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Genaki 5

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  • Genaki 5

    There have been many topics concerning the maat fight, i had posted this on another fourm to help a couple curious bards nearing 70. I've decided to post it here so anyone who is having trouble or just starting to look into the fight now can get some ideas.

    Well after being 70 for a couple months now I decided I finally stop slacking and try maat. It wasn't nearly as tough as i'd thought but the biggest piece of advice i can give is stay calm! below is how i and a friend of mine beat maat (*'-')b.

    First things first, equipment. I'm a taru and as you can see we don't have much HP nor VIT. Luckily there are many things that boost that, such as RSE belts and RSE2 gloves. Equipment really doesn't make a huge difference, lot's of people go with full carapace and seem to do well. This is just what i used.

    Stun Knife (important! 4 stuns which helped ALOT)
    Scorpian Harness (borrowed)
    2 Phalanx rings
    1 Melody Earring +1
    1 JSE Bard Earring (latent -30% DMG Very important!)
    Taru RSE2 Gloves (Lvl62 +6 STR +2 VIT)
    Bard AF pants
    Opo-opo Necklace
    Bard AF feet
    Amemet Mantle
    Steppe Sash (VIT +4 +65 HP)

    Next, Instruments. This of course will differ, some people go the Minne + Minne Route, but i choose to go the Paeon + Paeon route (which i think is MUCH better). Just make sure you have the HQ instruments of the Songs you're playing, and ABSOLUTELY have the Elegey + Requiem HQs.

    Instruments (Very important!)
    Horn +1 (Elegey +2)
    Siren Horn (Requiem +3)
    Ebony Harp/+1 (Army's Paeon +1/+2)

    And finally Items. Some of these can be costly but i decided to go the safe route so i wouldn't have to do this again. Note: Everyone has a vile elixer with them, but the trick is to also get a +1. For me this saved me from his last dragon kick before he gave up.

    Opo-Necklace (Raises TP while asleep)
    4 sleeping potions (more and you'll run out of time)
    5-15 Hi-Potions (this is up to you, i used 13)
    1 Vile Elixer
    1 Vile Elixer +1
    1 Icharus Wing
    4 Persikos au lait
    1 Steamed Crab

    Now for the strategy

    Note: You might want to open up all gobby bag quests before attemping maat.

    Ok, so you're all geared up, you have your items and your testimony in hand. This has not been tested by me, but i have heard this works. If you have SAM leveled to 30+ sub SAM (Don't worry subjobs won't be able to be accessed anyway). Talk to maat and accept the challenge. He will then warp you to the area corrisponding with the job. Bard goes to the Fei`Yin one, i don't remember the name. At this point you will be in front of the BCNM entrance. DO NOT BUFF YET. Now use Meditate here, not before you talk to maat, This should give you 60tp at the beginning of the fight. Trade your Brd. Testimoney to the circle and enter. Maat DOES NOT attack until you attack him, so don't be worried about buffing in the hallway. Equip the opo-opo necklace and use all 4 of the sleeping potions. This should give you 160 tp with the meditate you used before hand. Eat your steamed crab and a BIG trick is to use the Persikos au lait now, this regens HP but also acts as a cover regen. In other words when Maat uses Finale (which he does alot) it won't erase your paeons, but the food effect instead. After you have used the Persikos au lait hit Soul Voice and Cast Army's Paeon III + IV with Ebony Harp equiped (he will still not attack you at this point). Now with the Horn +1 and Siren Horn Equiped accordingly Open up the fight with Carnage Elegey + Foe Requiem VI and Finale (Don't Forget Finale!). The fight begins. Use Cyclone, then eat the Icharus wing and do Cyclone again for Detonation. At this point he will soul voice and Requeim + Elegey you as well. Now it's just melee back and forth. Don't let your HP go below yellow, After he does his first WS use the Vile Elixer. This should fill you almost back up. If he finales you use another Persikos au lait and keep going. Make sure you finale him every chance you get! Sooner or later you should build enough TP for another cyclone, which he will more than likely respond with a second WS. Use the vile elixer +1 accordingly. Recast Paeons if needed, but DON'T try to put too much pressure on sleeping him, he has a very high resist rate and stays asleep for about 7 seconds. He gave up for me with about 1/3 / 1/4 HP left. Good luck and hope this helps!

