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Goddess's Hymnus

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  • Goddess's Hymnus

    I was looking at spell descriptions on Allakhazam, and I noticed this one-

    Grants Reraise to party members within area of effect.

    I was wondering if alot of you high level Brd's have saved a number of your parties this way? I'm guessing if you see someones HP go in the red you start singing this? How does re-raise soon as they die, they come back to life? Or does it take a minute to go into effect.
    Everybody can be great... because anybody can serve. You don't have to have a college degree to serve. You don't have to make your subject and verb agree to serve. You only need a heart full of grace. A soul generated by love. - MLK Jr.
    RNG-33 WAR-32 MNK-18 THF- 17 WHM-28 RDM-44 BLM-28

    NIN-18 SAM- 5 PLD-12 BRD-55 BST- 13

  • #2
    Well I have heard that this song isn't the most fantastic in a part situation, since most people who are about to get slaughtered don't stand around waiting for the bard to pop it off, but it might be nice if you noticed that something is going very wrong, alink etc to cast it fast on the back row, giving the WHM and any other raisers reraise.

    As for how reraise works, it just give you a little box that asks if you want to raise after you have died.
    Xccoortri: 63Brd - RETIRED
    Wiggin: 20Thf/10War - Current

    BCNM Completed 35 times. Best time: 14:53


    • #3
      It's also suggested that it's a 50% xp regain, compared to raise 1 25% and raise 2 75%. Not half-decent especially for HNM fights. Sing it occasionally around the whm if tanks die in hnm


      • #4
        It has saved me pain and time on a few occassions, but generally it isn't a song you're going to have macroed.
        Back in Action!


        • #5
          If memory serves, I lost 1200 exp with it at level 75. The level itself is 46000 or so, and I think it's an 8% exp loss on death...makes hymnus a 67% exp restore.


          • #6
            Here's a question, does this song stay on as one of the two song effects, or does it have a whole other effect that is reraise? Because if it didn't take up the spot for one song effect it would be amazing for HNM hunts and dynamis runs.
            Xccoortri: 63Brd - RETIRED
            Wiggin: 20Thf/10War - Current

            BCNM Completed 35 times. Best time: 14:53


            • #7
              it works like any other song.

              So, if you cast hymnus and then 2 other songs, hymnus will be overwritten and you won't have re-raise anymore.

              Hymnus needs to be one of your two active songs, WHEN you die, in order for the reraise window to appear.

              It doesn't seem very useful. Even if it gave the same EXP return as Raise III, I don't see any real reason to use it instead of your other songs.



              • #8
                Oh, there are situations where it's useful, just not a lot.

                Fenrir for instance. He can (and often will) dispel your whm's reraise, so if you can tell a wipe out is coming, popping hymnus can save a lot of time and exp.

                Kindred Seal pot BCNM, you'll often die when they use chainspell and have to reraise. It takes a whm about 10 minutes to raise3 5 people (2 minute recast on raise3 while sicknessed + mp costs mean it can sometimes take more) and you only have a 30 minute window, so it CAN be useful there as well.

                Solo'ing when you can tell you're going to die, any situation where you don't have a whm (hymnus is the ONLY raise/reraise ability outside of whm job to give > 25% exp), etc.

                It's no minuet or ballad, but it still is fairly useful...relative to certain other songs. Gogo group resist poison or whatever.


                • #9
                  Whats the cast time like? Is it as long as the Madrigal / Minuet line or songs, or [hopefully] short like Finale / Elegy etc
                  This chocobo has finished.


                  • #10
                    I think it's as long as Prelude or the targetable etudes. 4 seconds.

                    My question: do you get more exp back with Soul Voice + Hymnus?
                    Averter of the Apocalypse~
                    Unique quests complete: 330-something, keep losing count.
                    Mission plot lines complete: Windurst, Bastok, San d'Oria, Zilart, Promathia.
                    Maps not yet obtained: Promyvion-Dem, Promyvion-Mea, Promyvion-Holla, Promyvion-Vahzl, Sacrarium.


                    • #11
                      Kindred Seal pot BCNM, you'll often die when they use chainspell and have to reraise. It takes a whm about 10 minutes to raise3 5 people (2 minute recast on raise3 while sicknessed + mp costs mean it can sometimes take more) and you only have a 30 minute window, so it CAN be useful there as well.
                      aren't Kindred Seal battles Lv 70 cap?

                      My question: do you get more exp back with Soul Voice + Hymnus?
                      sounds like the Divine Seal + Raise thing. which would be probably not.
                      Sendoh - Bahamut
                      AIM: Layoneil


                      • #12
                        Nah, they're uncapped. The level 70 thing is a misconception - sites wrote that they had a level 70 cap back when the level cap in the game itself was 70.


                        • #13
                          Hymnus cast's identical to Minuet. Same long cast time, and hits all party members within range.


