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MP Equipment

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  • MP Equipment

    My current set party has RDM/BLM (Mithra), myself (BRD/WHM, tarutaru), and a PLD/WAR (Mithra). The other 3 slots are filled with melee. I want to do my best to increase my MP pool so that I can function more as a healer than I have in the past. With Refresh and Ballad active at all times (our pt has a layout where the PLD and RDM get DEF and BLD and the other melees get ATK/ACC) I rarely run low but I was still hoping to perhaps double my current MP pool through equipment and then macro my CHR equipment when I need to lull.

    Does anyone have any suggestions on fairly affordable MP equipment available for a bard at level 45? Astral rings are a bit out of my price range. I am a taru so RSE gear does not benefit me.

    Electrum Ring - +20 MP
    Electrum Ring - +20 MP
    Ryl Squire Robe - +10 MP
    Apple Pie - +25

    I realize that some people might think having alot of MP is excessive (or that taru have enough as it is) but it's mostly just something I wanted to try out. Since it's a set, my job is very easy when it comes to what to sing and where. All my macros are fixed on people and its pretty much move into place, hit macro, hit other macro, etc then use spells. I'd like to contribute more to my group is possible through more healing support.
    "Never shall I forget the times I spent with you; continue to be my friend, as you will always find me yours."
    -- Ludwig van Beethoven

  • #2 might have to double check to see if BRDs can equip these, but as a SMN, I try to get as much mp equipment as I can get.

    An appropriate level hairpin (not sure if it's electrum or gold for your level).

    A rope (again, friar's or adepts, whichever you can equip).

    Holy Phial

    The rest of my slots, besides for the ones you mentioned, were filled with my RSE cause they gives loads of mp, so not too sure about them.

    Oh, and the lucky egg from the easter event ^^
    Legacy of Cid Forums


    • #3
      Oops, forgot the hairpin. Thanks ^^

      Electrum Ring - +20 MP
      Electrum Ring - +20 MP
      Ryl Squire Robe - +10 MP
      Apple Pie - +25
      Electrum Hairpin - +25 MP
      Friar's Rope - +5 MP
      Total - +105 MP

      Wonder if there are any others..

      Adept's Rope is +8 but I have no idea how much these sell for offhand. I might just keep waist as Corsette +1 and monster signa for regular Charisma (without lulls) then switch out nobles ribbon etc for things that are a bit harder to stick. I think that will work.. but im used to switching CHR gear for BST so it might not be as successful as it seems.

      Other things I found while looking around (but I am not so sure on their prices)
      Aurora Mantle / Aurora Mantle +1 = +10 MP
      New Moon Armlets = +8 MP
      Frog Trousers = +20 MP
      Aura Earring = +5 MP
      Aura Earring = +5 MP
      "Never shall I forget the times I spent with you; continue to be my friend, as you will always find me yours."
      -- Ludwig van Beethoven


      • #4
        mysterytour has a decent equipment section that i recommend looking over.

        hmm, other than those you mentioned, perhaps that lvl 1 dagger with +10MP?

        i'm sure theres a few decent MP+ neck items like the promise badge at 48 (quested iirc)
        Wandering Minstrel~


        • #5
          for a while i had like 100-150 MP and i was running out a lot.

          now i am 66 and i have more MP than i ever use 290-340 depending on rings). i dont wear any +mp gear at this point, although i do carry 2 astrals for when im on missions in lower level areas and such, and my +3 chr necklace is also +15 MP.

          my point i guess is dont worry about it too too much because at 60+ youll be too busy to run out of it and any more than 200 is wasted.
          63/63 maps obtained


          • #6
            BRD just need about 200 MP, that's it. You can get more if you like, though. Spam Curaga II or something, hehe. =) 200 is all you need, if you can't afford more than that, don't worry about it.

