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  • CHR for BCNM

    I was wondering if anybody knew the exact total charisma needed to land horde lullaby consistently successfully in the BCNM40 at Belgas Dias? I have +16 I believe with enchanting etude and no monster signa.

    I had it, but sold it. I think it is a pretty unuseful status symbol. I would rather have the 330,000 gil I sold it for. I understand that bards get hit like it's cool in the BCNM, obviously. Because of this, I cannot fathom why anybody would want to be standing there getting slammed while wielding a -5 vitality piece of equipment.

    BTW, I don't even have a corsette on yet, and that should put my chr up to like +20 or so. As a taru, is this enough to do horde lullaby in there. I'm assuming so, but want confirmation before I go getting a bunch of people killed.

    -Blind faith runs into things-

    40 brd, 30 whm, 24 blm, 22 nin, 19 bst, 12 war, 9 mnk

    Hoo Mjuu the Torrent - 1/8 Stray Mary - 0/2

  • #2
    I go in with +23 CHR and Lullaby is never fully resisted, although you will occassionally get some mandras that wake up early due to partial resists.

    I'd guess for Hume/Elvaan/Taru +15 CHR is fine for landing sleep everytime. However you'll likely get a few more partial resists.


    • #3
      You are on the right track. When I was doing the BCNM fights my charisma hovered around the 10-12mark and never had a problem.

      The checklist that I go through for BCNMs

      1) Wear the best DEF armor (Cuir* is cheap)

      2) Eat the DEF food

      3) Know what to do if Paralyze lands on you

      4) Have the Mages outside the AE sleep

      5) People inside the AE have 3 poisons per BCNM (cept MA and BARD)

      6) Pineapple Drinks for the healers

      7) /Assist Tank keys setup for all the melee

      8) Elemental Silence the Black Plant

      9) Tank pulls the flowers to first gray plank upon entering the burning circle, wait till all the white flowers gather around the tank and hit them with ae sleep.

      10) Bard song sequence
      (a)AE Lullaby - Mary's Horn > String > Wind
      (c)Mages Ballad- String > Wind
      (d)AE Lullaby - Mary's Horn > String > Wind
      (f)Knights Minne - String > Wind

      Good luck on the BCNMs they are fun or fustrating and it's all about the preparation.


      • #4
        I never had Lullaby Resist during BCNM 40, I think I only have like + 10 CHR with Corsette, Birst Whistle and AF Dagger.
        BRD 75 / NIN 66 / WHM 37 / WAR 30 / RDM 23 / BST 20

        San d'Oria Rank 10
        Zilart Mission 14
        CoP Chapter 4-2


        • #5
          Yeah, AF dagger, corsette +1, bird whistle, two pearl rings brings you around...16 CHR, and I never get resisted.
          Xccoortri: 63Brd - RETIRED
          Wiggin: 20Thf/10War - Current

          BCNM Completed 35 times. Best time: 14:53


          • #6
            Reasonably inexpensive:
            Paper Knife: +2
            Bird Whistle: +3
            Noble's Ribbon: +3
            Pearl Rings: +4 (+2 each)
            Corsette: +5
            Royal Spearman's Horn: +3 (if you don't have a Mary's Horn, you might as well get that extra 3 CHR)

            Total: +20, no extra sleep duration

            Totally decked out:
            Monster Signa: +8
            Bird Whistle: +3
            Noble's Ribbon: +3
            Loyalty Rings (+1 if you like, no extra CHR for it): +6 (+3 each)
            Corsette +1: +6
            Mary's Horn: no +CHR, extra duration

            Total: +26, extra sleep duration

            Hume can get +2 extra from RSE (body + leg). Galka and mithra can each get +3 extra from RSE (body + leg, body + feet, respectively), but they have lower base CHR to begin with. Elvaan and tarutaru RSE, if I recall, gives no CHR boost.

            I'm pretty sure that's all the CHR+ equipment you can get by level 40. Opaline stuff too if your character's female, I suppose, but it's hard to get and I seem to recall (perhaps incorrectly?) that it's not very great defensively.
            Averter of the Apocalypse~
            Unique quests complete: 330-something, keep losing count.
            Mission plot lines complete: Windurst, Bastok, San d'Oria, Zilart, Promathia.
            Maps not yet obtained: Promyvion-Dem, Promyvion-Mea, Promyvion-Holla, Promyvion-Vahzl, Sacrarium.


