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Using Lullaby

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  • Using Lullaby

    I've only had a few chances to use Foe Lullaby. I've heard it's best used for when you get a link or another monster aggro's on the party.

    So after sleeping the added monster, what do you do? Do you just keep fighting the monster you are on and keep sleeping the added monster when it wakes?

    What about when a monster the party totally cannot handle aggro's? I succesfully cast lullaby on a banshee while we were fighting a crab, and I didn't know what to do after it was asleep. Should the entire party try to zone it? Or should I just run since it should be after me now?
    Everyday is without surprises.... !?

  • #2
    I am probably not the best when it comes to this...although I do think of myself as a pretty good bard, what I do when I am sleeping an add is uaulyl just do that....every second lost when the mob wakes up is another possibillity for it to take you out, so I usually sleep it, debuff the other mob or buff my pt, and then just sit with my finger poised over the lullabye macro.

    If you get yourself into doing to many things, ESPECIALLy somethign long with a big cast time like a song, you could get wiped out very easily and end up having the entire group's better to just keep your casting to a minimum and accept that the first mob will have to die a bit slower.
    Xccoortri: 63Brd - RETIRED
    Wiggin: 20Thf/10War - Current

    BCNM Completed 35 times. Best time: 14:53


    • #3
      Re: Using Lullaby

      It took me a long time to get the point where I considered myself a good user of Lullaby. Here's a few things you may want to do.

      * Cast Lullaby on the add
      * Be ready with Horde incase the Foe fails. Look around to see if anything you don't want to be hit in is AoE.
      * Blink/Stoneskin yourself (if the puller annouced the add before returning to the PT, you might get blink up first)
      * Cast Light Threnody on the add. (Better success at future Foe's/Horde's)
      * If you've time, and haven't done so, get at least one PT buff up on your melees.
      * Retarget the add, and move as far away as you can safely do. Be ready to re-Foe when it wakes
      * Repeat. Add in your other PT buffs, and possibly an elegy on the main mob. You can elegy the add, too, which will be more useful if you can't blink/stoneskin yourself yet.

      If you've mary's horn, you can get two full 8-second songs sung between sleeps (assuming you didn't get a partial resist). Don't forget to try and keep the most important PT buffs up. The longer it takes them to kill the main mob, the longer you are going to have to play crowd control. The group may want to rest a tick or two between fighting the main and the add.

      Discuss with your PT how they want to handle adds. If everyone isn't on the same page, the whole thing can be ruined very quickly. My PT last night went from sleeping up to two adds/pops at a time with absolutly no problem to one add/pop causing chaos because one person wasn't paying attention. If you've a BLM in party, get them to overwrite your Lullaby with their highest level sleep spell. You'll still want to perform the initial sleep because the cast time is much quicker, and be ready to recast Lullaby when the Sleep wears off.

      Originally posted by Strident

      I've only had a few chances to use Foe Lullaby. I've heard it's best used for when you get a link or another monster aggro's on the party.

      So after sleeping the added monster, what do you do? Do you just keep fighting the monster you are on and keep sleeping the added monster when it wakes?

      What about when a monster the party totally cannot handle aggro's? I succesfully cast lullaby on a banshee while we were fighting a crab, and I didn't know what to do after it was asleep. Should the entire party try to zone it? Or should I just run since it should be after me now?


      • #4
        Re: Re: Using Lullaby

        Originally posted by tnt118
        * * Cast Light Threnody on the add. (Better success at future Foe's/Horde's)
        For whatever reason i never thought to do this. . Though i'm not use to failing foe lullaby i'm sure in later levels it could become an issue. . . actually wait no some anticans are incredibly hard for me to sleep lol, so maybe casting light threnody may help a bit. Thanks for the tip.


        • #5
          Good Tip on the Light Threnody thnx. Never occured to me xD. Then again Sleep 2 which overwrites it usually lasts the whole battle... assuming it gets casted <_<
          Black Mage 73


          • #6
            Lullaby is a quick fix really. Both sleep and sleep 2 last longer. Granted some mobs are extremely difficult to sleep with the normal sleep spell series such as undead. Lullaby is light based, sleep is dark based i think.
            /ja "poop pants" me

            My Character!

            Tu'Lia is COOL!


            • #7
              Use Lullaby first, then ask your BLM to cast Sleep2 on it. Its going to overwrite it and keep the monste asleep for 90 seconds. If theres no one that can cast Sleep 2, then you have to watch the monster during the whole fight and make sure it stays asleep. Its dangerous to do anything else than watch the monster or heal party member because of you start singing and the monster wakes up, he can kill someone with your unable to cast lullaby.

              The reason why you cast lullaby when you see a link and then ask for Sleep2 is because, Bard, unlike other mages, won't get interrupted when they sing. If a mage is under attack by a monster, he can't turn it asleep because their casting will constantly get interrupted. Its very easy for them to die. So you cast lullaby, the ask for sleep 2 and when the monster wakes up, you turn it asleep with lullaby again.
              BRD 75 / NIN 66 / WHM 37 / WAR 30 / RDM 23 / BST 20

              San d'Oria Rank 10
              Zilart Mission 14
              CoP Chapter 4-2

