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brd/whm vs brd/rdm

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  • brd/whm vs brd/rdm

    I've deleted my post because apparently, Im a lazy bastard and didnt look for all the other topics on brd/rdm as opposed to brd/whm

    So I guess, heres a question.
    how many people know bards that write lyrics to their songs? apparently someone on phoenix does it, but I cant remember the name!

  • #2
    I don't know any personally, but I know the personality type:

    They think they're being novel, but what they're actually doing is annoying everybody who reads it by the second time they spam the macro, they're putting more spam in the already small chat box making it even harder for those who actually want to see the damage they or a teammate are dealing out, and they are contributing in SIGNIFIGANTLY more than they should be to the overall server lag. "Vanity macros", as I call them, are a complete waste, and without them the world will be a better place.

    As you can see, I don't much like them :sweat:
    Finally got Rank 5! *Sings the "I love my Airship Pass" song*


    • #3
      I've done the impromptu "song", but never in battle...

      Not really good to tie up the chat window when folks want to see when to buff/debuff/WS/MB or whatever.

      I have a two-liner that I use when LFG - on occassion when I use it, I only spam it once or twice in Lower Jeuno.

      Most people on my server pick up on it quickly and send me a PT invite, or ask me about my JPN text graphics [like the music note] I use with the song.

      I also will do silly lyric songs poking fun at NPCs or particular FFXI related things while waiting for airships or on the airship itself, if I managed to jump onto the ship's side wall. Usually it gets a few good comments, laughs or tells.

      But I don't do it all the time, lest the novelty wear thin. ^^
      :::: Windurst Rank 10 ::::
      :::: Kirin Captivator ::::
      :::: Dynamis-Beaucedine Interloper ::::
      :::: Omega Ostracizer ::::
      ~ Up Next: Ultima/Omega and their five mammet friends... (PM6-4)~

      BRD75 SMN62 ::: and other jobs


      • #4
        I despise people who feel the need to make stupid spammy macros for actions that the party probably doesn't need to know about.

        That's fantastic you just casted Dia, but did you really have to spam my damn chatbox with all this "Feel the burning light of the goddess." bullshit, I think not.

        The only songs of mine that have macros that tell the party what I am doing are Threnodies, Magic Finale and Lullabies, and they are provided as more of a heads up, than a "Hey! look at me I'm clever!"

        /p <bt> is weaker vs <Wind>
        /p <bt> <Magic> <Finale>
        /p <bt> is under the effect of <Lullaby>
        A spoony bard by anyone's standards.


        • #5
          Yea, not a single one of my macro's except my cures have any chat in it.

          Except in my set pt, one of my buddies and me like to tease eachother and pick on eachother, so I made all my macros like this.

          /p I wrote this little tune one stormy afternoon, Minuet

          /p This one goes out to you, Zeroraiku, I love you man, Ballad

          And stuff like that, and after about 5 minutes he was SO annoyed and so mad at me haha, it was great fun.

          Now whenevr I want to piss him off I just pop those macros back on and get a laugh,
          Xccoortri: 63Brd - RETIRED
          Wiggin: 20Thf/10War - Current

          BCNM Completed 35 times. Best time: 14:53


          • #6
            "Feel the burning light of the goddess"

            Never used anything that corny, although a few of my BLM macros had goofy stuff like:

            /ma "Aero" <bt>
            /p <bt> is swept away by a huge beer belch... Ewww!

            or my favorite:

            /ma "Fire" <bt>
            /p Burn, Baby... Burn.... it's the Taru Inferno!

            I had a few other goofy ones for Ballad (kind of important for mages and PLDs to know when I'm singing Ballad) but if and when I play my NA version again, I'll probably modify them with Vanahand to make them more JPN friendly.

            With my JP FFXI, I have no room for the funny macros, so it's "strictly business" :

            /p (?ô(?ô(?ô?_(^-^)?^?ô)?ô)?ô)?@–‚“¹Žm‚Ì?y Ballad?z ‡@‚ƇA Gather for Ballads!?@
            /so ƒo?[ƒ‰ƒhII <bt>
            /wait 10
            /so ƒo?[ƒ‰ƒh <bt>

            The Japanese seem to like those whimsical smilies, and haven't had any complaints from the NA players... and they usually communicate graphically as well.

            I use this for my Preludes (RNG song):

            /p RNG ?Ë?y Prelude?z (;?L„t?¼)„w?©?@?©?@?©?o„Œ(?[?X?[)?@?ô?`?ƒ?ƒŽë?l‚³‚ñ?„?„?`?ô?I
            :::: Windurst Rank 10 ::::
            :::: Kirin Captivator ::::
            :::: Dynamis-Beaucedine Interloper ::::
            :::: Omega Ostracizer ::::
            ~ Up Next: Ultima/Omega and their five mammet friends... (PM6-4)~

            BRD75 SMN62 ::: and other jobs


            • #7
              well i know people that do make lyrics most people that do are roleplayers and it doesn't bother me one bit being a roleplayer also.
              66 Cor 75 brd 73 whm 74 nin


              • #8
                oh ya i forgot to mention helltaru you should also have to ask yourself the people that use the "spammy macros" are they roleplayers If you do not want to see those just don't party with the roleplayers then.
                66 Cor 75 brd 73 whm 74 nin


                • #9
                  Best Bard macro's I've ever seen are from Dirra way, way back. He's probably level 75 by now but all his macros had some horrendus Engrish with reference to English/American pop songs.
                  【MNK 75 - WAR 75 - NIN 75 - BRD 75 - WHM 75】


                  • #10
                    Like most, I only have text for the songs that I need to let my party know I am doing:

                    - Threnodies
                    - Finale
                    - Lullaby

                    I do the Finale text for RDM. So they know if another beneficial effect comes up right after they will have to Dispel it before my timer recharges.


                    • #11
                      ... guilty. >_>;;; I have 2 sets of macros. One with lyrics to assist those unfamiliar with songs, so they can learn them, and one without, for those who dont want me to appear spammy. I personally like them. XD Then again, I'm a dork, and think it adds more flavor. Most of my LS also has a 'cute' set of macros when we're PTing with each other, because we don't mind.

                      /p "Death's echo I keep, now you shall sleep!" (Lullaby)
                      /p "Your quest for power? I'll summon valor." (Valor Minuet)
                      /p "Thy blade I kiss, you shall not miss!" (Sword Madrigal)
                      Rinlocke || 68BRD || Odin - Retired


                      • #12
                        To be brutally honest, macroed quotes get very annoying after a while...even the plain ones like "Casting (Finale) on <bt>" eventually become irritating to look at, especially if you're trying to spam the spell.
                        All Nations: Rank 10
                        Rise of the Zilart: Complete
                        Chains of Promathia: Complete
                        75 BRD/75 WHM/75 BLM/75 MNK/75 RDM/57 DRK/40 THF/39 WAR/37 NIN & SMN/All the rest < 37

                        What to level next? (DRK!)

