired*


      • #4

        From the advice of a high level Bard, he said that while using the Light Staff is good for lessening the resist chance of the light element songs, the using a Dagger and Energy Steal / Energy Drain will probably help the PT more. He said that using the Monster Signa and Light Staff is for Emergency and Hard fights only. Other wise, the 60 or so MP will help the PT more in the long run (Curaga).

        Just passing on the advice.
        Character Name: Zelcarim / LS: Ninetofive
        Server: Shiva / Race: Hume / Allegiance: Bastok (Rank 5)
        Jobs: RDM:31 THF:19 BLM:25 WHM:25 WAR:20 MNK:19 DRK:16 BRD:29
        "Heroes occur when someone makes a mistake."


        • #5
          i use swords when not using the Light Staff, i'm Hume though.

          Dagger and Staff are both good skills to keep up since they are the only ones we will be able to do Lv 3 Skillchains with.

          unfortunately both my dagger and staff skill is seriously lacking now, probably won't work on dagger till i get the Kard and i don't know when i'll work on staff, that skills up painstakingly slow.
          Sendoh - Bahamut
          AIM: Layoneil


          • #6
            I keep dagger capped, and am working on getting sword and staff there (dagger is 201 and capped, sword is 171, staff is 116). Needless to say, sword gets used in skillups with strong enough enemies to skill it up, and staff gets used in skillups with weaker enemies.

            When I finish with those, I'll work on club (113), but am not looking forward to the prospect - *slow* skillups since it's D, and the WS really aren't worth mentioning since only WHM main gets Hexa Strike.
            Averter of the Apocalypse~
            Unique quests complete: 330-something, keep losing count.
            Mission plot lines complete: Windurst, Bastok, San d'Oria, Zilart, Promathia.
            Maps not yet obtained: Promyvion-Dem, Promyvion-Mea, Promyvion-Holla, Promyvion-Vahzl, Sacrarium.


            • #7
              I knew I'd need Monster Signa and/or Light Staff, but I really jes needed a melee weapon to use in skillups and Maat, and it sounds like Dagger is superior. Okay, thanks.
              My sig.


              • #8
                If you plan on fighting HNMs in the future, you will want to have Sword skill up to at least 175 for Spirits within.

                While soloing, Sword is probably a better choice, Especially once you get a Joyeuse.

                However, weapon skills for a BRD are not necessary at all until Maat. Maat can be beat easily with either sword or dagger.



                • #9
                  So I'm better off with a 1H Sword?
                  My sig.


                  • #10
                    I think 1h sword is better but bards level staff and dagger because you can recieve the WS quest with them and not with sword >< .... Im leveling sword because i want some Joyeuse
                    Can somone tell me by the some info on the NM that drops joyeuese.. party config... where?...who?... pop time ?

                    m00t m00t i luv to l00t


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Setheron
                      I think 1h sword is better but bards level staff and dagger because you can recieve the WS quest with them and not with sword >< .... Im leveling sword because i want some Joyeuse
                      Can somone tell me by the some info on the NM that drops joyeuese.. party config... where?...who?... pop time ?

                      R.I.P. King Jeordie *retired*


                      • #12
                        Use sword. Damage is much better. Its true that we have less skill with Sword than Dagger but even with lower skill, Sword damage is stronger. Only difference is that you will miss more often but thats pretty much irrelevent because if your missing with your sword, you will probably miss with you dagger too because the skill is still too low against IT monsters.
                        BRD 75 / NIN 66 / WHM 37 / WAR 30 / RDM 23 / BST 20

                        San d'Oria Rank 10
                        Zilart Mission 14
                        CoP Chapter 4-2


                        • #13
                          What's the WS quest?
                          My sig.


                          • #14
                            The "best" (by best I mean highest skill, not necessarily most useful) WS for each weapon type is obtained by getting your weapon skill up to a certain number varying by weapon type, your level up to 71, and going and chatting with an NPC and getting a quest.

                            The quest is to take a _____ of Trials and WS with it (preferably SC with it, preferably higher level SC's) a lot on easy prey+ until the latent effect goes away. Return to the NPC and trade it back in, then go kill a fairly strong NM that'll probably require a small alliance of 70's. Return to the NPC one more time to get your WS.

                            There is a quest like this for each weapon type that gets WS. BRD does not get high enough skill in sword or club to qualify for the quests for those, but we do get high enough skill in dagger and staff to qualify for the quests. Thus we can get Evisceration for dagger and Retribution for staff, but we can't get Savage Blade for sword or Black Halo for club.

                            Besides this, and the WS which comes on the upgraded relic weapons, all WS are automatically learned by skilling up weapon skill. Though some may or may not be usable depending on your current main/sub combo.

                            Certain WS's require you to have job X as main *or* sub in order to use them. Red Lotus Blade for sword, for example, you have to have WAR, PLD, or DRK as main or sub, for it to be usable. This type of WS is referred to as "EX".

                            Other WS's require you to have job X as main, period, in order to use them. Dancing Edge for dagger, for example, you have to have THF as main for it to be usable. This type of WS is referred to as "SP".

                            There are no job restrictions to the quested WS's, other than that some jobs simply don't have good enough skill in the weapon to get their weapon skill level up to the minimum required for the quest.
                            Averter of the Apocalypse~
                            Unique quests complete: 330-something, keep losing count.
                            Mission plot lines complete: Windurst, Bastok, San d'Oria, Zilart, Promathia.
                            Maps not yet obtained: Promyvion-Dem, Promyvion-Mea, Promyvion-Holla, Promyvion-Vahzl, Sacrarium.


                            • #15
                              for HNMs i use:

                              joyeuse to get 300% TP

                              then use spirits within

                              then either kard/genbu shield or signa for the rest of the fight
                              63/63 maps obtained

