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How to BC40 Giddeus

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  • #16
    any kind of set-up will work in bcnm aslong you have a brd and a mage that can heal =P

    tanks really is no tank since every melee wills share hate ><

    3x ranger + blm , brd, whm = fun fun =P


    • #17
      Yes I know it could have been a more ultimate setup..but I dont exchange an uber-party with my friends

      There will be some tanking however, because the THF will do a few SATA along the way (when tank looses aggro) and I rather have a NIN being tricked into than me (DRK) so that I can go all out.

      Only thing I might be a little concerned about is if we can kill everything in 30 minutes?


      • #18
        I was able to win with:

        pld, nin, thf, whm, rdm, and me.

        Granted it took 23 mins :-)

        The we came back with

        pld, rdm, blm, whm, ???, me that time it took 26 mins :-)
        used to be:
        Rank 9.5
        72 BRD, 36 WHM, 13 BLM, 5 SUM, etc.
        Full RSE Set <--sold
        Complete AF set. <-- what a pain


        • #19
          Did five runs yesterday, all successfull


          • #20
            Did it in 9 minutes with pld, rng, drg, whm, rdm, brd.
            Blm isn't all that good for giddeus bcnm40 since they run out of mana.
            Shina - Rank 6 Mithra of Windurst on Ragnarok, ZM done, CoP done
            BRD75, BST65, RNG60, BLM49, WHM40, NIN35, SMN26, WAR18, RDM15, BLU15, PLD13, MNK11, DNC10
            100 Fisher, 84 Woodworker, 70 Goldsmith, 60 Alchemist, 58 Culinarian, 38 Blacksmith, 23 Weaver, 17 Bonecrafter, 8 Tanner


            • #21
              Shoult post my observations aswell...

              Flood wasn't that of a big problem, infact its the only thing I'm nervous about during each run. On our first try the blacky casted sleep and shortly after made a flood. Somehow it got interupted (ninja and thf was awake).

              Another big problem was when it casted paralyze, it's very important for the mage to first debuff it from the DRK so he can stun if needed. (all other attempts was stopped with my stun)

              Another problem if not having a rng with you is to be able to pull of the mandys from the bard to a safe distance, the last few sure hate the bard after being slept all over. I had to save my TP and not use it while fighting. Then I had to run back to pull another, hit it one time, use a WS on it and then provoke. It usually worked good, as backup I had the THF with me so he could SATA on me if I didn't get his attention and kept pounding on the BRD.

              Also, we had no hate management towards the blacky, everyone went all out (souleater/berserk etc) to kill it as fast as possible. It's the most dangerous part of the game.


              • #22
                For my LS party, we used: Pld, Rng, Sam, Whm, Whm, and me Brd. I don't have Monster Signa or Mary's Horn and can still play 2 songs (Ballad and Minne for me and mages on even number rounds; Prelude and Requiem/Elegy/Threnody on odd number rounds) before the marshmallow guys wake up. I've borrowed those equipment before and tried it, but it seems my SanDorian or Ryl.Sqr. Horns work better with less partial resisting.

                Please tell your mages not to use Sleepga. It waste Mp and really ruin the Bard's rhythm. Their main priority is to keep Bard alive and to manage and conserve Mp. For me, as long as I have atleast 400+ HP each time they wake up, then I should be ok.

                Also, it seems there is a lot of concern with Flood. There are many ways to help to deal with it. Elemental Seal and Silence does work on the black one. While our Sam usually has enough TP to stun it if it tries to Flood. Barwatera also helps too if necessary.

                Another strategy for Bard is to stand near a wall. That way, the marshmallow guys can't walk behind you and then you should be able to sleep all of them because they are all in front of you.

                For beginners at BCNM40 Giddeus, it may be a lot to handle. Best is to go with some more experience players first to see how it is. Lol, I still remember when our Whm came with us on his first time. All he said was "Omg, it is super overwhelming!". ^_^;;


                edit: I just thought about something after I post my message... for more experience Bards, will it help if you play Elegy on each of them while they are asleep? I never try this before, but maybe in theory, it may help?

