I was playing around with songs and found out that March reduce recast timer on songs and spells. I found this out by playing around with Virelai. With Faerie Piccolo using Advancing March and Victory March, the timer on Maiden's Virelai dropped by 12 seconds. Normally it takes 60 seconds to recast, not it was 48seconds.
Now, the reason why this is usefull is mostly for lullaby, Virelai, Blink and Utsusemi:Ichi & Ni. You can reduce the recast timer by around 40% with both March and Haste which is a great thing for Ninja or when you have to do crowd control with Lullaby.
Now, the reason why this is usefull is mostly for lullaby, Virelai, Blink and Utsusemi:Ichi & Ni. You can reduce the recast timer by around 40% with both March and Haste which is a great thing for Ninja or when you have to do crowd control with Lullaby.