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Bug or Design?

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  • Bug or Design?

    Mage's Ballad 2 has the same small AE when playing a wind and string instrument.

    Is this something that is a bug or game design, because Ballad1 has a huge AE when played with a string instrument and small AE when played with a wind instrument.

    [Cross post from Vault Boards]

  • #2
    havn't noticed thispersonally however i rarely use my harp so (need more good harps to make the diffrent skilsl accually ya know worthwile)
    March 23 2004, a day that will live in infamy.
    Use search, or deal with assholes like me


    • #3
      Haven't hit Ballad II yet, but I did notice this with Paeon IV: it had a truly pathetic range even with a harp. I've largely stopped playing paeon though, since it rarely has any opportunity to work in most of my PTs given how soon the next enemy arrives.

      As for Ballad, everyone who needs it should be close enough together to get it with a wind instrument anyway, so lousy string range is - ideally - a moot point.
      Averter of the Apocalypse~
      Unique quests complete: 330-something, keep losing count.
      Mission plot lines complete: Windurst, Bastok, San d'Oria, Zilart, Promathia.
      Maps not yet obtained: Promyvion-Dem, Promyvion-Mea, Promyvion-Holla, Promyvion-Vahzl, Sacrarium.


      • #4
        I think that each song has different ranges for each type of instrument.

        For example, the early paeons have very large ranges with harps, but small range with winds. However, the higher level Paeons have the same range with both string and wind.

        Similarly, Ballad 1 has large range with string, but small range with wind. However, Ballad 2 has the same small range regardless of instrument.

        I've noticed with other songs as well that sometimes string instrument won't increase the AOE.


        • #5
          this isn't true. there is a big difference in range with any song depending on instrument. specifically i often switch out harp and flute for range differences with ballad/ballad 2
          63/63 maps obtained


          • #6
            I think the string range with ballad 2 is a bit larger than the wood range, but it's definitely a lot less than ballad 1. This has always annoyed me also.

            Yeah in xp parties it's fine but when you do missions, genkai, coffer keys, etc. etc. it's nice to be able to hit the whole pt with both ballads sometimes, and often I only get to hit them with ballad 1 and some people miss out on 2.
            63 BRD/69 RDM/38 WHM/37 BLM


            • #7
              I don't know about anyone else but I find the rediculous Ballad I range with a harp very annoying.
              【MNK 75 - WAR 75 - NIN 75 - BRD 75 - WHM 75】


              • #8
                Tier 1, Tier 2, Tier 3, Tier 4. That how I like to look at it.

                For some reason S-E made higher-tier spell have limited range compared to lower tier. I haven't tested out Tier 2 and 3 compared to 1 and 4, but it is certainly definite that there is a capped range in higher-tier song than lower tiered ones.

                Don't know why they did it, probably to limit the potential of BRD(they're soooo mean to Bard!!!), but the most reasonable in-game excuse could be that as we gain in level we are more skilled with beginner songs so our "song" can be heard from farther away......

                Or somethign like that.


                • #9
                  Still I've managed to ballad 2 the ranger from pretty far (running away to pull) with a harp.

                  When I first got ballad 2 I noticed a difference but I don't really now... Meh don't ask me.

                  Strings range is uber helpful on rangers and prelude. Or maybe just because I'm too lazy to buy a flute for a song I use one in every 10 parties or so.
                  Leri ~ Phoenix
                  75BRD 75WHM 75NIN