                75Brd . 37Whm . 22Smn

                "Seeing or hearing things the same way isn't important... Sharing the same moments in your life is." - Romilda, Port Bastok.



                • #23
                  My BCNM experiences:

                  We always go with taru brd/whm (fish kabob, monster signa), mithra mnk/war, elvaan drk/war, mithra rdm/blm, and two flex spots (filled by rdm/whm and sam/war one time, filled by blm/whm and drk/war the other time).

                  Everyone heads up to the bridge once they're in, bard casts water carol, the other /whm casts barwatera. Bard then casts ballad for the mages, and then the bard charges the mandys and casts sleep. Rdm moves in, standing directly next to the bard, and healing him to full, while the melees pull the black mandragora away. As mentioned before, it is *key* to cure paralysis on the bard ASAP.

                  Flood is negated by stun, the rest is just damage dealing. Usually the elvaan drk that is always with us is the "puller" of the white mandys. Make sure your melees do *NOT* pull your sleep target! We usually have the drk pull the farthest mandy away from the one that is the sleep target, each time. The rdm/blm is the primary healer of the bard, the other mage, be it rdm, whm, blm/whm, smn/whm, is sufficient for healing the melees.

                  After the second white mandy is killed (so there are 5 mandys left), the rdm usually converts, heals up, and enters melee (at this point you've won already anyway, pretty much). When we get down to the last two, bard usually gives the melees madrigal and minuet. On the last one, the bard gets to drop his earth crusher for 200+ damage.

                  BC40 Giddeus really isn't that hard. Mary's Horn isn't a necessity; I would recommend a good amount of +cha gear, though (our bard is in pretty much full cha suit). The key thing is to paralyna the bard after a paralyga. It casts fast, and it's often the first thing the black mandy will use, even before the first sleep goes off. It will keep on using it about once a minute, but at that point it should be casting it on a melee and far enough away that it doesn't affect the bard.

                  Personally, I highly recommend drk for BC40, even though they're not the best damage. Stun is very nice to have, it keeps the target of Flood in the fight rather than having to run away like a madman, which gets the black mandy dead that much sooner.
                  61 MNK | 37 WAR | 37 THF | 35 RDM | 29 BLM | 25 WHM
                  Mithra retired November 2004 - Hume started November 2006
                  28 WAR | 18 MNK | 15 WHM | 12 BLM


                  • #24
                    when ever i do a BCNM 40 my party is always drk/war(me) rng/nin whm/blm blm/whm rdm/whm brd/whm brd gos in and sleeps the mandys then i go in get the black mandy and pull it far away from the brd (which is at the front of the arena) then after the black mandys gone then we pick em off one by one and we did it 6 times every time we won in 9-14 minutes a tank is not needed at all the black mandy was hitting me for about 30-50 a hit and the rest were easy 12/0 in 40 bcnm PLD is very useless in BCNM 40
                    >_> genkai 1234 done lvling ninja for some fun in ballista <_<


                    • #25
                      Heh, PLD is useless here, if you do it right holding hate won't be a problem. The way I did it 9 times in a row successfully was just to have RDM RDM BRD then 3 attackers, everyone uses food, I buff my highest protect. We go in, RDM buffs up all def (phally, stoneskin) and does seal+silence on the Black mandy. Attackers provoke and pull it away while the BRD sleeps the rest. One RDM watches the BRD and the other watches the attackers. When they are done the designated attacker picks a mandy and pull it away from the others and the BRD. RDM take turns resting if needed or converting. Usually do a Water2 MB like Double Thrust > Slice or somethign like that because Water2 is the best offensive magic we had. Works really well.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by silverfang

                        Anything to keep in mind? I've been told by the bard that it's hard to take away the hate from the last few mandras because they've been slept so many times a voke wont suffice, but in that case I was thinking the thf could trick on the tank.
                        When you get down to the last 3 whites or so, my DRK tank usually has to voke, use a WS, hit it once, and sometimes even hit it with a drain or some other nuke just to grab hate.


