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Any Bard 200+ WS?

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  • Any Bard 200+ WS?


    after leveling my Bard to lv71 and a Dagger WS of 223, i begin to wonder if there is any WS for Bards like the Fists for Monk.

    Only having Cyclone or these MP-Stealing WS isn't this greats tho.


  • #2
    Evisceration is a 230 WS that bard can learn at 73. It's the dagger quested one though, so you'd have to speak to the NPC for that one and get your Dagger of Trials, fight till you remove the latent effect, then turn it in and fight some NM.

    I'm not sure off the top of my head how the Dagger quest works, might wanna dig around mysterytour or something


    • #3
      At level 73 when your able to reach 230 Dagger Skill (at level 72, Dagger is capped at 299 -_-) You will be able to obtain the Evisceration Quest

      Go to Kahzam and Speak to the Mithra Chief (She's the one with the big hairdress inside of a house that has her name on the door)
      Cut-scene happens, and you'll get a "Dagger of Trials"
      Actually its a pretty awesome dagger. DMG+23 with some +HP and Element Resist's +10.

      The quest is to obtain 300 points.

      Every Weapon Skill you perform Alone = 1 Point
      Every lv.1 & lv.2 Skillchain you close = 3 Points
      Every lv.3 Skillchain you close (Light, Darkness) = 5 Points

      Once you get 300 points, the Bonus HP and Elemental Resists will disappear on the Dagger. Bring the dagger back to the Mithra Chief, and she'll reward you with Evisceration.

      Let's not forget that it is IMPOSSIBLE for BRD's to Close with a Lv.3 Skill Chain, since we cannot do any lv.225 Weapon Skills. It's gona be a long time before your latent wears off XD
      | SMN 75 | BRD 75 | WHM 37 | RDM 37 | BLM 37 | THF 37
      Zenith Armor: 5/5 (Complete)
      Bard AF2 Armor: 3/5
      Summoner AF2 Armor: 5/5 (Complete)


      • #4
        Slight correction Teffie..After the latent effect fades, you return the weapon to the quest giver(who keeps the weapon, btw) they'll tell you to go fight a NM. Evisceration(Dagger) NM is a bat in Gustav Tunnel. Retribution(Staff WS) is a skeleton in Ifrit's Cauldron.


        • #5
          Note: The Bat NM has a LOT of HP, we took 7 minutes with about 10 people.
          Don't know about the DMG it does since we had a WAR/NIN tanking.

          Dagger Skill 221 ; ;
          Rank: 10
          Nidhogg, King Behemoth, Kirin〇
          Zilart Complete


          • #6
            it will be mine!! well soon maybe lol =)

            the Bat was not that hard, had to kill it for a THF recently, i think we had around 8-10 people at 70-75.

            the skeletons all around are annoying tho

            btw tefffie, dagger cap is 229 at 72 not 299 ;d
            Wandering Minstrel~


            • #7
              Originally posted by Niland
              btw tefffie, dagger cap is 229 at 72 not 299 ;d
              Oops XD

              Originally posted by Malachite
              Slight correction Teffie..After the latent effect fades, you return the weapon to the quest giver(who keeps the weapon, btw) they'll tell you to go fight a NM. Evisceration(Dagger) NM is a bat in Gustav Tunnel. Retribution(Staff WS) is a skeleton in Ifrit's Cauldron.
              Wahhh x_x
              I Cant believe I totally forgot about killing the NM lol
              | SMN 75 | BRD 75 | WHM 37 | RDM 37 | BLM 37 | THF 37
              Zenith Armor: 5/5 (Complete)
              Bard AF2 Armor: 3/5
              Summoner AF2 Armor: 5/5 (Complete)


              • #8
                jesus i almost (|/cry|) (|river|) thiking i had to get to 300 skill ; ;
                63/63 maps obtained


                • #9
                  Unfortunately it's just a toy, you'll never do anything close to serious damage with it. Or even decent damage. This isn't due to the fact that Evisceriation is bad, but mainly that dagger is bad as a whole. Having a 25 damage dagger, the best you can get (My server hasn't had a Behemoth's Knife +1 or a Gully +1 made yet), still produces laughable results. Maybe when we get a new level cap increase bards will have access to Savage Blade, that may help the melee a bit.

                  Or perhaps someday I'll find a 40 damage Bard only dagger on a HNM... one can hope!
                  Back in Action!


                  • #10
                    Very true but I want to see Retribution~

                    And I want to do it with my signa heheh. I'll get there T.T; I've been planning on getting both Retribution and Eviscration(I know I spelled that wrong) for kicks.
                    Leri ~ Phoenix
                    75BRD 75WHM 75NIN


                    • #11
                      So should we use a sword instead?
                      used to be:
                      Rank 9.5
                      72 BRD, 36 WHM, 13 BLM, 5 SUM, etc.
                      Full RSE Set <--sold
                      Complete AF set. <-- what a pain


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Outaru
                        So should we use a sword instead?
                        Either is fine. I prefer swords now, some prefer daggers. With this recent Multi-hit WS change it seems Evisceriation isn't the 27% TP return it was anymore.
                        Back in Action!


                        • #13
                          My dagger skill is like 175 now, I think I am going to switch to a sword just for damage reasons. It kills me that I am 56 and can't kill an easy prey.

                          Also at 200 I think we learn Dancing Edge or whatever it is called, is that like Viper Bite, in the sense it needs to be combined with SA + TA for major damage? The lv 75 thf who helped me used it and did 1200 damage on the mobs that drop the key in the yagado castle.
                          used to be:
                          Rank 9.5
                          72 BRD, 36 WHM, 13 BLM, 5 SUM, etc.
                          Full RSE Set <--sold
                          Complete AF set. <-- what a pain


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Outaru
                            My dagger skill is like 175 now, I think I am going to switch to a sword just for damage reasons. It kills me that I am 56 and can't kill an easy prey.
                            That's odd, both my sword and dagger skills are around 110 right now and I can kill most easy prey mobs fine and most decent challenge mobs with some more work. Sure it takes several minutes to do so, but I can still do it. Then again, that may be the race factor.


                            • #15
                              dancing edge & sharkbite can only be used by thief mainjob.

