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Is Signa worth it at later lvl's?

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  • Is Signa worth it at later lvl's?

    I've just hit 61 and with the endless possibilities for more CHR as I progress, I have posed myself the question whether I could get away with not having the Signa anymore. A nice item it is, the -DEX or -VIT (can't remember) it holds is quite a down point to me, as I'm Taru. Yea, I rarely get hit, but when I do, I go down pretty quick , last night a Periton killed me just as I was zoning, I couldn't help but think, if my Signa wasn't equipped may I have been able to take that extra hit and zone safely.

    The replacements I've been looking at are the Light / Apollo staves. Pricey yea, but selling my Signa would bring alot of money in to go towards them.

    With either one of those, then the chance to save for Melody Earrings +1, quest for Opo Opo Crown and then the lovely Wind Torque , will the use of the Signa dramatically reduce?

    Anyone else have a Signa, and sell it later on when they hit the 60s? What other items are nice for a bard at my lvl?
    This chocobo has finished.

  • #2
    While you don't really need it, it's a nice item to have.

    However, when you eventually do HNM and God HNM fights you're really going to need all the CHR you can get or your debuffs won't ever land.

    However, if you're hard pressed for cash I'd recommend selling the signa. Other things (Erase, Jesters +1, Corsette +1, etc) are more important than the +8 CHR it gives. Especially since Shellbuster is a nice cheap alternative at that level.


    • #3
      You will shoot yourself when you realize you failed lullabys because your CHR is too low. There really is no such thing as too much CHR cause when you do fail to land an offensive song it could mean a whole lot of difference. ie. dying to a peryton, I'm assuming you failed both sleep songs? I generally make it a habit not to use DOTs on the first few mobs that a group fight just in case we may need to sleep the mobs.


      • #4
        Originally posted by kaply
        You will shoot yourself when you realize you failed lullabys because your CHR is too low. There really is no such thing as too much CHR cause when you do fail to land an offensive song it could mean a whole lot of difference. ie. dying to a peryton, I'm assuming you failed both sleep songs? I generally make it a habit not to use DOTs on the first few mobs that a group fight just in case we may need to sleep the mobs.
        I have never had a sleep (rarely casted if you have a good puller) resisted with +25 CHR, does this change after 60?
        used to be:
        Rank 9.5
        72 BRD, 36 WHM, 13 BLM, 5 SUM, etc.
        Full RSE Set <--sold
        Complete AF set. <-- what a pain


        • #5
          I have never had a sleep (rarely casted if you have a good puller) resisted with +25 CHR, does this change after 60?
          I don't either, however the Peryton is a lvl 72-75 mob, and I guess its pretty hard to do so. I Soul Voice + Mary's Horn + 95 CHR in total, and it still didn't sleep the bird.

          Originally posted by kaply
          You will shoot yourself when you realize you failed lullabys because your CHR is too low. There really is no such thing as too much CHR cause when you do fail to land an offensive song it could mean a whole lot of difference. ie. dying to a peryton, I'm assuming you failed both sleep songs? I generally make it a habit not to use DOTs on the first few mobs that a group fight just in case we may need to sleep the mobs.
          I agree wholeheartidly on never having too much CHR, in fact, me selling my signa for a Jester's Cape +1 and Light Staff in fact gives me more CHR than I currently have. I can always buy the signa at a later date.
          This chocobo has finished.


          • #6
            I'm 54 now and I don't wear charisma gear.

            I have full set of charisma gear, which equips at the push of a button (soon two).

            Having the option of 0 Charisma --> Highest Charisma has really opening my eyes to how little of a difference charisma plays when deciding if a debuff lands.

            I find that my MP gear benefits my core group more, allowing us to exp. chain longer. I am also the support healer in my group leaving four spots for damage dealers.

            This might change at higher levels, but I've been saying that to myself since 40, when I dumped a lot of my charisma gear for DEF+MP in the BCNM fights.

            Anyway back to the posted question, I don't think the Signa is worth it at any level.

            1) Shellbuster for the charisma
            2) Sword or/and Dagger for melee.
            3) Dark Staff for healing/sitting

            <Ducks the tomatoes>


            • #7
              I think Chr has a big role in debuffing a monster.

