Reaperx90: Army's Paeon IV has lousy harp range even with capped string skill. Maybe it'll improve with levels (and/or higher skill with those levels), maybe range is fixed. If it does change, it's so gradual as to be near-impossible to test.
Also, about your 20 string skill vs. Seeker Bats ... your singing skill was very probably at, or close to, cap, if you'd been maintaining your wind skill. So you need to factor that in when contemplating how much skill you were actually using against the bats. At 51, you'd have, what ... 146 singing?
So - going on a limb and saying they're equally important - that's about the same as having 83 in both singing and string rather than 146 in one and 20 in the other, and 83 is the skill cap for level 29. At which point you shouldn't have much trouble with Seeker Bats in Qufim.
Also, about your 20 string skill vs. Seeker Bats ... your singing skill was very probably at, or close to, cap, if you'd been maintaining your wind skill. So you need to factor that in when contemplating how much skill you were actually using against the bats. At 51, you'd have, what ... 146 singing?
So - going on a limb and saying they're equally important - that's about the same as having 83 in both singing and string rather than 146 in one and 20 in the other, and 83 is the skill cap for level 29. At which point you shouldn't have much trouble with Seeker Bats in Qufim.