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About Prelude..

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  • About Prelude..

    How do you other bards sing prelude? What I do is sing madrigal first then minuet then sing prelude on the ranger or samurai, thus giving the ranger or samurai minuet and prelude. Does this sound right to you? Anything I should change? Thanks in advance.^-^

  • #2
    Sounds about right. Though SAMs (since they usually do a lot more meleeing and a lot less ranged attack than a RNG) may benefit more from Madrigal + Prelude or Madrigal + Minuet, than Minuet + Prelude.
    Averter of the Apocalypse~
    Unique quests complete: 330-something, keep losing count.
    Mission plot lines complete: Windurst, Bastok, San d'Oria, Zilart, Promathia.
    Maps not yet obtained: Promyvion-Dem, Promyvion-Mea, Promyvion-Holla, Promyvion-Vahzl, Sacrarium.


    • #3
      what i usually do, since the rng is pulling, is cast madrigal while he's out pulling, then hit him with prelude as he's running in with the mob, and then do minuet once they are all together again. It works well, and gets the songs on everyone for as much time as possible.

      G1 I hate you more and more every day....


      • #4
        Yhea unless it's a sam/rng (rarely done in xp pt's), or the sam is pulling, I normally avoid preluding him, he needs the madrigal more for the G.katana.


        • #5
          Thanks for your opinions guys. The reason I said samurai was because last night I pted with a jp samurai who really wanted prelude, and to tell the truth her range did more damage than her melee attack so I obliged.

          Anyway, I'm gonna try what sun2mid said because it sounds interesting. Thanks again.


          • #6
            Madrigal is more important than Minuet.

            my RNG tends to get Madrigal + Prelude, the extra TP she gets from not missing with dagger is more beneficial than the extra attack. even more so for SAM imo.
            Sendoh - Bahamut
            AIM: Layoneil


            • #7
              that sounds reasonable layoneil. in that case, next time a rng is pulling, i'll just switch when i was singing Madrigal and Minuet. Thanks for the tip!

              G1 I hate you more and more every day....


              • #8
                I've been trying to get my Rangers to go along with the whole Madrigal+Prelude deal but they still insist on minuet, and I am not about to argue with them. The less people I piss off, the easier it is for me to get into parties. 41-55 is going to be slow for me since everyone is in love with refresh :mad:
                A spoony bard by anyone's standards.


                • #9
                  Your ranger should have Minuet and Prelude. Madrigal has no effect on ranged accuracy. About 90% of their attack are ranged. Theres no use to give them Madrigal, even for TP gain because good ranger don't have time to use the daggers.
                  BRD 75 / NIN 66 / WHM 37 / WAR 30 / RDM 23 / BST 20

                  San d'Oria Rank 10
                  Zilart Mission 14
                  CoP Chapter 4-2


                  • #10
                    Most RNG that I party with HAVE to tone down their ranged attacks with melee attacks so they don't get too much aggro. So I usually Minuet when the RNG fires off his/her pull macro. Then I start madrigal and the RNG should be back by now. Then I fire off prelude on him/her.

                    That's the one tricky thing about playing BRD, song orders. Unfortunately most non-BRDs don't realize that.


                    • #11
                      Minuet + Prelude.
                      Rangers seem to hit a LOT without Madrigal (with their daggers).. I've not played one so I can't explain or comfirm it. However, the tp gained from daggers isn't that much. They gain a lot more tp from hitting with their bows alone. Since they spam it a lot more than their daggers, it's better to get their bows to deal more damage rather than try to offset the -acc from those rings they wear. Also the reason they need extra tp is so they don't miss their sidewinders (accuracy based), which should be rare with a bard around anyway.
                      Black Mage 73


                      • #12
                        I guess it comes down to what the RNG prefers. Never hurt to really ask what they prefer. Either way you are not gimping the party so I won't lose sleep over it.


                        • #13
                          Ive been partying a lot with dual rangers in my parties. I asked them if theyd like 500+ dmg on their sidewinders from stacked minuet or some extra accuracy they dont really need, its a duh answer, lol. Most higher lvl rangers dont need bards to hit the mob consistently, they usually have all that fancy expensive ranger equipment. Its fun to watch the mobs HP when 2 rangers unleash WS with a bard stacking minuet on them!
                          /ja "poop pants" me

                          My Character!

                          Tu'Lia is COOL!


                          • #14
                            Your ranger should have Minuet and Prelude. Madrigal has no effect on ranged accuracy. About 90% of their attack are ranged. Theres no use to give them Madrigal, even for TP gain because good ranger don't have time to use the daggers.
                            i don't know where you get that from. most Bows have around 500 delay, plenty of time to get a few stabs in with the dagger for extra TP between shots.

                            anyway since Lv 60, i've switched over to Minuet and Prelude most of the time too.

                            Dancing Edge and a full AF PLD really helps.
                            Sendoh - Bahamut
                            AIM: Layoneil


                            • #15
                              From a ranger point of view... Granted still a low level one.

                              I used to play bard and rangers never asked me to do some special song so I just kept prelude and one minuet on them. (Madrigal -> Minuet -> Prelude sing order)

                              Now, as a ranger with +36 ranged accuracy and +10ish agi since 30 prelude is a godsent. Each miss hurts, a missed ws hurts bigtime. Minuet on the other hand doesn't feel all that big yet.

                              Do Prelude + Minuet at lower levels and you're safe. Madrigal for dagger tp is not something I would recommend though. Each ranged attack is 12% and so far I've gotten tp faster than rest of pt.

                              At later levels apparently rangers have enough accuracy to hit very reliably and then double minuet is better but as a bard the rangers I asked still liked Prelude better at 59.
                              Shina - Rank 6 Mithra of Windurst on Ragnarok, ZM done, CoP done
                              BRD75, BST65, RNG60, BLM49, WHM40, NIN35, SMN26, WAR18, RDM15, BLU15, PLD13, MNK11, DNC10
                              100 Fisher, 84 Woodworker, 70 Goldsmith, 60 Alchemist, 58 Culinarian, 38 Blacksmith, 23 Weaver, 17 Bonecrafter, 8 Tanner