              Search for Melody Earrings in the AH, and Melody Earrings +1

              Only +2 Chr for the +1's and on my server they're 450k

              The Signa is +8 Chr and 340k

              So yes, get the Chr gears.

              Also, another thing to focus on is the Wind skills (another bard told me this) The skills boost your AOE songs (minuet, ect) So it is a great thing to have ^^
              Brd - 51 Main
              Drk - 61 On hold
              War- 32 Thf - 32 Whm - 26 Sam - 21


              • #8
                I don't really think the signa is worth it, and after pondering it for the last week, I sold mine a couple days ago. I certainly reccomend the dark and light staves.

                What it came down to for me was realizing I could just make a macro to equip a shellbuster and switch my MP rings for CHR rings in the blink of an eye. This makes up (or more than makes up for, if I get the CHR+3 rings) the loss of the signa, and I don't lose my 5 VIT.
                Bastok R10 / Windurst R10
                THF75 | BRD75 | NIN75 | WHM71 | RNG60
                Smaller Chairs for the Early 1900's.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Lythe
                  I think Chr has a big role in debuffing a monster.

                  Search for Melody Earrings in the AH, and Melody Earrings +1

                  Only +2 Chr for the +1's and on my server they're 450k

                  The Signa is +8 Chr and 340k

                  So yes, get the Chr gears.

                  Also, another thing to focus on is the Wind skills (another bard told me this) The skills boost your AOE songs (minuet, ect) So it is a great thing to have ^^
                  Just because people are stupid enough to overpay for something that doesn't make it good. There's tons of overrated overpriced equipment in this game. I put Monster Signa at right about the top of the list.
                  I am the forum God.


                  • #10
                    Personally, Id save Monster Signa for one of those novelty items for later on down the road....Granted Im only 58, but after doing some testing lately between the effect difference of Monster Signa and Shellbuster, I see absolutely no improvement on my debuffs one bit.

                    Id much rather spend my money on Wind Torque, Serket Ring and a few other things. Even if I cant use them yet, it sure as heck is a motivator to level.


                    • #11
                      i like your sig image noodle :D

                      and i think you put it exactly right - it's a novelty item. you can use the shellbreaker (5k) or kard (free rare/ex drop) and get the signa when/if you have 400k to blow.
                      63/63 maps obtained


                      • #12
                        Thanks j0e!

                        Yours isnt too shabby either :p


                        • #13
                          With full AF gear and standard gear I have +30 CHR and my debuffs land 90% of the time, plus no one cares about bard debuffs I get so many what does elergy do :spin:

                          Noodle wow your 58 go you! And I see you finally found an LS you like, good job. Tell McNabb and Dacoda I said hi.
                          used to be:
                          Rank 9.5
                          72 BRD, 36 WHM, 13 BLM, 5 SUM, etc.
                          Full RSE Set <--sold
                          Complete AF set. <-- what a pain


                          • #14
                            Thanks Outaru. It really is a great LS. Dacoda and Mcnabb are awesome. Along with many many many people in the LS.

                            Are you wearing your AF body? Or Justacorpse? I just got Justacorpse (no +1)....But then again, I dont have the body AF. What rings etc are you (and everyone else wearing)? MP aimed or Chr aimed? My earrings are severely outdated. (+2 mp lol)

                            As for rings, Im really debating on picking up Astrals, or trying to hold out for a Serket. I have Electrums at the moment, and just not sure that +10 more mana (both Astrals) is worth the steep steep price.

                            Monster Sig? Maybe for my BST. I still need to pick up a Marys Horn...sigh. Price has gone up from 75k to 110k+ in the last week though...Think Ill wait for it to drop.


                            • #15
                              In four levels I'll have Kard, a Dagger with CHR+5, but I'm still going to keep my Signa. Some parties you need all the CHR you can get and I occasionally have trouble sticking things with Taru base CHR and +49 base and that's exclusing Bewitching Etude I play before debuffing. In mad chaining parties you don't need as much CHR and have the odd chance to fight so in this instance I'd use Kard and not have the annoyance of changing weps all the time.

                              My advice to you is keep it because I assure you that you'll regret selling it, not just that it's like part of the AF
                              【MNK 75 - WAR 75 - NIN 75 - BRD 75 - WHM 75】

