Originally posted by Aniga
AGI is good for defensive measures, which is what a bard is, a defensive supportive class. Your offense is meaningless.
AGI is good for defensive measures, which is what a bard is, a defensive supportive class. Your offense is meaningless.
You could easily switch your equipment around to match my MP, but then your CHR is going to be far lower than mine is. Or, I could easily swap my equipment around and still have 100 more MP than you with equal CHR. You can't win, and later on in life when you're going to be depended on by an alliance to throw in a few heals and have enough CHR to land debuffs on monsters you won't be able to match a Tarutaru. Your STR is meaningless, then and now.
300HP + 16 STR > 60 MP, even for a support job. Taru don't make the best Bard in any situation, period.