Originally posted by Layoneil
i don't know where you get that from. most Bows have around 500 delay, plenty of time to get a few stabs in with the dagger for extra TP between shots.
i don't know where you get that from. most Bows have around 500 delay, plenty of time to get a few stabs in with the dagger for extra TP between shots.
As a rng with nin sub dualwielding hawkers I sneak in two melee attacks every 3 or so ranged attacks. The normal melee timer is paused while you're firing an arrow so if you were 2 seconds from using a melee attack before you start shooting you're still 2 seconds from it when done 6-7 seconds later.
So in the time I get 36% from ranged attacks I get 8%(?) from the daggers.
Sure, it's SOME extra tp but if a bard was singing madrigal + prelude on me for the extra melee accuracy I'd call him a fool. I mean, what ranger ever complains about +rng acc rings being -acc?