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What to wear at 72

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  • What to wear at 72

    In a couple of weeks I should be 72, should I switch from AF to Errant? Or have a mixture of the two?
    used to be:
    Rank 9.5
    72 BRD, 36 WHM, 13 BLM, 5 SUM, etc.
    Full RSE Set <--sold
    Complete AF set. <-- what a pain

  • #2
    i bought errant body and leg armor and the lvl 72 +4 CHR rings. our AF gloves are already good and the errant hat provides the same amount of CHR as the noble's ribbon does. i forget the stats on the errant boots, or if there even is errant boots, but i don't have them....


    • #3
      Get Minstrel's Coat. Then at level 73 get Demon Helm.
      Just do it.

      There are 3 kinds of lies: Lies,Damn Lies, and Statistics


      • #4
        Get the errant body and the boots. The AF legs have +skill which will make a larger impact than +7 chr from the errant legs. Like said many times before, charisma only goes so far. The +10 chr from the body piece is going to be more than enough chr. The errant legs will give you +25 mp which is very nice. The hat would be nice too. It has more def and +mnd and +int than nobles ribbon.
        /ja "poop pants" me

        My Character!

        Tu'Lia is COOL!


        • #5
          The only Errant Pieces I use are the body and legs.

          Opo-Opo / Demon Helm for head.
          Errant for Body.
          AF Pants while EXPing, Errant while HNMs. Eventually get Zenith Slops.
          Dance Shoes. Eventually get Zenith Pumps.
          AF Gloves are too good to replace.


          • #6
            In EXP party I wear a crap load of MP boosting equipment. RSE belt, Astral Rings, Gold Hairpin (with Pumkin Pie), Blue Cape, Star Necklace, Errant Boots, Earrings, RSE gloves, I think I get something like 430 MP or a bit less. If Im getting resisted too often or I need to cast lullaby, I swap to another equip set that gives me +73 CHR =)

            I really like having alot of MP, very usefull in parties. Best thing is to have two set of equip. One for MP and another for CHR. Sometimes, monsters will rarely ever resist your song and having alot of MP is very usefull for the mage because you can do support healing and this allow them to focus more on nuking which in return, makes fight last shorter. Very good when you PT with RDM or BLM that way they dont ever need to heal.
            BRD 75 / NIN 66 / WHM 37 / WAR 30 / RDM 23 / BST 20

            San d'Oria Rank 10
            Zilart Mission 14
            CoP Chapter 4-2


            • #7
              I opted for the errant hat and body, kept my AF pants and gloves and bought some dance shoes
              This chocobo has finished.


              • #8
                +skill is useless. i've tried maxing it (minstrel coat, dynamis AF2 gloves, torque, etc) and i get resisted all the time. then i put on +70 CHR gear and rarely ever get resisted. i landed elegy on Genbu a few times per fight with CHR gear, never landed it on him with skill.
                63/63 maps obtained


                • #9
                  I agree with each of these setups despite not being near 70 just yet. But ultimately isn't our end game goal mixed with dalmatica pieces?


                  • #10
                    +skill is useless. i've tried maxing it (minstrel coat, dynamis AF2 gloves, torque, etc) and i get resisted all the time. then i put on +70 CHR gear and rarely ever get resisted. i landed elegy on Genbu a few times per fight with CHR gear, never landed it on him with skill.
                    Question: was that just +skill, or was it +skill with as much +CHR as possible in other slots?
                    Averter of the Apocalypse~
                    Unique quests complete: 330-something, keep losing count.
                    Mission plot lines complete: Windurst, Bastok, San d'Oria, Zilart, Promathia.
                    Maps not yet obtained: Promyvion-Dem, Promyvion-Mea, Promyvion-Holla, Promyvion-Vahzl, Sacrarium.


                    • #11
                      From what most people say, +wind/singing skill > chr for exp mobs, +CHR > wind/singing skill for HNM.

                      From my own screwing around during exp ptys, +wind skill makes a big difference in being able to get away with a lot less CHR gear. With elemental staves + 10 wind skill, I can usually get away with around +22 CHR. For threnodies I swap in a Signa and bring my CHR to around +30. I haven't had problems landing anything, and usually if I do I just have to swap in one +CHR ring for an astral.

                      I think I have enough +CHR gear on me to bring me to about ~+36 without signa equipped, but I usually don't need to go above 22 and equip +MP in all the other slots. Not sure what that will go up to once I hit 72 and can wear errant.

                      My advice is just carry both. Why worry about it when you can just change equipment on the fly for whatever works best for the current situation.

                      I have no experience with HNM, but most people say +CHR >>> skill for them.


                      • #12
                        I tested +13 windskill/+36 chr/elemental staff and it was pretty bad for HNMs. Fafnir resisted alot even with +13 windskill. I tried +67 CHR against Fafnir with no elemental staff and there were alot of resists. The best combination is +60 CHR/+5 Sing Skill and elemental staff. I could land lullaby on Fafnir (1/4) and elegy landed more than 60-70%. This is without Wind Torque, AF2 gloves (+5 wind skill) and AF pants.
                        ~~ Rank 8 ~~

                        Genkai 5 ~ Completed
                        Tu'Lia ~ Opened


                        • #13
                          some of those HQ +1 stuff are ridiculously over price!!!!

                          erant body at my server goes for 180-200k

                          +10 on mind, intel, chr, emnity -3

                          the mahatan..or however u spell it has just 1 more added stats

                          +11 on same stats above...

                          added to it and its like 1.5-2million!!

                          is the addition +1 that much??


                          • #14
                            Item prices are ultimately, as always, based on supply and demand. Demand is essentially "how good is it". In the case of Mahatma vs. Errant, it's like one point better for everything, but it's on top of big boosts so it's not that much of a percentage. In other words, the price isn't really affected by demand so much. A little yes, but not a lot.

                            Supply is essentially "how hard is it to get". It's as hard as normal Errant (which is already 100K-200K or whatever) ... and then you have to HQ it. And last I checked, Errant gear was quite the high level synth, making it far more difficult to HQ at 100 skill than, say, a Hachimaki.

                            So really the price in the millions is almost entirely based on the simple fact that it's a PITA to get an HQ on a high level synth in the first place. The high price lowers the demand to the point where it's approximately equal to the very slow supply due to the rare HQ.
                            Averter of the Apocalypse~
                            Unique quests complete: 330-something, keep losing count.
                            Mission plot lines complete: Windurst, Bastok, San d'Oria, Zilart, Promathia.
                            Maps not yet obtained: Promyvion-Dem, Promyvion-Mea, Promyvion-Holla, Promyvion-Vahzl, Sacrarium.


                            • #15
                              at 73 i see alot fo brd use the red vest anyhow and demon helm.. no more errant..welll least i dont see it in i guess they must wear it on solo?

                              those red vest has eva and atttack etc..

                              but with supply and demand aside is the +1 worth the 1.5 mil or u wont see any differ at all and just grab errant geear?

