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  • Virelai

    Any lv75 bard played around with the Virelai song? Do you need to have a BST subbed to make your pet attack? Whats the duration and recast timer on it? Can you Charm beastmen and undead or is it like the BST Charm and you can only use it on animals?
    BRD 75 / NIN 66 / WHM 37 / WAR 30 / RDM 23 / BST 20

    San d'Oria Rank 10
    Zilart Mission 14
    CoP Chapter 4-2

  • #2
    I do not have the song yet myself but this is what I have read, and unfortunetly it sounds rather lame.

    -You can only tame pets BSTs can tame (no beastman, undeads, etc)
    -The song lasts only about 37 seconds while it has a 45 second re-cast, and the pet WILL attack you after it is our of your control.
    -You don't get to use the pet command menu at all; Once you attack something, you pet will follow you and attack it to. It works more like a DRGs wyvern than an actual pet.

    The only upside is I have heard it will tame basically any tamable pet without resist. The only time I can see it being useful is if you got aggroed by a tamable pet and tamed it to buy yourself some time. Otherwise, it is just to mess around with, I guess.
    Bastok R10 / Windurst R10
    THF75 | BRD75 | NIN75 | WHM71 | RNG60
    Smaller Chairs for the Early 1900's.


    • #3
      I heard that you can charm stuff bst's can't charm like marblos and cocatrices or even arcana- weapons (probably not undead though, skeletons following you just isn't very charismatic I guess unless you are necromancer )

      but at 45 second duration you can't do anything with it cept maybe take a screenshot that had a dragon under your control for bragging rights to all them bst's out there
      75/bst, 60/smn, 51/rdm, 46/whm, 40/blm, 37/nin, 37/thf, 37/war, 32/sam, 25/brd, 10/pld, 7/mnk


      • #4
        Originally posted by sudo
        I heard that you can charm stuff bst's can't charm like marblos and cocatrices or even arcana- weapons (probably not undead though, skeletons following you just isn't very charismatic I guess unless you are necromancer )

        but at 45 second duration you can't do anything with it cept maybe take a screenshot that had a dragon under your control for bragging rights to all them bst's out there
        You can't even do that >_<

        I tried taming Perytons in Valley of Sorrows (Big Roc Looking Birds), does not work
        I tried taming Ochus in Rolanberry Fields, does not work
        I tried taming Weapons anywhere really, does not work

        You basically can charm same things that a BST can charm.

        I found Virelai to be useful in some situations. When we would have to links, I would Charm one mob, and fight the other, when charm would wear, I'd horde lullaby it to sleep.
        | SMN 75 | BRD 75 | WHM 37 | RDM 37 | BLM 37 | THF 37
        Zenith Armor: 5/5 (Complete)
        Bard AF2 Armor: 3/5
        Summoner AF2 Armor: 5/5 (Complete)


        • #5
          does the +1, or+2 instrument have any real effect on duration, or is it resist rate?
          March 23 2004, a day that will live in infamy.
          Use search, or deal with assholes like me