    Overall Tips to remember
    -Stay Calm! You won't lose exp and can try again!
    -Food Food Food, Don't forget your Crab and to Use the milk after he finales!
    -Make a custom macro set for the fight and learn it!
    -CHR is NOT important, go the Deffence/VIT/ATTK route. My elegey + requeim stuck with +2 CHR!
    -Have fun, it's a fun expeirence and don't get down if you can't get it the first time, you'll make it there!

    edit: Meditate info fixed (thanks bbcradical_ed)

  • #2
    nice, except sam sub is 60 TP Meditate and grats on beating him
    •70 Samurai•

    too many assholes choosing money over friends


    • #3
      How about carapace set? Its latent effect has to be worth something here....
      Xccoortri: 63Brd - RETIRED
      Wiggin: 20Thf/10War - Current

      BCNM Completed 35 times. Best time: 14:53


      • #4
        I'm 0/3 so far, lol

        Dagger is only 173 atm though, and my last attempt I got Maat down to so little health before he did Asuran Fists.
        This chocobo has finished.


        • #5
          Kweh, I've found the best way to beat him is not rely so much on weapon damage, but by staying alive while Requiem kills him. I loaded up on X-potions and used one every time my life was in yellow.


          • #6
            My strategy was very similar, except I used an Apollo's Staff (and hit Maat with a Light Threnody for a little extra melee damage).
            All Nations: Rank 10
            Rise of the Zilart: Complete
            Chains of Promathia: Complete
            75 BRD/75 WHM/75 BLM/75 MNK/75 RDM/57 DRK/40 THF/39 WAR/37 NIN & SMN/All the rest < 37

            What to level next? (DRK!)


            • #7
              Originally posted by Jeo-san
              Kweh, I've found the best way to beat him is not rely so much on weapon damage, but by staying alive while Requiem kills him. I loaded up on X-potions and used one every time my life was in yellow.
              Hmm, does Requiem make a noticeable difference? I always make sure I land it on him, but I never look to see what damage it makes.

              Also, do I have to actually defeat him or get him down to so much health. I must of been so close last night when thinking about it.
              This chocobo has finished.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Kweh
                Also, do I have to actually defeat him or get him down to so much health. I must of been so close last night when thinking about it.


                • #9
                  Think about Requiem for a moment...

                  Req 6 + Hamelin Flute would tick ~8/3 secs or so...
                  Add Soul Voice Effect it would tick 16/3 secs...

                  My Fight with Maat lasted 7 minuetes with about 4 minuetes or actual fighting. That is ~80ticks of requiem = 1280 damage. (that's alot for for a bard to dish out)


                  • #10
                    I beat him! 1/5 lol

                    This time I loaded up on potions, and just read the battle log more carefully, set up some better macros. He hit me with One Inch Punch this time, and it only just got me into the yellow. A quick X-Potion sorted that out =D

                    I kept Paeon, Requiem and Elegy up, and the battle felt much much easier. Makes me wonder how I lost to him so many times...

                    Oh I can lvl up again, I'm so happy!
                    This chocobo has finished.


                    • #11
                      ~~ Rank 8 ~~

                      Genkai 5 ~ Completed
                      Tu'Lia ~ Opened


                      • #12
                        Lost again.

                        Is it cuz my dagger skill sucks? and i cant hit as much and not that much? yes i use dagger and "cyclone" is all i can use .

                        Here is the thing. My HP never falls below yellow. When i have Maat down to 1/4 or near yellow on his HP.. he goes mad!!!! like he is on drug. All he does is spaming "Asuran Fist" nonstop!!! fist after fist after fist.. 3 consecutive fist and i die...

                        He goes crazy cuz my time is running out?

                        Lost 3x now due to this lame move by him. My hp always in white..until he goes spamming asuranfist..then i die..with 3-4 consecutive fist..

                        /cry more