                        • #27
                          Well this is in response to the people who silence/stun/bash. Wouldn't it save more MP not to have to cast anything on the black one. I mean, if you run away from it, everyone else can keep fighting and not have to worry about Flood at all. Only the tank would have to worry about it and all he needs to do is run out of range. It's much more simpler than like 2 other people worrying about it.

                          Elemental Seal + Silence does not work 100 percent of the time. Believe me, the BLM in my PT has had it resisted before.

                          Stun is good, I didn't know it helped 100 percent of the time, but still, at least if you do my strat of just having the tank running away, less stress on the other people in the PT and also this allows your PT not to need a DRK.

                          Mary's Horn ... just get it, it's only around 100k, that's not a lot, and plus, you can always sell it back after. Lets face it, without it, you're going to be getting hit many more times throughout the battle than you would have needed. MP Pool for the battle isn't much, and if your team doesn't have huge DMG dealers like RNGs then it's probably a must since the battle will be longer than expected.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by stormz
                            Well this is in response to the people who silence/stun/bash. Wouldn't it save more MP not to have to cast anything on the black one. I mean, if you run away from it, everyone else can keep fighting and not have to worry about Flood at all. Only the tank would have to worry about it and all he needs to do is run out of range. It's much more simpler than like 2 other people worrying about it.
                            since when can u run from a black mandy during bcnm fight ..... there isnt much where to run lol your still gonna get it unless your lucky ... might as well elemental seal + silence instead of wasting time running around .. :spin:

                            and you really dont need dmg dealers *cough cough rng*
                            yes they make bc go faster but

                            my last PT was nin, drg, drk, brd, whm, blm

                            it was like 11 mins O_O

                            NIN > > Powder = dead mandy =P

                            :sweat: :sweat: :sweat: :sweat:


                            • #29
                              Flood takes an incredibly long time to cast. When the black mandragora is casting Flood, it will not be able to move. Therefore, you can run away from it while it is casting Flood. There is more than enough room to get out of Flood range, and more than enough time to get out of range. Once it stops casting it, you can return to fight it


                              • #30
                                I've been doing some BCNM over the past week, and so far it has been pretty good, currently on 6-3. 4 Phalanx, couple of Utsusemi:Ni, no Erase, but I'm not complaining ^^.

                                Anyway, I just wanted to share a [new?] style of opening a BCNM40.

                                Common approach
                                1) PLD rushes in and grabs aggro.
                                2) BRD follows and does Horde Lullaby.
                                3) PLD vokes blackMandy.

                                This works fine and well for everyone? I find that blackMandy has a nasty tendency to cast Paralyze-ga early. In the common approach the BRD along with the PLD -might- get Paralyzed before he gets Horde up (which is what happened in one of my "practice" losses), and that spells death if there's no Paralyna before the whiteMandys hit on the BRD.

                                So the way I open my BCNMs now (and it hasn't failed me yet ) is using the following opening. Credits go to Esedess on Seraph.

                                "Instant Separation" approach
                                1) BRD runs up towards the Mandys without catching aggro (still on the ramp/bridge).
                                2) BRD uses Foe Lullaby on the blackMandy.
                                3) whiteMandys aggro BRD.
                                4) BRD uses Horde Lullaby on the whiteMandys. (Preferably with a Harp for larger range.)
                                5) Instant separation. Damage dealers are free to kill blackMandy, RDM and BRD stay right next to whiteMandys for continuous Horde.

                                And I'd also like to add that it is NOT necessary to have either Mary's Horn or Monster Signa to get this completed. I'm living proof.

                                For a video of the forementioned "Instant Separation" approach, right-click and choose "Save link as" (or words to that effect) this:

                                PS. Sorry, angelfire's the best I can do T_T
                                EDIT: Encoded the video in XviD. Codec download at