            • #7
              My first BCNM, I only had +14 on my below average CHR, and still none of the Mandragoras ever fully resisted my Lullabies. The worst that ever happened was that one or two occasionally woke up a little earlier than usual. I wouldn't worry too much.
              All Nations: Rank 10
              Rise of the Zilart: Complete
              Chains of Promathia: Complete
              75 BRD/75 WHM/75 BLM/75 MNK/75 RDM/57 DRK/40 THF/39 WAR/37 NIN & SMN/All the rest < 37

              What to level next? (DRK!)


              • #8
                I actually got a resist once in giddeus bcnm40, had +24 cha.
                However, with a decent PT this should not be a problem and it's more likely that one of the melees have autoassist on or that an onion breaks super early than that you get a full resist so in the end it more comes down to how good your healer is than how much higher than 15 your +cha is.
                Shina - Rank 6 Mithra of Windurst on Ragnarok, ZM done, CoP done
                BRD75, BST65, RNG60, BLM49, WHM40, NIN35, SMN26, WAR18, RDM15, BLU15, PLD13, MNK11, DNC10
                100 Fisher, 84 Woodworker, 70 Goldsmith, 60 Alchemist, 58 Culinarian, 38 Blacksmith, 23 Weaver, 17 Bonecrafter, 8 Tanner


                • #9
                  Well, thank you all kindly for your replies.

                  Here is what I have now(chr-wise) -

                  Mary's Horn
                  Noble's Ribbon +3
                  Bird Whistle +3
                  Hope Ring x2 +4
                  Merc. Capt. Belt +1

                  I guess my chr isn't as high as I thought. None the less, I'll get the corsette +1 and the Paper Knife. This will give me a grand total of +18 chr. Enough it seems now. Outstanding. I hope this is a help to other bards as well.

                  -Blind faith runs into things-

                  40 brd, 30 whm, 24 blm, 22 nin, 19 bst, 12 war, 9 mnk

                  Hoo Mjuu the Torrent - 1/8 Stray Mary - 0/2


                  • #10
                    Yeah, 18 is perfectly fine...I even equipped my club, losing 2chr, so I could build tp and beat down one mandra as we went, and I still barely got resisted...resists will happen once in a blue moon, no matter what CHR you have, but with anything over...16 I'd say, you should be good.
                    Xccoortri: 63Brd - RETIRED
                    Wiggin: 20Thf/10War - Current

                    BCNM Completed 35 times. Best time: 14:53


                    • #11
                      I'd lean more toward pumping MP, VIT, DEF, etc rather than CHR in has been stated plenty already, +15 CHR is quite enough to reliably get the job done.

                      I usually wear full (Elvaan) RSE with paper knife, noble's ribbon, electrum rings, corsette, San d'Orian horn, and some other immaterial stuff. This gives me about +15 CHR and ~181 MP, which is very useful for taking some of the load off of the WHMs curing me.

                      I'd avoid doing too much inbetween sleepings...what I sometimes do is run to the mages and toss Ballad on 'em and then run right back into place :D Don't use blink or anything....evading 2 out of the like, 20-30 attacks they can get in won't make much difference..just save the MP to cure yourself up.


                      And just for the record, here's my BCNM record:
                      ~20 wins, 1 loss (I lagged out ;
                      We've had to do battlefield raises on two different occasions and we still won the battle (But got crappy drops, there's probably some correlation between deaths/drops).
                      Finally got Rank 5! *Sings the "I love my Airship Pass" song*


                      • #12
                        I'd lean more toward pumping MP, VIT, DEF, etc rather than CHR in has been stated plenty already, +15 CHR is quite enough to reliably get the job done.

                        I usually wear full (Elvaan) RSE with paper knife, noble's ribbon, electrum rings, corsette, San d'Orian horn, and some other immaterial stuff. This gives me about +15 CHR and ~181 MP, which is very useful for taking some of the load off of the WHMs curing me.

                        I'd avoid doing too much inbetween sleepings...what I sometimes do is run to the mages and toss Ballad on 'em and then run right back into place :D Don't use blink or anything....evading 2 out of the like, 20-30 attacks they can get in won't make much difference..just save the MP to cure yourself up.


                        And just for the record, here's my BCNM record:
                        ~20 wins, 1 loss (I lagged out ;
                        We've had to do battlefield raises on two different occasions and we still won the battle (But got crappy drops, there's probably some correlation between deaths/drops).
                        Finally got Rank 5! *Sings the "I love my Airship Pass" song*

