Bards appear to be the only advanced job without addtional abilities that come at later levels (akin to the Divine Seal or Elemental Seal or Fast Cast for WHM/BLM/RDM respectively)
Ideas for Bard that might further increase its versatility:
New Level 52 song: Healer's Reprise (BCNM50 drop)
Adds a *ga effect to any *healing* spell casted, and some non healing enfeebles such as Stoneskin, Blink or Aquaveil. Only good for the very next spell cast by a PLD, WHM or RDM. Healing spells include Cure series and Regen/Refresh, and status effect heals such as Poisona, Cursna and Viruna.
New Level 58 song: Warlock's Canticle (BCNM50 drop)
Doubles the intensity of elemental magic, doubles the duration of enfeebling magic cast by BLM, RDM or DRK. Also gives a bonus to Holy Magic cast by WHM/PLD.
New Active Abilities:
Chorus: (5min) Allows a Bard to select a specific PT member for what would normally be a PT buff (such as rebuffing a PLD for Ballad w/o interrupting the Madrigal and Minuet on the other melee fighters.
Harmonic Voice: (10min) Allows a Bard to cast a third song on the PT.
What do you think?
Ideas for Bard that might further increase its versatility:
New Level 52 song: Healer's Reprise (BCNM50 drop)
Adds a *ga effect to any *healing* spell casted, and some non healing enfeebles such as Stoneskin, Blink or Aquaveil. Only good for the very next spell cast by a PLD, WHM or RDM. Healing spells include Cure series and Regen/Refresh, and status effect heals such as Poisona, Cursna and Viruna.
New Level 58 song: Warlock's Canticle (BCNM50 drop)
Doubles the intensity of elemental magic, doubles the duration of enfeebling magic cast by BLM, RDM or DRK. Also gives a bonus to Holy Magic cast by WHM/PLD.
New Active Abilities:
Chorus: (5min) Allows a Bard to select a specific PT member for what would normally be a PT buff (such as rebuffing a PLD for Ballad w/o interrupting the Madrigal and Minuet on the other melee fighters.
Harmonic Voice: (10min) Allows a Bard to cast a third song on the PT.
What do you think?