I hit 60 on saturday and told my LS about it, instead of congrats some people were like its so easy since you a bard. They were like bard is the easiest job in the game that it requires no skill. All jobs require some degree of skill but to say that a bard requires none was really lame.
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Why do other jobs hate on BRD?
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Yeah, BRD is quick to level similar to a WHM. It does require skill for it though, proper timing of what songs to use and when. The BRD is basically there to control the parties edurance, how long the party can last and how short the battles last. I had a BRD once that just loved pumping me a RNG up with the Valor Minuet and Valor Minuet II since it seems I hardly have any accuracy problems, he did that after I ate my Meat Mithkabobs.
Geez the party loved the damage output but it only took me 1 freakin shot to pull hate away from the tank (Without my WS, Barrage, or anything else used) when the monster was already around half dead while I was holding back. Guess it means I need to find better tanks XD
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Originally posted by Kweh
I would disagree on the fact that playing Bard requires no skill, but I would assume it *is* one of the quickest jobs to lvl.
Hey Outaru, got your AF gloves yet? We should try set something up.Outaru
used to be:
Rank 9.5
72 BRD, 36 WHM, 13 BLM, 5 SUM, etc.
Full RSE Set <--sold
Complete AF set. <-- what a pain
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Re: Why do other jobs hate on BRD?
Originally posted by Outaru
I hit 60 on saturday and told my LS about it, instead of congrats some people were like its so easy since you a bard. They were like bard is the easiest job in the game that it requires no skill. All jobs require some degree of skill but to say that a bard requires none was really lame.
i actually think bard is one of the more tiring jobs to play, except for perhaps the puller. i am constantly running around casting songs, healing, buffing, debuffing.. there is hardly anytime for rest. everyone else just gets to sit around and chill out while the next mob is incoming ;p
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Your LS not worshipping bards~!? They should be shot <.<", or worse never get to party with a bard again :mad:. People who say Bards don't require skill haven't seen bards who are the only status curer when fighting Toramas... I've done it and don't wanna ever do it again T_T;;.
They're probably just jealous because bards level so much faster than every other job due to popularity. Corny but true~, waiting more than 3 days for a party can make a person groggy.
Person somewhat above => Bard requires nearly no timing what-so-ever <.<" Just good positioning in estimating where the stupid pickup party will stand for our first song. Song order is consistant (nearly) through all mobs, unless party has special requests or really can't hit.Black Mage 73
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I have a 61 Drk. I just watch it wack the monster all the time - . -
Sometimes I go to the bathroom when my tp is recharging
With a Brd, I have more things to do and can never go away from the computer during a fight. The monster will buff itself and I will have to debuff it... (unless the monster never buffs itself, heh heh heh).
I got from 1-51 in less than a month with a Brd, while level my sub job Whm to 26, all the while trying to catch up to a friend so we can party together. My Drk took 3 months to get to 61 ;;, with leveling the thf and war subs to 32
But Brd is way more fun than all the other jobs, so who cares what anyone says. An LS that doesn't appreciate Brds shouldn't deserve them = )Brd - 51 Main
Drk - 61 On hold
War- 32 Thf - 32 Whm - 26 Sam - 21
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get a new LS time? lol my other LS actually had a reason to resent me quitting whm for brd that I can understand. There was like only 2-3 whm left and we had like 6-7 lv 60+ brds.... they wanted a set pt but we were really short on whm and tanks...
lack of tanks seem to be a major problem on my server and even as a brd, I still have some lfg issues at funny hours. 7 ppl lfg... 0 tanks. everyone sits and twiddles thumbs...75/bst, 60/smn, 51/rdm, 46/whm, 40/blm, 37/nin, 37/thf, 37/war, 32/sam, 25/brd, 10/pld, 7/mnk
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Congratulations for getting Lv60!
I agree with Sudo. If you don't really have any close ties with anybody in that LS (it doesn't sound like you do), I would go to a different one where they respect and appreciate a Lv60 Bard; I don't think that will be hard to find. And when you leave, give them your flute/harp and tell them to go fight BCNM with it since "it takes no skill to be a Bard". :p
Soonyi.75Brd . 37Whm . 22Smn
"Seeing or hearing things the same way isn't important... Sharing the same moments in your life is." - Romilda, Port Bastok.
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Yeah people in my LS are all "oh it's so easy to get to 75 with brd" but they still congratulate me...You shuoldn't be with a group of people who are like that to you...
