I spent some time the lsat two days levelling my bard, and while I was running BRD/WHM, I decided to try /RDM for the slightly faster singing rate just to see how well it would work last night.
What I noticed was that since the last update, the RDM trait Fast Cast has been improved. Recast timers for all spells/songs/ninjitsu are now reduced by Fast Cast. Etudes, which normally take 25 seconds before they refresh, took 21 seconds. I was seeing similar improvement in all my songs.
Yes. All of them.
Magic Finale.
All became much faster to recast, as well as being faster to take effect when singing.
What I lost was Divine Seal and Curaga, but with a WHM in the party that wasn't much of a loss.
Has anyone else tried this combination since the latest update?
What I noticed was that since the last update, the RDM trait Fast Cast has been improved. Recast timers for all spells/songs/ninjitsu are now reduced by Fast Cast. Etudes, which normally take 25 seconds before they refresh, took 21 seconds. I was seeing similar improvement in all my songs.
Yes. All of them.
Magic Finale.
All became much faster to recast, as well as being faster to take effect when singing.
What I lost was Divine Seal and Curaga, but with a WHM in the party that wasn't much of a loss.
Has anyone else tried this combination since the latest update?