            Some really nice +MP stuff(mainly higher lv though):

            Astral Aspis/Astral Shield(BRD can't wear these, though. XD)
            Blue Cape/Blue Cape+1
            Serket Ring
            Vivian Ring
            Astral Ring
            Gold Hairpin
            Coral Hairpin
            Opo-Opo Crown(have to use with certain foods to unlock special +stat stuff)
            Spirit Torque
            Promise Badge
            Star Necklace
            Ocean/Forest/Steppe/Jungle/Desert Stone
            Ocean/Forest/Steppe/Jungle/Desert Rope
            Race Specific Equipment

            There's a bunch more, tho. Some can be quite pricy, but some are also Rare/Ex(Star Necklace, Astral Aspis, Vivian Ring, Opo-Opo Crown are all Rare/Ex).

            Just give you some ideas of what you can use.


            • #7

              thought BRD is all about adding CHR?

              most of my rings, equipment are +CHR ... i focus more on that then MP..


              • #8
                It's all about balance(and your party/alliance setting, as well as whether you're exping, questing, missions, mobs you're fighting, etc). Sometimes you will need the extra MP, other times you will need the +CHR more.

                WHM's really love when you pull off a Curaga II when everyone's down 3/4 or 1/2 HP. =D


                • #9
                  personally i only go for big +'s, i wear 2 elecrum rings, 2+ mp earings, (well i lied one enhancing earing and one dodge earing b/c why not) i used to wear a tundra mantle, changed that for a jester's cape, i wear a corsette. i also wore a hairpin (gold) but ditched that for af hat, its not about being good, its about looking good. i exp w/ about 190ish mana and i am hard pressed to empty it, usualy only spend some on a curaga and a bar spell per mob due to kill/song time once u hit 55 you'll see the amount of time u have to cast heals drop due to having a second ballad, and other random requests, like pallys or dkn's who want ballad sometimes i wish i could reach thru my screen and do bad things to them
                  March 23 2004, a day that will live in infamy.
                  Use search, or deal with assholes like me


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by AurorABLaZe
                    It's all about balance(and your party/alliance setting, as well as whether you're exping, questing, missions, mobs you're fighting, etc). Sometimes you will need the extra MP, other times you will need the +CHR more.

                    WHM's really love when you pull off a Curaga II when everyone's down 3/4 or 1/2 HP. =D
                    Yeah its all about your party setup I used to be big on MP but recently at the end of fights I had about 50-80% of my mp left. At higher levels you kill stuff fast and with ballad, Ballad II, and refresh mp is not a concern. My taru WHM friend never dropped below 400 mp when we had an RDM and were chaining robber crabs in the boyoda tree. So I pulled a John Kerry and swapped out MP equipment for CHR equipment.

                    BTW I bought Melody earings for 53k a pop, not sure why I paid this much, then I saw another bard that +3CHR rings that cost the same, so now I am selling my earings and plan on buying those rings. Which bring me to my question any earings out there that give a nice mp boost? I saw mana earings which were +8mp each but they have never been sold on my server, sales history was empty :confused:
                    used to be:
                    Rank 9.5
                    72 BRD, 36 WHM, 13 BLM, 5 SUM, etc.
                    Full RSE Set <--sold
                    Complete AF set. <-- what a pain


                    • #11
                      Damn, you got Melody Earrings for only 53k each? ;; They're 90-120k on our server....

                      +1's are like 400-600k. Not really worrying about them, though, until I get my BST up to wear em.

                      There is Enhancing Earring, which is nice. +5 HP/MP. You can only wear one, though....that sucks. It's cheap though, on our server BCNM40 so overfarmed that pretty much everything out of there is dirt cheap.

                      Those Phantom earrings give +8 MP I think.


                      • #12
                        i normaly dont use MP equips for PT mainly just for hnm hunts but here is mine.

                        Vermillion cloak+13MP
                        2astral rings+50MP
                        2death earrings
                        blue cape+30MP
                        adepts rope +8MP
                        errant feet +20MP
                        my total mp is 329

                        For my CHR this is what i have

                        Monster Signa+8CHR
                        errant hat+3CHR
                        errant body+10CHR
                        errant pants+7CHR
                        2moon rings +6CHR
                        2 melody earrings+2CHR
                        Bird whistle+3chr
                        spearmens horn+ CHR
                        total chr is (68)+62