Either way, it IS easier to level bard up...hell, if I don't put my anon on I get 3-5 pt invites a night that I refuse because i have a set pt...now take a warrior, blm, drg or any other interchangable melee class and try to get 3 invites a night at level 50+...either way, any levelup is something to be congratulated for adn those people are asses if they said that to you when you dinged.Xccoortri: 63Brd - RETIRED
Wiggin: 20Thf/10War - Current
BCNM Completed 35 times. Best time: 14:53
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As someone mentioned I can see why some of them are bitter, if I had to throw up my flag and wait hours or even days for a party I would probaly be a little resentful. There is no doubt the game is skewed towards mages and bards but for the life of me I do not see why people just throw up their flags and sit there. Go craft, fish, mine, something, you don't have to be bored sitting there LFG.
I have given up looking for a good LS, I have a group of people I know and they seem to help me when they have the time. Like last night I was able to get 10 people to help me with castle z.b. coffer key.Outaru
used to be:
Rank 9.5
72 BRD, 36 WHM, 13 BLM, 5 SUM, etc.
Full RSE Set <--sold
Complete AF set. <-- what a pain
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Aw, you guys are so negative. Leave your LS and find a new one if they dont "respect and appreciate" you? Cuz you are a diva, and deserve only the best asskissers? I'm sorry, but I'm there for my LS, not the other way around. Just because you are a popular job, don't let it get to your head, as some of these replies have a huge "i'm better than you" connotation :sweat:
I mean really, no one treats ppl badly because of what job they are, unless maybe you are a bst or something. Some ppl really do hate on bsts.
Anyways...having played both sides of the melee and mage jobs, playing bard is very different. People are much friendlier to bards. When I was playing dark, war, and thief, I didnt notice much. After playing rdm and bard...it's noticably different. People add you to their friends list, talk to you more, are friendlier...its really quite disturbing. 80% of the ppl on my friendslist came from when i played bard or rdm.
I dont really know what the point of my post is lol, but uh, yah, bards are loved, and jealousy comes with the job. It's a hidden trait, as you know.
I have a lot of respect for bards since it can be really tedious work, especially when it's laggy. I get dizzy from running around in hi traffic camps trying to keep ballad and madrigal separate, in claustrophobic areas...and really no one even notices how good a job ur doing, they only notice if you're slacking. So yes, it is one of the most skillful jobs, since no other job really requires much more focus. 'Cept maybe ninja, as good ninjas really stand head and shoulders above average or poor ninjas.
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Yah i played Dragoon to 63 and Bard to 50.
Dragoon took several months.
Bard took less than a month .
While i was Dragoon , rarely i was added to friend lists. No one offered me linkshells i had to ask to get into them. I got 0 BCNM invites, my downtime looking for group was around 5-15 hours (yes 15 hours...). I never got a random invite to fight Avatars, and i rarely got a random invite to join a party.
Now as Bard...
- Everyone i group with adds me to friendlist (getting annoying by now).
- I get tells asking for group even when i am anon or at another job.
- I get invited to BCNM about every night.
- I get invited to static parties twice a week
- My worst downtime looking for a group was like 2 hours and that was totally off prime time from Japanese AND americans.
As far as skill is required Bard is a LOT more work than any other i have played. Really i could play with Dragoon 15 hours in a row without even feeling it, BRD after a few hours you are tired of it.
If you are a good BRD that is, one that actually sings for the casters, melees and Rangers , and heal, and status cure and use your debuffing songs and also pay attention to what needs magic finale
Conclusion is BRDs do level way faster and will get parties way faster!!! once in a party we will work much more than anyone else though.
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bard need skill i agree (if the bard was good)
but most of the bard only use this songs
dispel-refeash-acc up-attack up-dia-slow
and you dont need skill to do that its easy thing you will not MB will not renkei will not even melee higher lv cuz no one care about your melee damage
mages need balled- melee acc up atk up - mob dia slow thats what 90% of the bards do only
and bard get invites realy easy no job can find pt faster than bard
dont forget also bard equipment + songs is cheap
every job you can make it hard or easy like my job
good drk use his useful spells . abilitys . renkei
bad drk can use auto attack :sweat: and just use his ws after skillchain call and if the pt bad auto attack is enough low lv
anywhy what i want to say bard is the best.useful job in the game
i love bard but i love melee more maybe i will play bard later
Main : Sephiro
Mules : Sephira Eviljin Sephon
COP missions = Complated
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Is this a joke? Other jobs LOVE bards. And I love other jobs. There is no one class that can totally make a good party it has to be a group effort. I Love dark knights, I love warriors , i love black mages, i love ninjas, why does what job u like have to do with playing this game? Its always a group effort..http://ffxi.allakhazam.com/profile.xml?45061
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